1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 | import requests from fastapi import FastAPI, HTTPException, Depends, Request, status, Query from fastapi.middleware.cors import CORSMiddleware from fastapi.responses import JSONResponse from fastapi.responses import RedirectResponse from fastapi_jwt_auth import AuthJWT from fastapi_jwt_auth.exceptions import AuthJWTException from fastapi_sqlalchemy import DBSessionMiddleware, db from pydantic import BaseModel from sqlalchemy import create_engine from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker import superagi from datetime import timedelta, datetime from superagi.agent.workflow_seed import IterationWorkflowSeed, AgentWorkflowSeed from superagi.config.config import get_config from superagi.controllers.agent import router as agent_router from superagi.controllers.agent_execution import router as agent_execution_router from superagi.controllers.agent_execution_feed import router as agent_execution_feed_router from superagi.controllers.agent_execution_permission import router as agent_execution_permission_router from superagi.controllers.agent_template import router as agent_template_router from superagi.controllers.agent_workflow import router as agent_workflow_router from superagi.controllers.budget import router as budget_router from superagi.controllers.config import router as config_router from superagi.controllers.organisation import router as organisation_router from superagi.controllers.project import router as project_router from superagi.controllers.twitter_oauth import router as twitter_oauth_router from superagi.controllers.google_oauth import router as google_oauth_router from superagi.controllers.resources import router as resources_router from superagi.controllers.tool import router as tool_router from superagi.controllers.tool_config import router as tool_config_router from superagi.controllers.toolkit import router as toolkit_router from superagi.controllers.user import router as user_router from superagi.controllers.agent_execution_config import router as agent_execution_config from import router as analytics_router from superagi.controllers.models_controller import router as models_controller_router from superagi.controllers.knowledges import router as knowledges_router from superagi.controllers.knowledge_configs import router as knowledge_configs_router from superagi.controllers.vector_dbs import router as vector_dbs_router from superagi.controllers.vector_db_indices import router as vector_db_indices_router from superagi.controllers.marketplace_stats import router as marketplace_stats_router from superagi.controllers.api_key import router as api_key_router from superagi.controllers.api.agent import router as api_agent_router from superagi.controllers.webhook import router as web_hook_router from superagi.helper.tool_helper import register_toolkits, register_marketplace_toolkits from superagi.lib.logger import logger from superagi.llms.google_palm import GooglePalm from superagi.llms.llm_model_factory import build_model_with_api_key from superagi.llms.openai import OpenAi from superagi.llms.replicate import Replicate from superagi.llms.hugging_face import HuggingFace from superagi.models.agent_template import AgentTemplate from superagi.models.models_config import ModelsConfig from superagi.models.organisation import Organisation from superagi.models.types.login_request import LoginRequest from superagi.models.types.validate_llm_api_key_request import ValidateAPIKeyRequest from superagi.models.user import User from superagi.models.workflows.agent_workflow import AgentWorkflow from superagi.models.workflows.iteration_workflow import IterationWorkflow from superagi.models.workflows.iteration_workflow_step import IterationWorkflowStep from urllib.parse import urlparse app = FastAPI() db_host = get_config( 'DB_HOST' , 'super__postgres' ) db_url = get_config( 'DB_URL' , None ) db_username = get_config( 'DB_USERNAME' ) db_password = get_config( 'DB_PASSWORD' ) db_name = get_config( 'DB_NAME' ) env = get_config( 'ENV' , "DEV" ) if db_url is None : if db_username is None : db_url = f 'postgresql://{db_host}/{db_name}' else : db_url = f 'postgresql://{db_username}:{db_password}@{db_host}/{db_name}' else : db_url = urlparse(db_url) db_url = db_url.scheme + "://" + db_url.netloc + db_url.path engine = create_engine(db_url, pool_size = 20 , # Maximum number of database connections in the pool max_overflow = 50 , # Maximum number of connections that can be created beyond the pool_size pool_timeout = 30 , # Timeout value in seconds for acquiring a connection from the pool pool_recycle = 1800 , # Recycle connections after this number of seconds (optional) pool_pre_ping = False , # Enable connection health checks (optional) ) # app.add_middleware(DBSessionMiddleware, db_url=f'postgresql://{db_username}:{db_password}@localhost/{db_name}') app.add_middleware(DBSessionMiddleware, db_url = db_url) # Configure CORS middleware origins = [ # Add more origins if needed "*" , # Allow all origins ] app.add_middleware( CORSMiddleware, allow_origins = [ "*" ], allow_methods = [ "*" ], allow_headers = [ "*" ], ) # Creating requrired tables -- Now handled using migrations # DBBaseModel.metadata.create_all(bind=engine, checkfirst=True) # DBBaseModel.metadata.drop_all(bind=engine,checkfirst=True) app.include_router(user_router, prefix = "/users" ) app.include_router(tool_router, prefix = "/tools" ) app.include_router(organisation_router, prefix = "/organisations" ) app.include_router(project_router, prefix = "/projects" ) app.include_router(budget_router, prefix = "/budgets" ) app.include_router(agent_router, prefix = "/agents" ) app.include_router(agent_execution_router, prefix = "/agentexecutions" ) app.include_router(agent_execution_feed_router, prefix = "/agentexecutionfeeds" ) app.include_router(agent_execution_permission_router, prefix = "/agentexecutionpermissions" ) app.include_router(resources_router, prefix = "/resources" ) app.include_router(config_router, prefix = "/configs" ) app.include_router(toolkit_router, prefix = "/toolkits" ) app.include_router(tool_config_router, prefix = "/tool_configs" ) app.include_router(config_router, prefix = "/configs" ) app.include_router(agent_template_router, prefix = "/agent_templates" ) app.include_router(agent_workflow_router, prefix = "/agent_workflows" ) app.include_router(twitter_oauth_router, prefix = "/twitter" ) app.include_router(agent_execution_config, prefix = "/agent_executions_configs" ) app.include_router(analytics_router, prefix = "/analytics" ) app.include_router(models_controller_router, prefix = "/models_controller" ) app.include_router(google_oauth_router, prefix = "/google" ) app.include_router(knowledges_router, prefix = "/knowledges" ) app.include_router(knowledge_configs_router, prefix = "/knowledge_configs" ) app.include_router(vector_dbs_router, prefix = "/vector_dbs" ) app.include_router(vector_db_indices_router, prefix = "/vector_db_indices" ) app.include_router(marketplace_stats_router, prefix = "/marketplace" ) app.include_router(api_key_router, prefix = "/api-keys" ) app.include_router(api_agent_router,prefix = "/v1/agent" ) app.include_router(web_hook_router,prefix = "/webhook" ) # in production you can use Settings management # from pydantic to get secret key from .env class Settings(BaseModel): # jwt_secret = get_config("JWT_SECRET_KEY") authjwt_secret_key: str = superagi.config.config.get_config( "JWT_SECRET_KEY" ) def create_access_token(email, Authorize: AuthJWT = Depends()): expiry_time_hours = superagi.config.config.get_config( "JWT_EXPIRY" ) if type (expiry_time_hours) = = str : expiry_time_hours = int (expiry_time_hours) if expiry_time_hours is None : expiry_time_hours = 200 expires = timedelta(hours = expiry_time_hours) access_token = Authorize.create_access_token(subject = email, expires_time = expires) return access_token # callback to get your configuration @AuthJWT .load_config def get_config(): return Settings() # exception handler for authjwt # in production, you can tweak performance using orjson response @app .exception_handler(AuthJWTException) def authjwt_exception_handler(request: Request, exc: AuthJWTException): return JSONResponse( status_code = exc.status_code, content = { "detail" : exc.message} ) def replace_old_iteration_workflows(session): templates = session.query(AgentTemplate). all () for template in templates: iter_workflow = IterationWorkflow.find_by_id(session, template.agent_workflow_id) if not iter_workflow: continue if = = "Fixed Task Queue" : agent_workflow = AgentWorkflow.find_by_name(session, "Fixed Task Workflow" ) template.agent_workflow_id = agent_workflow. id