


类型 关键字 字节大小
布尔型 bool 1
字符型 char 1
有符号字符型 signed char 1
无符号字符型 unsigned char 1
整型 int 4
有符号整型 signed int 4
无符号整型 unsigned int 4
短整型 short int 2
长整型 long int 4
有符号长整型 signed long int 4
无符号长整型 unsigned long int 4
有符号短整型 signed int 2
无符号短整型 unsigned int 2
浮点型 float 4
双浮点型 double 8
长双浮点型 long double 16
无类型 void 1
宽字符型 wchar_t 2


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main(){
	cout <<"Size of bool:"<< sizeof(bool)<<endl;
	cout <<"Size of char:"<< sizeof(char)<<endl;
	cout <<"Size of signed char:"<< sizeof(signed char)<<endl;
	cout <<"Size of unsigned char:"<< sizeof(unsigned char)<<endl;
	cout <<"Size of int:"<<sizeof(int)<<endl;
	cout <<"Size of signed int:"<<sizeof(signed int)<<endl;
	cout <<"Size of unsigned int:"<<sizeof(unsigned int)<<endl;
	cout <<"Size of short int:" <<sizeof(short int)<<endl;
	cout <<"Size of signed short int:"<<sizeof(signed short int)<<endl;
	cout <<"Size of unsigned short int:"<<sizeof(unsigned short int)<<endl;
	cout << "Size of long int:" <<sizeof(long int)<<endl;
	cout <<"Size of signed long int:"<<sizeof(signed long int)<<endl;
	cout <<"Size of unsigned long int:"<<sizeof(unsigned long int)<<endl;
	cout<<"Size of float:"<<sizeof(float)<<endl;
	cout<<"Size of double:"<<sizeof(double)<<endl;
	cout<<"Size of long double:"<<sizeof(long double)<<endl;
	cout<<"Size of wchar_t:"<<sizeof(wchar_t)<<endl;
	return 0;



posted @ 2023-10-24 09:59  Bonne_chance  阅读(7)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报