golang import all 类似python import * 效果

import "io/ioutil"

func main() { 
    content, err = iotuil.ReadFile("somefile.txt")
    // etc..


I guess this doesn't really answer your question, but if you want, you can actually call the methods without explicitly stating the package - just import with a . in front of the names (but this is not recommended; see below):

package main

import (
  . "fmt"
  . "io/ioutil"

func main () {
  content, err := ReadFile("testfile")
  if err != nil {
  Println("My file:\n", string(content))

Note @jimt's comment below - this practice is not advised outside of tests as it could cause name conflicts with future releases. Also, definitely agree with @DavidGrayson's point of being nicer to read/see where things come from.



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