session.commit() if = = "Maintain Task Queue" : agent_workflow = AgentWorkflow.find_by_name(session, "Dynamic Task Workflow" ) template.agent_workflow_id = agent_workflow. id session.commit() if = = "Don't Maintain Task Queue" or = = "Goal Based Agent" : agent_workflow = AgentWorkflow.find_by_name(session, "Goal Based Workflow" ) template.agent_workflow_id = agent_workflow. id session.commit() @app .on_event( "startup" ) async def startup_event(): # Perform startup tasks here "Running Startup tasks" ) Session = sessionmaker(bind = engine) session = Session() default_user = session.query(User). filter ( = = "" ).first() if default_user is not None : organisation = session.query(Organisation).filter_by( id = default_user.organisation_id).first() register_toolkits(session, organisation) def register_toolkit_for_all_organisation(): organizations = session.query(Organisation). all () for organization in organizations: register_toolkits(session, organization) "Successfully registered local toolkits for all Organisations!" ) def register_toolkit_for_master_organisation(): marketplace_organisation_id = superagi.config.config.get_config( "MARKETPLACE_ORGANISATION_ID" ) marketplace_organisation = session.query(Organisation). filter ( Organisation. id = = marketplace_organisation_id).first() if marketplace_organisation is not None : register_marketplace_toolkits(session, marketplace_organisation) IterationWorkflowSeed.build_single_step_agent(session) IterationWorkflowSeed.build_task_based_agents(session) IterationWorkflowSeed.build_action_based_agents(session) IterationWorkflowSeed.build_initialize_task_workflow(session) AgentWorkflowSeed.build_goal_based_agent(session) AgentWorkflowSeed.build_task_based_agent(session) AgentWorkflowSeed.build_fixed_task_based_agent(session) AgentWorkflowSeed.build_sales_workflow(session) AgentWorkflowSeed.build_recruitment_workflow(session) AgentWorkflowSeed.build_coding_workflow(session) # NOTE: remove old workflows. Need to remove this changes later workflows = [ "Sales Engagement Workflow" , "Recruitment Workflow" , "SuperCoder" , "Goal Based Workflow" , "Dynamic Task Workflow" , "Fixed Task Workflow" ] workflows = session.query(AgentWorkflow). filter ( for workflow in workflows: session.delete(workflow) # AgentWorkflowSeed.doc_search_and_code(session) # AgentWorkflowSeed.build_research_email_workflow(session) replace_old_iteration_workflows(session) if env ! = "PROD" : register_toolkit_for_all_organisation() else : register_toolkit_for_master_organisation() session.close() @app .post( '/login' ) def login(request: LoginRequest, Authorize: AuthJWT = Depends()): """Login API for email and password based login""" email_to_find = user: User = db.session.query(User). filter ( = = email_to_find).first() if user = = None or ! = or request.password ! = user.password: raise HTTPException(status_code = 401 , detail = "Bad username or password" ) # subject identifier for who this token is for example id or username from database access_token = create_access_token(, Authorize) return { "access_token" : access_token} # def get_jwt_from_payload(user_email: str,Authorize: AuthJWT = Depends()): # access_token = Authorize.create_access_token(subject=user_email) # return access_token @app .get( '/github-login' ) def github_login(): """GitHub login""" github_client_id = "" return RedirectResponse(f '{github_client_id}' ) @app .get( '/github-auth' ) def github_auth_handler(code: str = Query(...), Authorize: AuthJWT = Depends()): """GitHub login callback""" github_token_url = '' github_client_id = superagi.config.config.get_config( "GITHUB_CLIENT_ID" ) github_client_secret = superagi.config.config.get_config( "GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET" ) frontend_url = superagi.config.config.get_config( "FRONTEND_URL" , "http://localhost:3000" ) params = { 'client_id' : github_client_id, 'client_secret' : github_client_secret, 'code' : code } headers = { 'Accept' : 'application/json' } response =, params = params, headers = headers) if response.ok: data = response.json() access_token = data.get( 'access_token' ) github_api_url = '' headers = { 'Authorization' : f 'Bearer {access_token}' } response = requests.get(github_api_url, headers = headers) if response.ok: user_data = response.json() user_email = user_data[ "email" ] if user_email is None : user_email = user_data[ "login" ] + "" db_user: User = db.session.query(User). filter ( = = user_email).first() if db_user is not None : jwt_token = create_access_token(user_email, Authorize) redirect_url_success = f "{frontend_url}?access_token={jwt_token}&first_time_login={False}" return RedirectResponse(url = redirect_url_success) user = User(name = user_data[ "name" ], email = user_email) db.session.add(user) db.session.commit() jwt_token = create_access_token(user_email, Authorize) redirect_url_success = f "{frontend_url}?access_token={jwt_token}&first_time_login={True}" return RedirectResponse(url = redirect_url_success) else : redirect_url_failure = "" return RedirectResponse(url = redirect_url_failure) else : redirect_url_failure = "" return RedirectResponse(url = redirect_url_failure) @app .get( '/user' ) def user(Authorize: AuthJWT = Depends()): """API to get current logged in User""" Authorize.jwt_required() current_user = Authorize.get_jwt_subject() return { "user" : current_user} @app .get( "/validate-access-token" ) async def root(Authorize: AuthJWT = Depends()): """API to validate access token""" try : Authorize.jwt_required() current_user_email = Authorize.get_jwt_subject() current_user = db.session.query(User). filter ( = = current_user_email).first() return current_user except : raise HTTPException(status_code = status.HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED, detail = "Invalid token" ) @app .post( "/validate-llm-api-key" ) async def validate_llm_api_key(request: ValidateAPIKeyRequest, Authorize: AuthJWT = Depends()): """API to validate LLM API Key""" source = request.model_source api_key = request.model_api_key model = build_model_with_api_key(source, api_key) valid_api_key = model.verify_access_key() if model is not None else False if valid_api_key: return { "message" : "Valid API Key" , "status" : "success" } else : return { "message" : "Invalid API Key" , "status" : "failed" } @app .get( "/validate-open-ai-key/{open_ai_key}" ) async def root(open_ai_key: str , Authorize: AuthJWT = Depends()): """API to validate Open AI Key""" try : llm = OpenAi(api_key = open_ai_key) response = llm.chat_completion([{ "role" : "system" , "content" : "Hey!" }]) except : raise HTTPException(status_code = status.HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED, detail = "Invalid API Key" ) # #Unprotected route @app .get( "/hello/{name}" ) async def say_hello(name: str , Authorize: AuthJWT = Depends()): Authorize.jwt_required() return { "message" : f "Hello {name}" } @app .get( '/get/github_client_id' ) def github_client_id(): """Get GitHub Client ID""" git_hub_client_id = superagi.config.config.get_config( "GITHUB_CLIENT_ID" ) if git_hub_client_id: git_hub_client_id = git_hub_client_id.strip() return { "github_client_id" : git_hub_client_id} # # __________________TO RUN____________________________ # # uvicorn main:app --host --port 8001 --reload |
uvicorn main:app --host --port 8001 --reload 是什么意思?有什么作用?
这条命令是用来启动 FastAPI 应用程序的,具体使用了 Uvicorn 作为 ASGI 服务器。命令的各部分含义如下:
- uvicorn main:app: 这部分指定了 Uvicorn 服务器要运行的 ASGI 应用。main 是 Python 文件名(不包括 .py 扩展名),app 是在该文件中定义的 FastAPI 应用实例的变量名。
- --host 这个选项指定服务器监听的主机地址。 表示接受所有公网和私网的 IP 地址访问,使得服务器可以从任何 IP 地址接收请求。
- --port 8001: 指定服务器监听的端口号为 8001。客户端需要通过这个端口与服务器通信。
- --reload: 这个选项使得服务器在代码发生变化时自动重启,非常适合开发过程中使用,因为它可以即时反映代码的修改而无需手动重启服务器。
总的来说,这条命令的作用是在本地或服务器上启动一个 FastAPI 应用,监听所有 IP 地址的 8001 端口,并且开启自动重载功能,以便于开发过程中的调试和测试。
这份代码是一个使用 FastAPI 框架构建的 Web 应用程序,主要功能和关键点如下:
- 使用 SQLAlchemy 创建数据库引擎。
- 配置数据库连接,包括连接池大小、超时时间等。
- 添加了数据库会话中间件 DBSessionMiddleware。
- 配置了跨源资源共享(CORS)中间件,允许所有来源的请求。
- 应用程序包含多个路由器,每个路由器管理不同的功能模块,如用户、工具、组织、项目等。
- 例如,user_router 处理与用户相关的请求,tool_router 处理与工具相关的请求。
- 使用 AuthJWT 处理 JWT 相关的操作,如创建访问令牌、加载配置等。
- 提供了登录接口,验证用户的邮箱和密码,成功后返回 JWT 访问令牌。
GitHub OAuth:
- 提供了 GitHub 登录和认证的接口,处理 OAuth 流程。
API 键验证:
- 提供了接口来验证不同的 API 键,如 LLM API 键和 OpenAI 键。
- 在应用启动时执行一系列初始化任务,如注册工具包、替换旧的工作流等。
- 配置了针对 AuthJWTException 的异常处理器,用于处理 JWT 认证过程中的异常。
其他 API:
- 提供了其他一些实用的 API,如获取当前登录用户、验证访问令牌的有效性等。
这份代码展示了一个复杂的 FastAPI 应用的典型结构,包括数据库操作、路由管理、身份验证和第三方服务集成等多个方面。
以下是应用程序中定义的一些主要路由和控制器的功能及其对应的 URL 前缀:
1. 用户管理 1:
- 功能:管理用户的创建、查询、更新和删除。
- URL 前缀:/users
2. 工具管理 2:
- 功能:管理工具的添加、查询、更新和删除。
- URL 前缀:/tools
3. 组织管理 3:
- 功能:管理组织的创建、查询、更新和删除。
- URL 前缀:/organisations
4. 项目管理 4:
- 功能:管理项目的创建、查询、更新和删除。
- URL 前缀:/projects
5. 预算管理 5:
- 功能:管理预算的创建、查询、更新和删除。
- URL 前缀:/budgets
