Intel daal4py demo运行过程
git clone cd daal4py conda create -n DAAL4PY -c intel -c intel/label/test -c conda-forge python=3.6 mpich cnc tbb-devel daal daal-include cython jinja2 numpy source activate DAAL4PY export CNCROOT=$CONDA_PREFIX export TBBROOT=$CONDA_PREFIX export DAALROOT=$CONDA_PREFIX python build_ext python install # 运行后面的demo source deactivate DAAL4PY # 退出
#******************************************************************************* # Copyright 2014-2018 Intel Corporation # All Rights Reserved. # # This software is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"), the following terms apply: # # You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may # obtain a copy of the License at # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. #******************************************************************************* # daal4py Decision Forest Classification example for shared memory systems import daal4py as d4p import numpy as np # let's try to use pandas' fast csv reader try: import pandas read_csv = lambda f, c: pandas.read_csv(f, usecols=c, delimiter=',', header=None, dtype=np.float32).values except: # fall back to numpy loadtxt read_csv = lambda f, c: np.loadtxt(f, usecols=c, delimiter=',', ndmin=2, dtype=np.float32) def main(): # input data file infile = "./data/batch/df_classification_train.csv" testfile = "./data/batch/df_classification_test.csv" # Configure a training object (5 classes) train_algo = d4p.decision_forest_classification_training(5, nTrees=10, minObservationsInLeafNode=8, featuresPerNode=3, engine = d4p.engines_mt19937(seed=777), varImportance='MDI', bootstrap=True, resultsToCompute='computeOutOfBagError') # Read data. Let's use 3 features per observation data = read_csv(infile, range(3)) labels = read_csv(infile, range(3,4)) train_result = train_algo.compute(data, labels) # Traiing result provides (depending on parameters) model, outOfBagError, outOfBagErrorPerObservation and/or variableImportance # Now let's do some prediction predict_algo = d4p.decision_forest_classification_prediction(5) # read test data (with same #features) pdata = read_csv(testfile, range(3)) plabels = read_csv(testfile, range(3,4)) # now predict using the model from the training above predict_result = predict_algo.compute(pdata, train_result.model) # Prediction result provides prediction assert(predict_result.prediction.shape == (pdata.shape[0], 1)) return (train_result, predict_result, plabels) if __name__ == "__main__": (train_result, predict_result, plabels) = main() print("\nVariable importance results:\n", train_result.variableImportance) print("\nOOB error:\n", train_result.outOfBagError) print("\nDecision forest prediction results (first 10 rows):\n", predict_result.prediction[0:10]) print("\nGround truth (first 10 rows):\n", plabels[0:10]) print('All looks good!')
0.00125126,0.563585,8,2, 0.193304,0.808741,12,1, 0.585009,0.479873,6,1, 0.350291,0.895962,13,4, 0.82284,0.746605,11,2, 0.174108,0.858943,12,0, 0.710501,0.513535,10,2, 0.303995,0.0149846,1,2, 0.0914029,0.364452,4,0, 0.147313,0.165899,0,4, 0.988525,0.445692,7,2, 0.119083,0.00466933,0,2, 0.0089114,0.37788,4,2, 0.531663,0.571184,10,3, 0.601764,0.607166,10,4, 0.166234,0.663045,8,4, 0.450789,0.352123,5,3, 0.0570391,0.607685,8,4, 0.783319,0.802606,15,3, 0.519883,0.30195,6,2, 0.875973,0.726676,11,1, 0.955901,0.925718,15,3, 0.539354,0.142338,2,3, 0.462081,0.235328,1,2, 0.862239,0.209601,3,1, 0.779656,0.843654,15,3, 0.996796,0.999695,15,2, 0.611499,0.392438,6,0, 0.266213,0.297281,5,2, 0.840144,0.0237434,3,1, 0.375866,0.0926237,1,0, 0.677206,0.0562151,2,3, 0.00878933,0.91879,12,2, 0.275887,0.272897,5,2, 0.587909,0.691183,10,4, 0.837611,0.726493,11,1, 0.484939,0.205359,1,2, 0.743736,0.468459,6,2, 0.457961,0.949156,13,3, 0.744438,0.10828,2,2, 0.599048,0.385235,6,0, 0.735008,0.608966,10,2, 0.572405,0.361339,6,0, 0.151555,0.225105,0,3, 0.425153,0.802881,13,3,
计算均值 方差等统计特征:
#******************************************************************************* # Copyright 2014-2018 Intel Corporation # All Rights Reserved. # # This software is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"), the following terms apply: # # You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may # obtain a copy of the License at # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. #******************************************************************************* # daal4py low order moments example for shared memory systems import daal4py as d4p import numpy as np # let's try to use pandas' fast csv reader try: import pandas read_csv = lambda f, c: pandas.read_csv(f, usecols=c, delimiter=',', header=None, dtype=np.float64).values except: # fall back to numpy loadtxt read_csv = lambda f, c: np.loadtxt(f, usecols=c, delimiter=',', ndmin=2) def main(): # read data from file file = "./data/batch/covcormoments_dense.csv" data = read_csv(file, range(10)) # compute alg = d4p.low_order_moments() res = alg.compute(data) # result provides minimum, maximum, sum, sumSquares, sumSquaresCentered, # mean, secondOrderRawMoment, variance, standardDeviation, variation assert res.minimum.shape == (1, data.shape[1]) assert res.maximum.shape == (1, data.shape[1]) assert res.sum.shape == (1, data.shape[1]) assert res.sumSquares.shape == (1, data.shape[1]) assert res.sumSquaresCentered.shape == (1, data.shape[1]) assert res.mean.shape == (1, data.shape[1]) assert res.secondOrderRawMoment.shape == (1, data.shape[1]) assert res.variance.shape == (1, data.shape[1]) assert res.standardDeviation.shape == (1, data.shape[1]) assert res.variation.shape == (1, data.shape[1]) return res if __name__ == "__main__": res = main() # print results print("\nMinimum:\n", res.minimum) print("\nMaximum:\n", res.maximum) print("\nSum:\n", res.sum) print("\nSum of squares:\n", res.sumSquares) print("\nSum of squared difference from the means:\n", res.sumSquaresCentered) print("\nMean:\n", res.mean) print("\nSecond order raw moment:\n", res.secondOrderRawMoment) print("\nVariance:\n", res.variance) print("\nStandard deviation:\n", res.standardDeviation) print("\nVariation:\n", res.variation) print('All looks good!')