C++ 数据结构
C++ 数据结构
C/C++ 数组允许定义可存储相同类型数据项的变量,但是结构是 C++ 中另一种用户自定义的可用的数据类型,它允许您存储不同类型的数据项。
Title :标题
Author :作者
Subject :类目
Book ID :书的 ID
1 #include <iostream> 2 3 /* run this program using the console pauser or add your own getch, system("pause") or input loop */ 4 #include<iomanip> 5 #include<cmath> 6 using namespace std; 7 double f(double); 8 double xpoint(double,double); 9 double root(double,double); 10 11 int main(int argc, char** argv) { 12 double x1,x2,f1,f2,x; 13 do 14 { 15 cout <<"input x1,x2:"; 16 cin >>x1 >>x2; 17 f1=f(x1); 18 f2=f(x2); 19 }while(f1*f2>=0); 20 x=root(x1,x2); 21 cout <<setiosflags(ios::fixed)<<setprecision(7); 22 cout <<"A root of equation is"<< x <<endl; 23 return 0; 24 } 25 26 double f(double x) 27 { 28 double y; 29 y=x*x*x-5*x*x+16*x-80; 30 return y; 31 } 32 33 double xpoint(double x1,double x2) 34 { 35 double y; 36 y=(x1*f(x2)-x2*f(x1))/(f(x2)-f(x1)); 37 return y; 38 } 39 40 double root(double x1,double x2) 41 { 42 double x,y,y1; 43 y1=f(x1); 44 do 45 { 46 x=xpoint(x1,x2); 47 y=f(x); 48 if(y*y1>0) 49 { 50 y1=y; 51 x1=x; 52 } 53 else 54 x2=x; 55 }while(fabs(y)>=0.00001); 56 return x; 57 }