6. 代理管理 6:
- 功能:管理代理的创建、查询、更新和删除。
- URL 前缀:/agents
7. 代理执行 7:
- 功能:管理代理执行的创建、查询、更新和删除。
- URL 前缀:/agentexecutions
- 代理执行反馈 8:
- 功能:管理代理执行过程中的反馈信息。
- URL 前缀:/agentexecutionfeeds
9. 代理执行权限 9:
- 功能:管理代理执行的权限设置。
- URL 前缀:/agentexecutionpermissions
10. 资源管理 10:
- 功能:管理资源的添加、查询、更新和删除。
- URL 前缀:/resources
11. 配置管理 11:
- 功能:管理配置的添加、查询、更新和删除。
- URL 前缀:/configs
12. 工具包管理 12:
- 功能:管理工具包的添加、查询、更新和删除。
- URL 前缀:/toolkits
13. 工具配置 13:
- 功能:管理工具的配置信息。
- URL 前缀:/tool_configs
14. 代理模板 14:
- 功能:管理代理模板的创建、查询、更新和删除。
- URL 前缀:/agent_templates
15. 代理工作流 15:
- 功能:管理代理工作流的创建、查询、更新和删除。
- URL 前缀:/agent_workflows
16. Twitter OAuth 16:
- 功能:处理 Twitter OAuth 认证流程。
- URL 前缀:/twitter
17. Google OAuth 17:
- 功能:处理 Google OAuth 认证流程。
- URL 前缀:/google
接下来分析下核心功能,首先分析下/router tools工具 管理的代码实现:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 | from datetime import datetime from fastapi import APIRouter from fastapi import HTTPException, Depends from fastapi_jwt_auth import AuthJWT from fastapi_sqlalchemy import db from pydantic import BaseModel from superagi.helper.auth import check_auth, get_user_organisation from superagi.models.organisation import Organisation from superagi.models.tool import Tool from superagi.models.toolkit import Toolkit router = APIRouter() class ToolOut(BaseModel): id : int name: str folder_name: str class_name: str file_name: str created_at: datetime updated_at: datetime class Config: orm_mode = True class ToolIn(BaseModel): name: str folder_name: str class_name: str file_name: str class Config: orm_mode = True # CRUD Operations @router .post( "/add" , response_model = ToolOut, status_code = 201 ) def create_tool( tool: ToolIn, Authorize: AuthJWT = Depends(check_auth), ): """ Create a new tool. Args: tool (ToolIn): Tool data. Returns: Tool: The created tool. Raises: HTTPException (status_code=400): If there is an issue creating the tool. """ db_tool = Tool( name =, folder_name = tool.folder_name, class_name = tool.class_name, file_name = tool.file_name, ) db.session.add(db_tool) db.session.commit() return db_tool @router .get( "/get/{tool_id}" , response_model = ToolOut) def get_tool( tool_id: int , Authorize: AuthJWT = Depends(check_auth), ): """ Get a particular tool details. Args: tool_id (int): ID of the tool. Returns: Tool: The tool details. Raises: HTTPException (status_code=404): If the tool with the specified ID is not found. """ db_tool = db.session.query(Tool). filter (Tool. id = = tool_id).first() if not db_tool: raise HTTPException(status_code = 404 , detail = "Tool not found" ) return db_tool @router .get( "/list" ) def get_tools( organisation: Organisation = Depends(get_user_organisation)): """Get all tools""" toolkits = db.session.query(Toolkit). filter (Toolkit.organisation_id = = organisation. id ). all () tools = [] for toolkit in toolkits: db_tools = db.session.query(Tool). filter (Tool.toolkit_id = = toolkit. id ). all () tools.extend(db_tools) return tools @router .put( "/update/{tool_id}" , response_model = ToolOut) def update_tool( tool_id: int , tool: ToolIn, Authorize: AuthJWT = Depends(check_auth), ): """ Update a particular tool. Args: tool_id (int): ID of the tool. tool (ToolIn): Updated tool data. Returns: Tool: The updated tool details. Raises: HTTPException (status_code=404): If the tool with the specified ID is not found. """ db_tool = db.session.query(Tool). filter (Tool. id = = tool_id).first() if not db_tool: raise HTTPException(status_code = 404 , detail = "Tool not found" ) = db_tool.folder_name = tool.folder_name db_tool.class_name = tool.class_name db_tool.file_name = tool.file_name db.session.add(db_tool) db.session.commit() return db_tool |
代码中定义了一个名为 tool_router 的 FastAPI 路由器,用于管理工具(Tool)的添加、查询、更新和删除。以下是每个路由的关键实现和要点:
1. 添加工具 (/add):
- 方法: POST
- 功能: 创建一个新的工具。
- 输入: 接收一个 ToolIn 类型的对象,包含工具的名称、文件夹名、类名和文件名。
- 处理: 创建一个 Tool 实例并将其添加到数据库中。
- 返回: 返回创建的工具的详细信息,使用 ToolOut 模型序列化。
- 异常: 如果创建过程中出现问题,会抛出 HTTP 400 错误。
2. 查询工具 (/get/{tool_id}):
- 方法: GET
- 功能: 根据工具 ID 获取工具的详细信息。
- 输入: 工具的 ID。
- 处理: 查询数据库中的对应工具。
- 返回: 返回工具的详细信息,使用 ToolOut 模型序列化。
- 异常: 如果工具不存在,会抛出 HTTP 404 错误。
3. 更新工具 (/update/{tool_id}):
- 方法: PUT
- 功能: 更新指定 ID 的工具。
- 输入: 工具的 ID 和新的工具信息(ToolIn 类型)。
- 处理: 查找并更新工具的信息。
- 返回: 返回更新后的工具信息,使用 ToolOut 模型序列化。
- 异常: 如果工具不存在,会抛出 HTTP 404 错误。
4. 删除工具:
- 代码中没有直接提供删除工具的路由,但通常这会通过一个 DELETE 请求实现,类似于更新和查询,只不过是从数据库中移除记录。
这些路由和控制器共同提供了完整的 CRUD 功能,使得用户可以通过 API 管理工具的整个生命周期。
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Tool 类是一个 SQLAlchemy 模型,用于表示数据库中的 tools 表。以下是该类的关键实现原理和要点:
1. 属性定义:
- 类中定义了多个属性,每个属性都映射到数据库表的一个列。
- 使用 Column 类定义列的类型(如 Integer, String)和特性(如 primary_key, autoincrement)。
2. 表名定义:
- __tablename__ 属性用于指定这个模型映射到数据库中的表名。
3. 字符串表示 (__repr__ 方法):
- 重写 __repr__ 方法以提供类的实例的友好字符串表示,便于调试和日志记录。
4. 字典转换 (to_dict 方法):
- 提供 to_dict 方法将模型实例转换为字典,这在处理 HTTP 响应时非常有用。
5. 添加或更新工具 (add_or_update 静态方法):
- 这个方法首先尝试查询数据库中是否存在具有相同名称和 toolkit_id 的工具。
- 如果存在,则更新该工具的信息;如果不存在,则创建一个新的工具记录并添加到数据库。
6. 删除工具 (delete_tool 静态方法):
- 提供一个方法来删除指定名称的工具。
这些实现细节展示了 Tool 类如何与数据库交互,包括如何创建、更新、查询和删除记录。这是构建 RESTful API 的基础,允许通过 HTTP 请求管理数据库记录。
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Array should suitable utilization of JSON.parse()." ) step5 = AgentWorkflowStep.find_or_create_tool_workflow_step(session, agent_workflow. id , str (agent_workflow. id ) + "_step5" , GoogleSearchTool().name, "Search about the company in which the lead is working" ) step6 = AgentWorkflowStep.find_or_create_tool_workflow_step(session, agent_workflow. id , str (agent_workflow. id ) + "_step6" , "WAIT_FOR_PERMISSION" , "Email will be based on this content. Do you want send the email?" ) step7 = AgentWorkflowStep.find_or_create_tool_workflow_step(session, agent_workflow. id , str (agent_workflow. id ) + "_step7" , SearxSearchTool().name, "Search about the company given in the high-end goal only" ) step8 = AgentWorkflowStep.find_or_create_tool_workflow_step(session, agent_workflow. id , str (agent_workflow. id ) + "_step8" , SendEmailTool().name, "Customize the Email according to the company information in the mail" ) step9 = AgentWorkflowStep.find_or_create_wait_workflow_step(session, agent_workflow. id , str (agent_workflow. id ) + "_step9" , "Wait for 2 minutes" , 2 * 60 ) step10 = AgentWorkflowStep.find_or_create_tool_workflow_step(session, agent_workflow. id , str (agent_workflow. id ) + "_step10" , ReadEmailTool().name, "Read the email from" ) step11 = AgentWorkflowStep.find_or_create_tool_workflow_step(session, agent_workflow. id , str (agent_workflow. id ) + "_step11" , SendEmailTool().name, "Customize the Email according to the company information in the mail" ) # AgentWorkflowStep.add_next_workflow_step(session,, AgentWorkflowStep.add_next_workflow_step(session, step2. id , step3. id ) AgentWorkflowStep.add_next_workflow_step(session, step3. id , step4. id ) AgentWorkflowStep.add_next_workflow_step(session, step4. id , - 1 , "COMPLETE" ) AgentWorkflowStep.add_next_workflow_step(session, step4. id , step5. id ) AgentWorkflowStep.add_next_workflow_step(session, step5. id , step6. id ) AgentWorkflowStep.add_next_workflow_step(session, step6. id , step7. id , "YES" ) AgentWorkflowStep.add_next_workflow_step(session, step6. id , step5. id , "NO" ) AgentWorkflowStep.add_next_workflow_step(session, step7. id , step8. id ) AgentWorkflowStep.add_next_workflow_step(session, step8. id , step9. id ) AgentWorkflowStep.add_next_workflow_step(session, step9. id , step10. id ) AgentWorkflowStep.add_next_workflow_step(session, step10. id , step11. id ) AgentWorkflowStep.add_next_workflow_step(session, step11. id , step4. id ) session.commit() @classmethod def build_recruitment_workflow( cls , session): agent_workflow = AgentWorkflow.find_or_create_by_name(session, "Recruitment Workflow" , "Recruitment Workflow" ) step1 = AgentWorkflowStep.find_or_create_tool_workflow_step(session, agent_workflow. id , str (agent_workflow. id ) + "_step1" , ListFileTool().name, "List the files from the resource manager" , step_type = "TRIGGER" ) # task queue ends when the elements gets over step2 = AgentWorkflowStep.find_or_create_tool_workflow_step(session, agent_workflow. id , str (agent_workflow. id ) + "_step2" , "TASK_QUEUE" , "Break the above response array of items" , completion_prompt = "Get array of items from the above response. Array should suitable utilization of JSON.parse(). Skip job_description file from list." ) step3 = AgentWorkflowStep.find_or_create_tool_workflow_step(session, agent_workflow. id , str (agent_workflow. id ) + "_step3" , ReadFileTool().name, "Read the resume from above input" , "Check if the resume matches High-Level GOAL" ) step4 = AgentWorkflowStep.find_or_create_tool_workflow_step(session, agent_workflow. id , str (agent_workflow. id ) + "_step4" , SendEmailTool().name, "Write a custom acceptance Email to the candidates" ) step5 = AgentWorkflowStep.find_or_create_tool_workflow_step(session, agent_workflow. id , str (agent_workflow. id ) + "_step5" , SendEmailTool().name, "Write a custom Reject Email to the candidates" ) AgentWorkflowStep.add_next_workflow_step(session, step1. id , step2. id ) AgentWorkflowStep.add_next_workflow_step(session, step2. id , step3. id ) AgentWorkflowStep.add_next_workflow_step(session, step2. id , - 1 , "COMPLETE" ) AgentWorkflowStep.add_next_workflow_step(session, step3. id , step4. id , "YES" ) AgentWorkflowStep.add_next_workflow_step(session, step3. id , step5. id , "NO" ) AgentWorkflowStep.add_next_workflow_step(session, step4. id , step2. id ) AgentWorkflowStep.add_next_workflow_step(session, step5. id , step2. id ) session.commit() |
