
pslist 和 psscan 的区别

pslist 模块使用与将在实时计算机上执行的任务列表命令相同的算法。 而且,Windows 任务管理器也使用相同的方法。
上面提到的命令“pslist”遍历 Windows 内核维护的活动进程结构列表。

windows内核使用EPROCESS数据结构来描述每一个正在运行的进程。 EPROCESS 结构的内容允许操作系统确定代码和进程地址空间在内存中的位置,并指定与进程关联的线程。 此结构还包含指向允许 Windows(和内存分析工具)从虚拟内存映射到物理内存的结构的指针。 此外,EPROCESS 数据结构包含指针,它们构成了活动进程的双向循环列表。 一个进程的 EPROCESS 结构的前向指针指向下一个进程的 EPROCESS 结构; 向后指针指定前一个进程的 EPROCESS 结构的地址。 并且,这个 EPROCESS 结构的双向链表由 PsActiveProcessHead指向

如图 1 所示的链表被 Windows 任务管理器、tasklist 和 Volatility 的 pslist 等工具用来向系统显示正在运行的进程。
然而,恶意进程可以从这个列表中删除 EPROCESS 块,同时继续运行。 内核调度程序不使用此列表来实际更改上下文和执行进程。因此,rootkit 用来隐藏进程的一种方法是简单地取消进程与活动进程列表的链接。
未链接的进程即使在修改列表后仍继续正常运行,因为 Windows 内核中的调度是基于线程而不是进程。操作内存中的内核结构以隐藏进程称为直接内核对象操作 (DKOM ) 。 因此,psscan应运而生。
$ python vol.py -f ~/Downloads/unknown.img pslist
图 2

psscan 模块不信任进程的链表,而是通过启发式查找代表进程的 EPROCESS 结构来搜索内存。因此,它列出了所有进程,这些进程甚至被 rootkit 隐藏并且没有被 pslist 命令显示或者windows的tasklist命令。 pslist 和 psscan 显示的进程列表之间的任何差异都表明安装了 rootkit。
















PS D:\Application\volatility3-stable> python .\vol.py -f D:\book\malwarecookbook-master\malwarecookbook-master\15\6\prolaco.vmem\prolaco.vmem windows.pslist
Volatility 3 Framework 2.4.1
Progress:  100.00               PDB scanning finished
PID     PPID    ImageFileName   Offset(V)       Threads Handles SessionId       Wow64   CreateTime      ExitTime        File output

