Lucene in action 笔记 term vector——针对特定field建立的词频向量空间,不存!不会!影响搜索,其作用是告诉我们搜索结果是“如何”匹配的,用以提供高亮、计算相似度,在VSM模型中评分计算


given a document, find all its terms and the positions information of these terms. Index tell us which document matched , term vector tells us how and where its matched. A classic example is search result highlighting. The term vector contains all the necessary information let us do this. See how to high light a blog post with Lucene 6.0.0 and Gradle build How to do Lucene search highlight example

Another interesting thing we can do with term vector is find similar documents of a particular document, for example the "related posts" feature in a blog entry which is a list of links point to other documents similar to current blog entry. With term vector information we can actually calculate how much two documents similar with each other with a simple formula.

The term vector also play an important role when scoring matching documents in vector space model.

The term vectors is like a micro version of inverted index against only one document. This index will answer such query: for a search term how many times it occurs in this document and where it show up? Or simply: frequencies and positions.

The term vector is generated in the analyzing process. When analyzer generate tokens, it also provide position and offset information . You can specify whether to store these information in term vectors:

TermVector.YES: Only store number of occurrences.

TermVector.WITH_POSITIONS: Store number of occurrence and positions of terms, but no offset.

TermVector.WITH_OFFSETS: Store number of occurrence and offsets of terms, but no positions.

TermVector.WITH_POSITIONS_OFFSETS:number of occurrence and positions , offsets of terms.

TermVector.NO:Don't store any term vector information.

If those information is not stored, you can also compute it on the fly when searching.



Leveraging term vectors
所谓term vector, 就是对于documents的某一field,如title,body这种文本类型的, 建立词频的多维向量空间.每一个词就是一维, 这维的值就是这个词在这个field中的频率.


如果你要使用term vectors, 就要在indexing的时候对该field打开term vectors的选项:

Field options for term vectors
TermVector.YES – record the unique terms that occurred, and their counts, in each document, but do not store any positions or offsets information.
TermVector.WITH_POSITIONS – record the unique terms and their counts, and also the positions of each occurrence of every term, but no offsets.
TermVector.WITH_OFFSETS – record the unique terms and their counts, with the offsets (start & end character position) of each occurrence of every term, but no positions.
TermVector.WITH_POSITIONS_OFFSETS – store unique terms and their counts, along with positions and offsets.
TermVector.NO – do not store any term vector information.
If Index.NO is specified for a field, then you must also specify TermVector.NO.


这样在index完后, 给定这个document id和field名称, 我们就可以从IndexReader读出这个term vector(前提是你在indexing时创建了terms vector):
TermFreqVector termFreqVector = reader.getTermFreqVector(id, "subject");
你可以遍历这个TermFreqVector去取出每个词和词频, 如果你在index时选择存下offsets和positions信息的话, 你在这边也可以取到.

有了这个term vector我们可以做一些有趣的应用:
1) Books like this
比较两本书是否相似,把书抽象成一个document文件, 具有author, subject fields. 那么就通过这两个field来比较两本书的相似度.
author这个field是multiple fields, 就是说可以有多个author, 那么第一步就是比author是否相同,
String[] authors = doc.getValues("author");
BooleanQuery authorQuery = new BooleanQuery(); // #3
for (int i = 0; i < authors.length; i++) { // #3
    String author = authors[i]; // #3
    authorQuery.add(new TermQuery(new Term("author", author)), BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD); // #3
最后还可以把这个查询的boost值设高, 表示这个条件很重要, 权重较高, 如果作者相同, 那么就很相似了.
第二步就用到term vector了, 这里用的很简单, 单纯的看subject field的term vector中的term是否相同,
TermFreqVector vector = // #4
reader.getTermFreqVector(id, "subject"); // #4
BooleanQuery subjectQuery = new BooleanQuery(); // #4
for (int j = 0; j < vector.size(); j++) { // #4
    TermQuery tq = new TermQuery(new Term("subject", vector.getTerms()[j])); 
    subjectQuery.add(tq, BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD); // #4

2) What category?
这个比上个例子高级一点, 怎么分类了,还是对于document的subject, 我们有了term vector.
所以对于两个document, 我们可以比较这两个文章的term vector在向量空间中的夹角, 夹角越小说明这个两个document越相似.
那么既然是分类就有个训练的过程, 我们必须建立每个类的term vector作为个标准, 来给其它document比较.
这里用map来实现这个term vector, (term, frequency), 用n个这样的map来表示n维. 我们就要为每个category来生成一个term vector, category和term vector也可以用一个map来连接.创建这个category的term vector, 这样做:
遍历这个类中的每个document, 取document的term vector, 把它加到category的term vector上.
private void addTermFreqToMap(Map vectorMap, TermFreqVector termFreqVector) {
    String[] terms = termFreqVector.getTerms();
    int[] freqs = termFreqVector.getTermFrequencies();
    for (int i = 0; i < terms.length; i++) {
        String term = terms[i];
        if (vectorMap.containsKey(term)) {
            Integer value = (Integer) vectorMap.get(term);
            vectorMap.put(term, new Integer(value.intValue() + freqs[i]));
        } else {
            vectorMap.put(term, new Integer(freqs[i]));
首先从document的term vector中取出term和frequency的list, 然后从category的term vector中取每一个term, 把document的term frequency加上去.OK了

有了这个每个类的category, 我们就要开始计算document和这个类的向量夹角了
cos = A*B/|A||B|
A*B就是点积, 就是两个向量每一维相乘, 然后全加起来.
这里为了简便计算, 假设document中term frequency只有两种情况, 0或1.就表示出现或不出现


3) MoreLikeThis





posted @ 2017-03-23 11:54  bonelee  阅读(971)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报