AgentWorkflowSeed 类通过定义一系列的步骤和步骤之间的转移逻辑,实现了多种类型的工作流。这些工作流可以广泛应用于不同的业务场景,如销售、招聘和编码等。每个工作流都是通过动态地关联工具和操作来构建的,使得整个系统具有很高的灵活性和可配置性。
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Check if the toolkit exists toolkit = session.query(Toolkit). filter ( = = name, Toolkit.organisation_id = = organisation_id).first() if toolkit: # Update the existing toolkit = name toolkit.description = description toolkit.show_toolkit = show_toolkit toolkit.organisation_id = organisation_id toolkit.tool_code_link = tool_code_link else : # Create a new toolkit toolkit = Toolkit( name = name, description = description, show_toolkit = show_toolkit, organisation_id = organisation_id, tool_code_link = tool_code_link ) session.add(toolkit) session.commit() session.flush() return toolkit @classmethod def fetch_marketplace_list( cls , page): headers = { 'Content-Type' : 'application/json' } response = requests.get( marketplace_url + f "/toolkits/marketplace/list/{str(page)}" , headers = headers, timeout = 10 ) if response.status_code = = 200 : return response.json() else : return [] @classmethod def fetch_marketplace_detail( cls , search_str, toolkit_name): headers = { 'Content-Type' : 'application/json' } search_str = search_str.replace( ' ' , '%20' ) toolkit_name = toolkit_name.replace( ' ' , '%20' ) response = requests.get( marketplace_url + f "/toolkits/marketplace/{search_str}/{toolkit_name}" , headers = headers, timeout = 10 ) if response.status_code = = 200 : return response.json() else : return None @staticmethod def get_toolkit_from_name(session, toolkit_name, organisation): toolkit = session.query(Toolkit).filter_by(name = toolkit_name, organisation_id = organisation. id ).first() if toolkit: return toolkit return None @classmethod def get_toolkit_installed_details( cls , session, marketplace_toolkits, organisation): installed_toolkits = session.query(Toolkit). filter (Toolkit.organisation_id = = organisation. id ). all () for toolkit in marketplace_toolkits: if toolkit[ 'name' ] in [ for installed_toolkit in installed_toolkits]: toolkit[ "is_installed" ] = True else : toolkit[ "is_installed" ] = False return marketplace_toolkits @classmethod def fetch_tool_ids_from_toolkit( cls , session, toolkit_ids): agent_toolkit_tools = [] for toolkit_id in toolkit_ids: toolkit_tools = session.query(Tool). filter (Tool.toolkit_id = = toolkit_id). all () for tool in toolkit_tools: tool = session.query(Tool). filter (Tool. id = = tool. id ).first() if tool is not None : agent_toolkit_tools.append(tool. id ) return agent_toolkit_tools @classmethod def get_tool_and_toolkit_arr( cls , session, organisation_id : int ,agent_config_tools_arr: list ): from superagi.models.tool import Tool toolkits_arr = set () tools_arr = set () for tool_obj in agent_config_tools_arr: toolkit = session.query(Toolkit). filter ( = = tool_obj[ "name" ].strip(), Toolkit.organisation_id = = organisation_id).first() if toolkit is None : raise Exception( "One or more of the Tool(s)/Toolkit(s) does not exist." ) toolkits_arr.add(toolkit. id ) if tool_obj.get( "tools" ): for tool_name_str in tool_obj[ "tools" ]: tool_db_obj = session.query(Tool). filter ( = = tool_name_str.strip(), Tool.toolkit_id = = toolkit. id ).first() if tool_db_obj is None : raise Exception( "One or more of the Tool(s)/Toolkit(s) does not exist." ) tools_arr.add(tool_db_obj. id ) else : tools = Tool.get_toolkit_tools(session, toolkit. id ) for tool_db_obj in tools: tools_arr.add(tool_db_obj. id ) return list (tools_arr) |
Toolkit 类在应用程序中扮演着管理工具包(toolkits)的核心角色。具体来说,它的作用包括:
1. 数据模型定义:
- Toolkit 类定义了工具包的数据结构,包括工具包的名称、描述、是否显示、所属组织的 ID 和工具代码链接等属性。这些属性映射到数据库中的 toolkits 表的列。
2. 数据库交互:
- 该类通过 SQLAlchemy 提供的 ORM 功能,实现了对数据库中工具包数据的增删改查操作。例如,可以创建新的工具包、更新现有工具包的信息、查询工具包详情或列表,以及删除工具包。
3. 业务逻辑封装:
- 类中的方法如 add_or_update 封装了业务逻辑,例如检查同一组织下是否已存在同名的工具包,如果存在则更新,不存在则创建新的工具包。这样的封装使得业务逻辑集中管理,便于维护和修改。
4. 数据格式转换:
- 提供了 to_dict 和 to_json 方法,允许将工具包对象转换为字典或 JSON 格式,这对于生成 HTTP 响应非常有用。同时,from_json 方法允许从 JSON 格式数据创建工具包对象,便于处理来自前端的数据。
5. 接口支持:
- 通过定义如 fetch_marketplace_list 和 fetch_marketplace_detail 等类方法,Toolkit 类还支持与外部系统(如市场平台)的接口交互,获取市场上的工具包列表或详细信息。
总之,Toolkit 类是应用程序中管理工具包的关键组件,它不仅负责数据的持久化和检索,还处理与工具包相关的业务逻辑,提供数据的格式化输出,以及支持与外部系统的交互。这使得 Toolkit 成为构建和维护工具包功能的基础。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 | @router .post( "/add/{toolkit_name}" , status_code = 201 ) def update_tool_config(toolkit_name: str , configs: list , organisation: Organisation = Depends(get_user_organisation)): """ Update tool configurations for a specific tool kit. Args: toolkit_name (str): The name of the tool kit. configs (list): A list of dictionaries containing the tool configurations. Each dictionary should have the following keys: - "key" (str): The key of the configuration. - "value" (str): The new value for the configuration. Returns: dict: A dictionary with the message "Tool configs updated successfully". Raises: HTTPException (status_code=404): If the specified tool kit is not found. HTTPException (status_code=500): If an unexpected error occurs during the update process. """ try : # Check if the tool kit exists toolkit = Toolkit.get_toolkit_from_name(db.session, toolkit_name,organisation) if toolkit is None : raise HTTPException(status_code = 404 , detail = "Tool kit not found" ) # Update existing tool configs for config in configs: key = config.get( "key" ) value = config.get( "value" ) if value is None : continue if key is not None : tool_config = db.session.query(ToolConfig).filter_by(toolkit_id = toolkit. id , key = key).first() if tool_config: if tool_config.key_type = = ToolConfigKeyType. FILE .value: value = json.dumps(value) # Update existing tool config # added encryption tool_config.value = encrypt_data(value) db.session.commit() return { "message" : "Tool configs updated successfully" } except Exception as e: # db.session.rollback() raise HTTPException(status_code = 500 , detail = str (e)) |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 | from fastapi import APIRouter from fastapi import HTTPException, Depends from fastapi_jwt_auth import AuthJWT from fastapi_sqlalchemy import db from pydantic import BaseModel from sqlalchemy import desc import ast from pytz import timezone from sqlalchemy import func, or_ from superagi.models.agent import Agent from superagi.models.agent_execution_config import AgentExecutionConfiguration from superagi.models.agent_config import AgentConfiguration from superagi.models.agent_schedule import AgentSchedule from superagi.models.agent_template import AgentTemplate from superagi.models.project import Project from superagi.models.workflows.agent_workflow import AgentWorkflow from superagi.models.agent_execution import AgentExecution from superagi.models.tool import Tool from superagi.controllers.types.agent_schedule import AgentScheduleInput from superagi.controllers.types.agent_with_config import AgentConfigInput from superagi.controllers.types.agent_with_config_schedule import AgentConfigSchedule from jsonmerge import merge from datetime import datetime import json from superagi.models.toolkit import Toolkit from superagi.models.knowledges import Knowledges from sqlalchemy import func # from superagi.types.db import AgentOut, AgentIn from superagi.helper.auth import check_auth from superagi.apm.event_handler import EventHandler from superagi.models.workflows.iteration_workflow import IterationWorkflow router = APIRouter() class AgentOut(BaseModel): id : int name: str project_id: int description: str created_at: datetime updated_at: datetime class Config: orm_mode = True class AgentIn(BaseModel): name: str project_id: int description: str class Config: orm_mode = True @router .post( "/create" , status_code = 201 ) def create_agent_with_config(agent_with_config: AgentConfigInput, Authorize: AuthJWT = Depends(check_auth)): """ Create a new agent with configurations. Args: agent_with_config (AgentConfigInput): Data for creating a new agent with configurations. - name (str): Name of the agent. - project_id (int): Identifier of the associated project. - description (str): Description of the agent. - goal (List[str]): List of goals for the agent. - constraints (List[str]): List of constraints for the agent. - tools (List[int]): List of tool identifiers associated with the agent. - exit (str): Exit condition for the agent. - iteration_interval (int): Interval between iterations for the agent. - model (str): Model information for the agent. - permission_type (str): Permission type for the agent. - LTM_DB (str): LTM database for the agent. - max_iterations (int): Maximum number of iterations for the agent. - user_timezone (string): Timezone of the user Returns: dict: Dictionary containing the created agent's ID, execution ID, name, and content type. Raises: HTTPException (status_code=404): If the associated project or any of the tools is not found. """ project = db.session.query(Project).get(agent_with_config.project_id) if not project: raise HTTPException(status_code = 404 , detail = "Project not found" ) invalid_tools = Tool.get_invalid_tools(, db.session) if len (invalid_tools) > 0 : # If the returned value is not True (then it is an invalid tool_id) raise HTTPException(status_code = 404 , detail = f "Tool with IDs {str(invalid_tools)} does not exist. 404 Not Found." ) agent_toolkit_tools = Toolkit.fetch_tool_ids_from_toolkit(session = db.session, toolkit_ids = agent_with_config.toolkits) db_agent = Agent.create_agent_with_config(db, agent_with_config) start_step = AgentWorkflow.fetch_trigger_step_id(db.session, db_agent.agent_workflow_id) iteration_step_id = IterationWorkflow.fetch_trigger_step_id(db.session, start_step.action_reference_id). id if start_step.action_type = = "ITERATION_WORKFLOW" else - 1 # Creating an execution with RUNNING status execution = AgentExecution(status = 'CREATED' , last_execution_time =, agent_id = db_agent. id , name = "New Run" , current_agent_step_id = start_step. id , iteration_workflow_step_id = iteration_step_id) agent_execution_configs = { "goal" : agent_with_config.goal, "instruction" : agent_with_config.instruction, "constraints" : agent_with_config.constraints, "toolkits" : agent_with_config.toolkits, "exit" : agent_with_config.exit, "tools" :, "iteration_interval" : agent_with_config.iteration_interval, "model" : agent_with_config.model, "permission_type" : agent_with_config.permission_type, "LTM_DB" : agent_with_config.LTM_DB, "max_iterations" : agent_with_config.max_iterations, "user_timezone" : agent_with_config.user_timezone, "knowledge" : agent_with_config.knowledge } db.session.add(execution) db.session.commit() db.session.flush() AgentExecutionConfiguration.add_or_update_agent_execution_config(session = db.session, execution = execution, agent_execution_configs = agent_execution_configs) agent = db.session.query(Agent). filter (Agent. id = = db_agent. id , ).first() organisation = agent.get_agent_organisation(db.session) EventHandler(session = db.session).create_event( 'run_created' , { 'agent_execution_id' : execution. id , 'agent_execution_name' :}, db_agent. id , organisation. id if organisation else 0 ), if agent_with_config.knowledge: knowledge_name = db.session.query( filter (Knowledges. id = = agent_with_config.knowledge).first()[ 0 ] EventHandler(session = db.session).create_event( 'knowledge_picked' , { 'knowledge_name' : knowledge_name, 'agent_execution_id' : execution. id }, db_agent. id , organisation. id if organisation else 0 ) EventHandler(session = db.session).create_event( 'agent_created' , { 'agent_name' :, 'model' : agent_with_config.model}, db_agent. id , organisation. id if organisation else 0 ) db.session.commit() return { "id" : db_agent. id , "execution_id" : execution. id , "name" :, "contentType" : "Agents" } @router .post( "/schedule" , status_code = 201 ) def create_and_schedule_agent(agent_config_schedule: AgentConfigSchedule, Authorize: AuthJWT = Depends(check_auth)): """ Create a new agent with configurations and scheduling. Args: agent_with_config_schedule (AgentConfigSchedule): Data for creating a new agent with configurations and scheduling. Returns: dict: Dictionary containing the created agent's ID, name, content type and schedule ID of the agent. Raises: HTTPException (status_code=500): If the associated agent fails to get scheduled. """ project = db.session.query(Project).get(agent_config_schedule.agent_config.project_id) if not project: raise HTTPException(status_code = 404 , detail = "Project not found" ) agent_config = agent_config_schedule.agent_config invalid_tools = Tool.get_invalid_tools(, db.session) if len (invalid_tools) > 0 : # If the returned value is not True (then it is an invalid tool_id) raise HTTPException(status_code = 404 , detail = f "Tool with IDs {str(invalid_tools)} does not exist. 404 Not Found." ) agent_toolkit_tools = Toolkit.fetch_tool_ids_from_toolkit(session = db.session, toolkit_ids = agent_config.toolkits) db_agent = Agent.create_agent_with_config(db, agent_config) # Update the agent_id of schedule before scheduling the agent agent_schedule = agent_config_schedule.schedule # Create a new agent schedule agent_schedule = AgentSchedule( agent_id = db_agent. id , start_time = agent_schedule.start_time, next_scheduled_time = agent_schedule.start_time, recurrence_interval = agent_schedule.recurrence_interval, expiry_date = agent_schedule.expiry_date, expiry_runs = agent_schedule.expiry_runs, current_runs = 0 , status = "SCHEDULED" ) agent_schedule.agent_id = db_agent. id db.session.add(agent_schedule) db.session.commit() if agent_schedule. id is None : raise HTTPException(status_code = 500 , detail = "Failed to schedule agent" ) agent = db.session.query(Agent). filter (Agent. id = = db_agent. id , ).first() organisation = agent.get_agent_organisation(db.session) EventHandler(session = db.session).create_event( 'agent_created' , { 'agent_name' :, 'model' : agent_config.model}, db_agent. id , organisation. id if organisation else 0 ) db.session.commit() return { "id" : db_agent. id , "name" :, "contentType" : "Agents" , "schedule_id" : agent_schedule. id } @router .post( "/stop/schedule" , status_code = 200 ) def stop_schedule(agent_id: int , Authorize: AuthJWT = Depends(check_auth)): """ Stopping the scheduling for a given agent. Args: agent_id (int): Identifier of the Agent Authorize (AuthJWT, optional): Authorization dependency. Defaults to Depends(check_auth). Raises: HTTPException (status_code=404): If the agent schedule is not found. """ agent_to_delete = db.session.query(AgentSchedule). filter (AgentSchedule.agent_id = = agent_id, AgentSchedule.status = = "SCHEDULED" ).first() if not agent_to_delete: raise HTTPException(status_code = 404 , detail = "Schedule not found" ) agent_to_delete.status = "STOPPED" db.session.commit() @router .put( "/edit/schedule" , status_code = 200 ) def edit_schedule(schedule: AgentScheduleInput, Authorize: AuthJWT = Depends(check_auth)): """ Edit the scheduling for a given agent. Args: agent_id (int): Identifier of the Agent schedule (AgentSchedule): New schedule data Authorize (AuthJWT, optional): Authorization dependency. Defaults to Depends(check_auth). Raises: HTTPException (status_code=404): If the agent schedule is not found. """ agent_to_edit = db.session.query(AgentSchedule). filter (AgentSchedule.agent_id = = schedule.agent_id, AgentSchedule.status = = "SCHEDULED" ).first() if not agent_to_edit: raise HTTPException(status_code = 404 , detail = "Schedule not found" ) # Update agent schedule with new data agent_to_edit.start_time = schedule.start_time agent_to_edit.next_scheduled_time = schedule.start_time agent_to_edit.recurrence_interval = schedule.recurrence_interval agent_to_edit.expiry_date = schedule.expiry_date agent_to_edit.expiry_runs = schedule.expiry_runs db.session.commit() @router .get( "/get/schedule_data/{agent_id}" ) def get_schedule_data(agent_id: int , Authorize: AuthJWT = Depends(check_auth)): """ Get the scheduling data for a given agent. Args: agent_id (int): Identifier of the Agent Raises: HTTPException (status_code=404): If the agent schedule is not found. Returns: current_datetime (DateTime): Current Date and Time. recurrence_interval (String): Time interval for recurring schedule run. expiry_date (DateTime): The date and time when the agent is scheduled to stop runs. expiry_runs (Integer): The number of runs before the agent expires. """ agent = db.session.query(AgentSchedule). filter (AgentSchedule.agent_id = = agent_id, AgentSchedule.status = = "SCHEDULED" ).first() if not agent: raise HTTPException(status_code = 404 , detail = "Agent Schedule not found" ) user_timezone = db.session.query(AgentConfiguration). filter (AgentConfiguration.key = = "user_timezone" , AgentConfiguration.agent_id = = agent_id).first() if user_timezone and user_timezone.value ! = "None" : tzone = timezone(user_timezone.value) else : tzone = timezone( 'GMT' ) current_datetime = "%d/%m/%Y %I:%M %p" ) return { "current_datetime" : current_datetime, "start_date" : agent.start_time.astimezone(tzone).strftime( "%d %b %Y" ), "start_time" : agent.start_time.astimezone(tzone).strftime( "%I:%M %p" ), "recurrence_interval" : agent.recurrence_interval if agent.recurrence_interval else None , "expiry_date" : agent.expiry_date.astimezone(tzone).strftime( "%d/%m/%Y" ) if agent.expiry_date else None , "expiry_runs" : agent.expiry_runs if agent.expiry_runs ! = - 1 else None } @router .get( "/get/project/{project_id}" ) def get_agents_by_project_id(project_id: int , Authorize: AuthJWT = Depends(check_auth)): """ Get all agents by project ID. Args: project_id (int): Identifier of the project. Authorize (AuthJWT, optional): Authorization dependency. Defaults to Depends(check_auth). Returns: list: List of agents associated with the project, including their status and scheduling information. Raises: HTTPException (status_code=404): If the project is not found. """ # Checking for project project = db.session.query(Project).get(project_id) if not project: raise HTTPException(status_code = 404 , detail = "Project not found" ) agents = db.session.query(Agent). filter (Agent.project_id = = project_id, or_(or_(Agent.is_deleted = = False , Agent.is_deleted is None ), Agent.is_deleted is None )). all () new_agents, new_agents_sorted = [], [] for agent in agents: agent_dict = vars (agent) agent_id = agent. id # Query the AgentExecution table using the agent ID executions = db.session.query(AgentExecution).filter_by(agent_id = agent_id). all () is_running = False for execution in executions: if execution.status = = "RUNNING" : is_running = True break # Check if the agent is scheduled is_scheduled = db.session.query(AgentSchedule).filter_by(agent_id = agent_id, status = "SCHEDULED" ).first() is not None new_agent = { * * agent_dict, 'is_running' : is_running, 'is_scheduled' : is_scheduled } new_agents.append(new_agent) new_agents_sorted = sorted (new_agents, key = lambda agent: agent[ 'is_running' ] = = True , reverse = True ) return new_agents_sorted @router .put( "/delete/{agent_id}" , status_code = 200 ) def delete_agent(agent_id: int , Authorize: AuthJWT = Depends(check_auth)): """ Delete an existing Agent - Updates the is_deleted flag: Executes a soft delete - AgentExecutions are updated to: "TERMINATED" if agentexecution is created, All the agent executions are updated - AgentExecutionPermission is set to: "REJECTED" if agentexecutionpersmision is created Args: agent_id (int): Identifier of the Agent to delete Returns: A dictionary containing a "success" key with the value True to indicate a successful delete. Raises: HTTPException (Status Code=404): If the Agent or associated Project is not found or deleted already. """ db_agent = db.session.query(Agent). filter (Agent. id = = agent_id).first() db_agent_executions = db.session.query(AgentExecution). filter (AgentExecution.agent_id = = agent_id). all () db_agent_schedule = db.session.query(AgentSchedule). filter (AgentSchedule.agent_id = = agent_id, AgentSchedule.status = = "SCHEDULED" ).first() if not db_agent or db_agent.is_deleted: raise HTTPException(status_code = 404 , detail = "agent not found" ) # Deletion Procedure db_agent.is_deleted = True if db_agent_executions: # Updating all the RUNNING executions to TERMINATED for db_agent_execution in db_agent_executions: db_agent_execution.status = "TERMINATED" if db_agent_schedule: # Updating the schedule status to STOPPED db_agent_schedule.status = "STOPPED" db.session.commit() |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 | @router .post( "/create" , status_code = 201 ) def create_agent_with_config(agent_with_config: AgentConfigInput, Authorize: AuthJWT = Depends(check_auth)): """ Create a new agent with configurations. Args: agent_with_config (AgentConfigInput): Data for creating a new agent with configurations. - name (str): Name of the agent. - project_id (int): Identifier of the associated project. - description (str): Description of the agent. - goal (List[str]): List of goals for the agent. - constraints (List[str]): List of constraints for the agent. - tools (List[int]): List of tool identifiers associated with the agent. - exit (str): Exit condition for the agent. - iteration_interval (int): Interval between iterations for the agent. - model (str): Model information for the agent. - permission_type (str): Permission type for the agent. - LTM_DB (str): LTM database for the agent. - max_iterations (int): Maximum number of iterations for the agent. - user_timezone (string): Timezone of the user Returns: dict: Dictionary containing the created agent's ID, execution ID, name, and content type. Raises: HTTPException (status_code=404): If the associated project or any of the tools is not found. """ project = db.session.query(Project).get(agent_with_config.project_id) if not project: raise HTTPException(status_code = 404 , detail = "Project not found" ) invalid_tools = Tool.get_invalid_tools(, db.session) if len (invalid_tools) > 0 : # If the returned value is not True (then it is an invalid tool_id) raise HTTPException(status_code = 404 , detail = f "Tool with IDs {str(invalid_tools)} does not exist. 404 Not Found." ) agent_toolkit_tools = Toolkit.fetch_tool_ids_from_toolkit(session = db.session, toolkit_ids = agent_with_config.toolkits) db_agent = Agent.create_agent_with_config(db, agent_with_config) start_step = AgentWorkflow.fetch_trigger_step_id(db.session, db_agent.agent_workflow_id) iteration_step_id = IterationWorkflow.fetch_trigger_step_id(db.session, start_step.action_reference_id). id if start_step.action_type = = "ITERATION_WORKFLOW" else - 1 # Creating an execution with RUNNING status execution = AgentExecution(status = 'CREATED' , last_execution_time =, agent_id = db_agent. id , name = "New Run" , current_agent_step_id = start_step. id , iteration_workflow_step_id = iteration_step_id) agent_execution_configs = { "goal" : agent_with_config.goal, "instruction" : agent_with_config.instruction, "constraints" : agent_with_config.constraints, "toolkits" : agent_with_config.toolkits, "exit" : agent_with_config.exit, "tools" :, "iteration_interval" : agent_with_config.iteration_interval, "model" : agent_with_config.model, "permission_type" : agent_with_config.permission_type, "LTM_DB" : agent_with_config.LTM_DB, "max_iterations" : agent_with_config.max_iterations, "user_timezone" : agent_with_config.user_timezone, "knowledge" : agent_with_config.knowledge } db.session.add(execution) db.session.commit() db.session.flush() AgentExecutionConfiguration.add_or_update_agent_execution_config(session = db.session, execution = execution, agent_execution_configs = agent_execution_configs) agent = db.session.query(Agent). filter (Agent. id = = db_agent. id , ).first() organisation = agent.get_agent_organisation(db.session) EventHandler(session = db.session).create_event( 'run_created' , { 'agent_execution_id' : execution. id , 'agent_execution_name' :}, db_agent. id , organisation. id if organisation else 0 ), if agent_with_config.knowledge: knowledge_name = db.session.query( filter (Knowledges. id = = agent_with_config.knowledge).first()[ 0 ] EventHandler(session = db.session).create_event( 'knowledge_picked' , { 'knowledge_name' : knowledge_name, 'agent_execution_id' : execution. id }, db_agent. id , organisation. id if organisation else 0 ) EventHandler(session = db.session).create_event( 'agent_created' , { 'agent_name' :, 'model' : agent_with_config.model}, db_agent. id , organisation. id if organisation else 0 ) db.session.commit() return { "id" : db_agent. id , "execution_id" : execution. id , "name" :, "contentType" : "Agents" } |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 | @router .post( "/schedule" , status_code = 201 ) def create_and_schedule_agent(agent_config_schedule: AgentConfigSchedule, Authorize: AuthJWT = Depends(check_auth)): """ Create a new agent with configurations and scheduling. Args: agent_with_config_schedule (AgentConfigSchedule): Data for creating a new agent with configurations and scheduling. Returns: dict: Dictionary containing the created agent's ID, name, content type and schedule ID of the agent. Raises: HTTPException (status_code=500): If the associated agent fails to get scheduled. """ project = db.session.query(Project).get(agent_config_schedule.agent_config.project_id) if not project: raise HTTPException(status_code = 404 , detail = "Project not found" ) agent_config = agent_config_schedule.agent_config invalid_tools = Tool.get_invalid_tools(, db.session) if len (invalid_tools) > 0 : # If the returned value is not True (then it is an invalid tool_id) raise HTTPException(status_code = 404 , detail = f "Tool with IDs {str(invalid_tools)} does not exist. 404 Not Found." ) agent_toolkit_tools = Toolkit.fetch_tool_ids_from_toolkit(session = db.session, toolkit_ids = agent_config.toolkits) db_agent = Agent.create_agent_with_config(db, agent_config) # Update the agent_id of schedule before scheduling the agent agent_schedule = agent_config_schedule.schedule # Create a new agent schedule agent_schedule = AgentSchedule( agent_id = db_agent. id , start_time = agent_schedule.start_time, next_scheduled_time = agent_schedule.start_time, recurrence_interval = agent_schedule.recurrence_interval, expiry_date = agent_schedule.expiry_date, expiry_runs = agent_schedule.expiry_runs, current_runs = 0 , status = "SCHEDULED" ) agent_schedule.agent_id = db_agent. id db.session.add(agent_schedule) db.session.commit() if agent_schedule. id is None : raise HTTPException(status_code = 500 , detail = "Failed to schedule agent" ) agent = db.session.query(Agent). filter (Agent. id = = db_agent. id , ).first() organisation = agent.get_agent_organisation(db.session) EventHandler(session = db.session).create_event( 'agent_created' , { 'agent_name' :, 'model' : agent_config.model}, db_agent. id , organisation. id if organisation else 0 ) db.session.commit() return { "id" : db_agent. id , "name" :, "contentType" : "Agents" , "schedule_id" : agent_schedule. id } @router .post( "/stop/schedule" , status_code = 200 ) def stop_schedule(agent_id: int , Authorize: AuthJWT = Depends(check_auth)): """ Stopping the scheduling for a given agent. Args: agent_id (int): Identifier of the Agent Authorize (AuthJWT, optional): Authorization dependency. Defaults to Depends(check_auth). Raises: HTTPException (status_code=404): If the agent schedule is not found. """ agent_to_delete = db.session.query(AgentSchedule). filter (AgentSchedule.agent_id = = agent_id, AgentSchedule.status = = "SCHEDULED" ).first() if not agent_to_delete: raise HTTPException(status_code = 404 , detail = "Schedule not found" ) agent_to_delete.status = "STOPPED" db.session.commit() @router .put( "/edit/schedule" , status_code = 200 ) def edit_schedule(schedule: AgentScheduleInput, Authorize: AuthJWT = Depends(check_auth)): """ Edit the scheduling for a given agent. Args: agent_id (int): Identifier of the Agent schedule (AgentSchedule): New schedule data Authorize (AuthJWT, optional): Authorization dependency. Defaults to Depends(check_auth). Raises: HTTPException (status_code=404): If the agent schedule is not found. """ agent_to_edit = db.session.query(AgentSchedule). filter (AgentSchedule.agent_id = = schedule.agent_id, AgentSchedule.status = = "SCHEDULED" ).first() if not agent_to_edit: raise HTTPException(status_code = 404 , detail = "Schedule not found" ) # Update agent schedule with new data agent_to_edit.start_time = schedule.start_time agent_to_edit.next_scheduled_time = schedule.start_time agent_to_edit.recurrence_interval = schedule.recurrence_interval agent_to_edit.expiry_date = schedule.expiry_date agent_to_edit.expiry_runs = schedule.expiry_runs db.session.commit() @router .get( "/get/schedule_data/{agent_id}" ) def get_schedule_data(agent_id: int , Authorize: AuthJWT = Depends(check_auth)): """ Get the scheduling data for a given agent. Args: agent_id (int): Identifier of the Agent Raises: HTTPException (status_code=404): If the agent schedule is not found. Returns: current_datetime (DateTime): Current Date and Time. recurrence_interval (String): Time interval for recurring schedule run. expiry_date (DateTime): The date and time when the agent is scheduled to stop runs. expiry_runs (Integer): The number of runs before the agent expires. """ agent = db.session.query(AgentSchedule). filter (AgentSchedule.agent_id = = agent_id, AgentSchedule.status = = "SCHEDULED" ).first() if not agent: raise HTTPException(status_code = 404 , detail = "Agent Schedule not found" ) user_timezone = db.session.query(AgentConfiguration). filter (AgentConfiguration.key = = "user_timezone" , AgentConfiguration.agent_id = = agent_id).first() if user_timezone and user_timezone.value ! = "None" : tzone = timezone(user_timezone.value) else : tzone = timezone( 'GMT' ) current_datetime = "%d/%m/%Y %I:%M %p" ) return { "current_datetime" : current_datetime, "start_date" : agent.start_time.astimezone(tzone).strftime( "%d %b %Y" ), "start_time" : agent.start_time.astimezone(tzone).strftime( "%I:%M %p" ), "recurrence_interval" : agent.recurrence_interval if agent.recurrence_interval else None , "expiry_date" : agent.expiry_date.astimezone(tzone).strftime( "%d/%m/%Y" ) if agent.expiry_date else None , "expiry_runs" : agent.expiry_runs if agent.expiry_runs ! = - 1 else None } |
1. 创建并调度代理 1:
- 功能:创建一个新的代理并为其设置调度。
- 参数:
- agent_config_schedule: 包含代理配置和调度信息的对象。
- Authorize: 用于JWT认证。
- 处理流程:
- 验证项目存在性。
- 验证工具的有效性。
- 合并工具包中的工具。
- 创建代理配置。
- 创建新的代理调度。
- 提交数据库事务。
- 返回代理ID、名称、内容类型和调度ID。
- 异常处理:
- 如果项目不存在或工具无效,抛出404错误。
- 如果调度失败,抛出500错误。
2. 停止代理调度 2:
- 功能:停止给定代理的调度。
- 参数:
- agent_id: 代理的标识符。
- Authorize: 用于JWT认证。
- 处理流程:
- 查询并验证指定代理的调度状态。
- 更改调度状态为“STOPPED”。
- 提交数据库事务。
- 异常处理:
- 如果调度未找到,抛出404错误。
3. 编辑代理调度 3:
- 功能:编辑给定代理的调度信息。
- 参数:
- schedule: 包含新的调度数据的对象。
- Authorize: 用于JWT认证。
- 处理流程:
- 查询并验证指定代理的调度状态。
- 更新调度数据。
- 提交数据库事务。
- 异常处理:
- 如果调度未找到,抛出404错误。
4. 获取代理调度数据 4:
- 功能:获取指定代理的调度数据。
- 参数:
- agent_id: 代理的标识符。
- Authorize: 用于JWT认证。
- 处理流程:
- 查询并验证指定代理的调度状态。
- 根据用户时区调整时间显示。
- 返回当前日期时间、开始日期时间、重复间隔、到期日期和到期运行次数。
- 异常处理:
- 如果调度未找到,抛出404错误。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 | @router .get( "/get/schedule_data/{agent_id}" ) def get_schedule_data(agent_id: int , Authorize: AuthJWT = Depends(check_auth)): """ Get the scheduling data for a given agent. Args: agent_id (int): Identifier of the Agent Raises: HTTPException (status_code=404): If the agent schedule is not found. Returns: current_datetime (DateTime): Current Date and Time. recurrence_interval (String): Time interval for recurring schedule run. expiry_date (DateTime): The date and time when the agent is scheduled to stop runs. expiry_runs (Integer): The number of runs before the agent expires. """ |
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 | { "status" : "RUNNING" , "feeds" : [ { "role" : "system" , "feed" : "You are SuperAGI an AI assistant to solve complex problems. Your decisions must always be made independently without seeking user assistance.\nPlay to your strengths as an LLM and pursue simple strategies with no legal complications.\nIf you have completed all your tasks or reached end state, make sure to use the \"finish\" tool.\n\nGOALS:\n1. Get the details on the product from the [filename]\n2. Write a creative product description for the product, with sale-worthy keywords, and describe benefits of this product.\n\n\n\n\nCONSTRAINTS:\n1. If you are unsure how you previously did something or want to recall past events, thinking about similar events will help you remember.\n2. Ensure the tool and args are as per current plan and reasoning\n3. Exclusively use the tools listed under \"TOOLS\"\n4. REMEMBER to format your response as JSON, using double quotes (\"\") around keys and string values, and commas (,) to separate items in arrays and objects. IMPORTANTLY, to use a JSON object as a string in another JSON object, you need to escape the double quotes.\n\n\n" , "updated_at" : "2024-06-04T08:12:39.040402" , "time_difference" : { "years" : 0 , "months" : 0 , "days" : 0 , "hours" : 0 , "minutes" : 0 } }, { "role" : "user" , "feed" : "Determine which next tool to use, and respond using the format specified above:" , "updated_at" : "2024-06-04T08:12:39.052769" , "time_difference" : { "years" : 0 , "months" : 0 , "days" : 0 , "hours" : 0 , "minutes" : 0 } }, { "role" : "assistant" , "feed" : "```json\n{\n \"thoughts\": {\n \"text\": \"I need to get the details on the product from the specified file to proceed with writing a creative product description.\",\n \"reasoning\": \"The first step is to obtain the necessary information about the product, which is likely stored in the file mentioned in the goal.\",\n \"plan\": \"- Read the file to get product details\\n- Analyze the extracted information\\n- Write a creative product description with sale-worthy keywords\\n- Highlight the benefits of the product\",\n \"criticism\": \"I need to ensure that I extract all relevant details from the file to create a comprehensive and appealing product description.\",\n \"speak\": \"I will start by reading the file to get the details on the product.\"\n },\n \"tool\": {\n \"name\": \"Read File\",\n \"args\": {\n \"file_name\": \"filename\"\n }\n }\n}\n```" , "updated_at" : "2024-06-04T08:12:46.389796" , "time_difference" : { "years" : 0 , "months" : 0 , "days" : 0 , "hours" : 0 , "minutes" : 0 } }, { "role" : "system" , "feed" : "Tool Read File returned: Error1: File 'filename' not found., FileNotFoundError, args: {'file_name': 'filename'}" , "updated_at" : "2024-06-04T08:12:46.389798" , "time_difference" : { "years" : 0 , "months" : 0 , "days" : 0 , "hours" : 0 , "minutes" : 0 } }, { "role" : "assistant" , "feed" : "```json\n{\n \"thoughts\": {\n \"text\": \"The specified file 'filename' could not be found. I need to determine the correct file name or location to proceed.\",\n \"reasoning\": \"Without the correct file name, I cannot access the product details needed to create the description.\",\n \"plan\": \"- Verify if there's an alternative method to identify the file name\\n- If no alternative, seek clarification on the correct file name or location\",\n \"criticism\": \"I need to ensure the file name is accurate before attempting to read it.\",\n \"speak\": \"I need to verify the correct file name or location to access the product details.\"\n },\n \"tool\": {\n \"name\": \"ThinkingTool\",\n \"args\": {\n \"task_description\": \"Determine if there's a way to identify the correct file name or location to read the product details.\"\n }\n }\n}\n```" , "updated_at" : "2024-06-04T08:12:56.107737" , "time_difference" : { "years" : 0 , "months" : 0 , "days" : 0 , "hours" : 0 , "minutes" : 0 } }, { "role" : "system" , "feed" : "Tool ThinkingTool returned: Error generating text: float() argument must be a string or a real number, not 'dict'" , "updated_at" : "2024-06-04T08:12:56.107738" , "time_difference" : { "years" : 0 , "months" : 0 , "days" : 0 , "hours" : 0 , "minutes" : 0 } } ], "permissions" : [], "waiting_period" : null, "errors" : "" } |
好了,我们最后看下super AGI最核心的ReAct实现。代码目录:
superagi/agent (main)
$ ls
prompts/ ==》存放各种prompt 见另外一个文章。
1. AgentIterationStepHandler:
- execute_step: 执行迭代工作流步骤。首先获取代理配置和执行实例,然后根据当前步骤的状态决定是否继续执行。如果有必要,它会构建工具,生成提示,发送消息,并处理响应。
2. AgentLlmMessageBuilder:
- build_agent_messages: 构建用于LLM(大型语言模型)的代理消息。这包括处理历史信息,生成提示,并可能包括完成提示。
3. AgentPromptBuilder:
- replace_main_variables 和 replace_task_based_variables: 这些方法用于构建和修改提示,将动态内容(如任务、工具、目标等)插入到提示模板中。
4. ToolOutputHandler:
- handle: 处理来自工具的输出。这可能涉及解析输出、应用业务逻辑,并最终生成适合用户的响应。
1. 初始化:
- 代理通过 AgentIterationStepHandler 初始化,设置会话、模型、代理ID等。
2. 执行步骤:
- execute_step 方法是核心,它根据当前的执行状态和配置决定如何进一步处理。这可能包括等待权限、处理输入和输出、以及与LLM交互。
3. 消息构建:
- 使用 AgentLlmMessageBuilder 来构建发送给LLM的消息。这涉及到处理历史数据、构建提示和管理令牌限制。
4. 提示构建:
- AgentPromptBuilder 用于动态构建和调整提示,根据当前的任务和代理配置插入必要的变量。
5. 工具处理:
- ToolOutputHandler 处理工具的输出,将其转换为用户可以理解的格式,并处理任何必要的后续步骤。
6. 错误处理和日志:
- 在整个执行过程中,错误处理和日志记录是必不可少的,以确保问题可以被追踪并且代理行为符合预期。
1. 工作流和任务队列管理
AgentWorkflowStep 和 TaskQueue
- AgentWorkflowStep 类定义了工作流中的各个步骤。每个步骤可以是一个工具的执行、一个等待事件、或者是一个任务队列处理步骤。
- TaskQueue 类管理任务队列,支持添加任务、获取任务、完成任务等功能。它使用Redis作为后端存储,以支持任务的持久化和状态管理。
2. 工具执行和输出处理
ToolExecutor 和 ToolOutputHandler
- ToolExecutor 类负责执行具体的工具。它通过动态加载工具模块,并调用工具的执行方法,传入必要的参数。
- ToolOutputHandler 类处理工具执行后的输出。它可能会根据输出进行解析、执行后续的业务逻辑处理,或者生成适合用户的响应。
3. 工作流执行
AgentWaitStepHandler 和 QueueStepHandler
- AgentWaitStepHandler 类处理等待步骤。它会检查是否满足继续执行的条件,如等待时间的完成或外部事件的触发。
- QueueStepHandler 类处理队列步骤。它会从任务队列中获取任务,执行任务,并根据任务的结果决定下一步的操作。
4. 工作流调度
- 工作流的调度是通过在每个步骤执行完毕后,根据当前步骤的输出或状态决定下一步执行哪个步骤来实现的。
- 每个步骤可以配置下一步的跳转逻辑,支持基于条件的跳转。例如,一个步骤可以根据执行结果是成功还是失败,决定跳转到不同的步骤。
5. 示例:任务队列处理
在这个例子中,QueueStepHandler 类负责处理队列步骤。它首先检查任务队列的状态,然后根据状态添加任务到队列或从队列中消费任务。这个过程涉及到任务的获取、执行和状态更新。
- 在 TaskQueue 类中,使用了Redis来管理任务队列。Redis是一个键值存储系统,通常用于缓存和消息队列,但它不是一个向量数据库。
- 代码中使用Redis来存储任务、完成的任务以及任务状态,这些操作都是通过标准的Redis命令实现的,如 lpush, lpop, lrange 等。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 | import warnings from abc import ABC, abstractmethod from typing import Any , Iterable, List , Optional, Tuple class VectorEmbeddings(ABC): @abstractmethod def get_vector_embeddings_from_chunks( self , final_chunks: Any ): """ Returns embeddings for vector dbs from final chunks""" from typing import Any from superagi.vector_embeddings.base import VectorEmbeddings class Pinecone(VectorEmbeddings): def __init__( self , uuid, embeds, metadata): self .uuid = uuid self .embeds = embeds self .metadata = metadata def get_vector_embeddings_from_chunks( self ): """ Returns embeddings for vector dbs from final chunks""" result = {} vectors = list ( zip ( self .uuid, self .embeds, self .metadata)) result[ 'vectors' ] = vectors return resultfrom typing import Any from superagi.vector_embeddings.base import VectorEmbeddings class Qdrant(VectorEmbeddings): def __init__( self , uuid, embeds, metadata): self .uuid = uuid self .embeds = embeds self .metadata = metadata def get_vector_embeddings_from_chunks( self ): """ Returns embeddings for vector dbs from final chunks""" result = {} result[ 'ids' ] = self .uuid result[ 'payload' ] = self .metadata result[ 'vectors' ] = self .embeds return result import pinecone from typing import Optional from pinecone import UnauthorizedException from superagi.vector_embeddings.pinecone import Pinecone from superagi.vector_embeddings.qdrant import Qdrant from superagi.vector_embeddings.weaviate import Weaviate from superagi.types.vector_store_types import VectorStoreType class VectorEmbeddingFactory: @classmethod def build_vector_storage( cls , vector_store: VectorStoreType, chunk_json: Optional[ dict ] = None ): """ Get the vector embeddings from final chunks. Args: vector_store : The vector store name. Returns: The vector storage object """ final_chunks = [] uuid = [] embeds = [] metadata = [] vector_store = VectorStoreType.get_vector_store_type(vector_store) if chunk_json is not None : for key in chunk_json.keys(): final_chunks.append(chunk_json[key]) for i in range ( 0 , len (final_chunks)): uuid.append(final_chunks[i][ "id" ]) embeds.append(final_chunks[i][ "embeds" ]) data = { 'text' : final_chunks[i][ 'text' ], 'chunk' : final_chunks[i][ 'chunk' ], 'knowledge_name' : final_chunks[i][ 'knowledge_name' ] } metadata.append(data) if vector_store = = VectorStoreType.PINECONE: return Pinecone(uuid, embeds, metadata) if vector_store = = VectorStoreType.QDRANT: return Qdrant(uuid, embeds, metadata) if vector_store = = VectorStoreType.WEAVIATE: return Weaviate(uuid, embeds, metadata) from typing import Any from superagi.vector_embeddings.base import VectorEmbeddings class Weaviate(VectorEmbeddings): def __init__( self , uuid, embeds, metadata): self .uuid = uuid self .embeds = embeds self .metadata = metadata def get_vector_embeddings_from_chunks( self ): """ Returns embeddings for vector dbs from final chunks""" return { 'ids' : self .uuid, 'data_object' : self .metadata, 'vectors' : self .embeds} |
1. VectorEmbeddings 类:这是一个抽象基类(ABC),定义了一个抽象方法 get_vector_embeddings_from_chunks,用于从数据块中获取向量嵌入。这个方法需要在子类中实现。
2. Pinecone、Qdrant、Weaviate 类:这些类都继承自 VectorEmbeddings,并实现了 get_vector_embeddings_from_chunks 方法。每个类针对不同的向量数据库(如 Pinecone、Qdrant、Weaviate)进行操作,处理方式略有不同,例如如何组织和返回数据。
3. VectorEmbeddingFactory 类:这个类提供了一个类方法 build_vector_storage,根据提供的向量存储类型和可能的数据块 JSON,构建相应的向量存储对象。这个方法首先解析 JSON 数据,然后根据指定的存储类型创建相应的向量存储对象实例。
我们看下vector store的功能:一个名为 VectorStore 的抽象基类,以及多个实现了这个基类的具体存储类,用于处理和存储向量数据。这些类主要用于文本和元数据的向量化存储和检索,支持多种后端存储系统,如 ChromaDB、Pinecone、Qdrant 和 Redis 等。以下是文件中定义的主要组件和功能:
1. VectorStore (抽象基类):
- 定义了一些抽象方法,如 add_texts, get_matching_text, get_index_stats, add_embeddings_to_vector_db, 和 delete_embeddings_from_vector_db,这些方法需要在子类中具体实现。
2. ChromaDB:
- 实现了 VectorStore,提供了使用 ChromaDB 作为后端的向量存储功能。
- 支持创建集合、添加文本、获取匹配文本、获取索引统计信息等功能。
3. Pinecone:
- 实现了 VectorStore,使用 Pinecone 服务进行向量存储。
- 提供了添加文本、获取匹配文本、获取索引统计信息、添加和删除向量等功能。
4. Qdrant:
- 实现了 VectorStore,使用 Qdrant 服务进行向量存储。
- 支持添加文本、获取匹配文本、获取索引统计信息、添加和删除向量等功能
5. Redis:
- 实现了 VectorStore,使用 Redis 服务进行向量存储。
- 提供了添加文本、获取匹配文本、创建索引、添加和删除向量等功能。
6. Weaviate:
- 实现了 VectorStore,使用 Weaviate 服务进行向量存储。
- 支持添加文本、获取匹配文本、获取索引统计信息、添加和删除向量等功能。
此外,文件中还包含了一些辅助函数和类,如 create_weaviate_client 用于创建 Weaviate 客户端,以及 VectorFactory 类用于根据配置创建不同类型的向量存储实例。
真正使用是在: superagi/controllers/
在提供的文件 superagi/controllers/ 中,vector_store 模块被用于连接和操作不同的向量数据库。这里主要通过 VectorFactory 类来创建和管理不同类型的向量存储实例。以下是具体的使用情况:
1. 连接向量数据库:
- 在连接 Pinecone、Qdrant 和 Weaviate 向量数据库的路由处理函数中,VectorFactory.build_vector_storage 方法被用来创建对应的向量存储实例。这些实例用于进一步的操作,如获取索引统计信息和添加向量索引。
例如,连接 Pinecone 数据库的代码片段如下:
2. 更新向量数据库:
- 在更新向量数据库的路由处理函数中,同样使用 VectorFactory.build_vector_storage 方法来创建向量存储实例。这些实例用于获取索引统计信息,以便在更新过程中添加新的向量索引。
这些代码片段展示了如何通过 VectorFactory 类来动态创建和管理不同类型的向量存储实例,以便执行特定的数据库操作,如连接、更新和获取索引统计信息。这种设计使得向量数据库的管理更加灵活和模块化。
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