4       0       System  0x810b1660      56      253     N/A     False   N/A     N/A     Disabled
544     4       smss.exe        0xff2ab020      3       21      N/A     False   2010-08-11 06:06:21.000000      N/A     Disabled
608     544     csrss.exe       0xff1ecda0      11      349     0       False   2010-08-11 06:06:23.000000      N/A     Disabled
632     544     winlogon.exe    0xff1ec978      19      565     0       False   2010-08-11 06:06:23.000000      N/A     Disabled
676     632     services.exe    0xff247020      16      269     0       False   2010-08-11 06:06:24.000000      N/A     Disabled
688     632     lsass.exe       0xff255020      19      341     0       False   2010-08-11 06:06:24.000000      N/A     Disabled
844     676     vmacthlp.exe    0xff218230      1       24      0       False   2010-08-11 06:06:24.000000      N/A     Disabled
856     676     svchost.exe     0x80ff88d8      16      198     0       False   2010-08-11 06:06:24.000000      N/A     Disabled
936     676     svchost.exe     0xff217560      9       256     0       False   2010-08-11 06:06:24.000000      N/A     Disabled
1028    676     svchost.exe     0x80fbf910      63      1334    0       False   2010-08-11 06:06:24.000000      N/A     Disabled
1088    676     svchost.exe     0xff22d558      4       75      0       False   2010-08-11 06:06:25.000000      N/A     Disabled
1148    676     svchost.exe     0xff203b80      14      207     0       False   2010-08-11 06:06:26.000000      N/A     Disabled
1432    676     spoolsv.exe     0xff1d7da0      13      135     0       False   2010-08-11 06:06:26.000000      N/A     Disabled
1668    676     vmtoolsd.exe    0xff1b8b28      5       219     0       False   2010-08-11 06:06:35.000000      N/A     Disabled
1788    676     VMUpgradeHelper 0xff1fdc88      3       97      0       False   2010-08-11 06:06:38.000000      N/A     Disabled
1968    676     TPAutoConnSvc.e 0xff143b28      5       100     0       False   2010-08-11 06:06:39.000000      N/A     Disabled
216     676     alg.exe 0xff25a7e0      6       104     0       False   2010-08-11 06:06:39.000000      N/A     Disabled
888     1028    wscntfy.exe     0xff364310      1       27      0       False   2010-08-11 06:06:49.000000      N/A     Disabled
1084    1968    TPAutoConnect.e 0xff38b5f8      1       61      0       False   2010-08-11 06:06:52.000000      N/A     Disabled
1724    1708    explorer.exe    0xff3865d0      11      294     0       False   2010-08-11 06:09:29.000000      N/A     Disabled
432     1724    VMwareTray.exe  0xff3667e8      1       49      0       False   2010-08-11 06:09:31.000000      N/A     Disabled
452     1724    VMwareUser.exe  0xff374980      5       176     0       False   2010-08-11 06:09:32.000000      N/A     Disabled
468     1028    wuauclt.exe     0x80f94588      3       130     0       False   2010-08-11 06:09:37.000000      N/A     Disabled
1136    1724    ImmunityDebugge 0xff37a4b0      2       73      0       False   2010-08-11 16:50:19.000000      N/A     Disabled
PS D:\Application\volatility3-stable> python .\vol.py -f D:\book\malwarecookbook-master\malwarecookbook-master\15\6\prolaco.vmem\prolaco.vmem windows.psscan Volatility 3 Framework 2.4.1 Progress: 100.00 PDB scanning finished PID PPID ImageFileName Offset(V) Threads Handles SessionId Wow64 CreateTime ExitTime File output 1260 1724 rundll32.exe 0x5f23a0 0 - 0 False 2010-08-11 16:50:29.000000 2010-08-11 16:50:42.000000 Disabled ==》如果是退出的进程,这里是可以看到的 468 1028 wuauclt.exe 0x10f7588 3 130 0 False 2010-08-11 06:09:37.000000 N/A Disabled 1028 676 svchost.exe 0x1122910 63 1334 0 False 2010-08-11 06:06:24.000000 N/A Disabled 1336 1136 1_doc_RCData_61 0x113f648 1 24 0 False 2010-08-11 16:50:20.000000 N/A Disabled ==》这个就是那个隐藏的进程了! 856 676 svchost.exe 0x115b8d8 16 198 0 False 2010-08-11 06:06:24.000000 N/A Disabled 4 0 System 0x1214660 56 253 N/A False N/A N/A Disabled 1968 676 TPAutoConnSvc.e 0x211ab28 5 100 0 False 2010-08-11 06:06:39.000000 N/A Disabled 1084 1968 TPAutoConnect.e 0x49c15f8 1 61 0 False 2010-08-11 06:06:52.000000 N/A Disabled 1724 1708 explorer.exe 0x4a065d0 11 294 0 False 2010-08-11 06:09:29.000000 N/A Disabled 1136 1724 ImmunityDebugge 0x4a544b0 2 73 0 False 2010-08-11 16:50:19.000000 N/A Disabled 452 1724 VMwareUser.exe 0x4b5a980 5 176 0 False 2010-08-11 06:09:32.000000 N/A Disabled 432 1724 VMwareTray.exe 0x4be97e8 1 49 0 False 2010-08-11 06:09:31.000000 N/A Disabled 888 1028 wscntfy.exe 0x4c2b310 1 27 0 False 2010-08-11 06:06:49.000000 N/A Disabled 544 4 smss.exe 0x5471020 3 21 N/A False 2010-08-11 06:06:21.000000 N/A Disabled 216 676 alg.exe 0x5f027e0 6 104 0 False 2010-08-11 06:06:39.000000 N/A Disabled 688 632 lsass.exe 0x5f47020 19 341 0 False 2010-08-11 06:06:24.000000 N/A Disabled 676 632 services.exe 0x6015020 16 269 0 False 2010-08-11 06:06:24.000000 N/A Disabled 1088 676 svchost.exe 0x61ef558 4 75 0 False 2010-08-11 06:06:25.000000 N/A Disabled 844 676 vmacthlp.exe 0x6384230 1 24 0 False 2010-08-11 06:06:24.000000 N/A Disabled 936 676 svchost.exe 0x63c5560 9 256 0 False 2010-08-11 06:06:24.000000 N/A Disabled 1144 420 msiexec.exe 0x640ac10 0 - 0 False 2010-08-11 16:49:33.000000 2010-08-11 16:50:08.000000 Disabled ==》也是退出的进程!可以pass掉! 1148 676 svchost.exe 0x6499b80 14 207 0 False 2010-08-11 06:06:26.000000 N/A Disabled 1788 676 VMUpgradeHelper 0x655fc88 3 97 0 False 2010-08-11 06:06:38.000000 N/A Disabled 632 544 winlogon.exe 0x66f0978 19 565 0 False 2010-08-11 06:06:23.000000 N/A Disabled 608 544 csrss.exe 0x66f0da0 11 349 0 False 2010-08-11 06:06:23.000000 N/A Disabled 1432 676 spoolsv.exe 0x6945da0 13 135 0 False 2010-08-11 06:06:26.000000 N/A Disabled 1668 676 vmtoolsd.exe 0x69d5b28 5 219 0 False 2010-08-11 06:06:35.000000 N/A Disabled








PS D:\Application\volatility3-stable> python .\vol.py -f D:\book\malwarecookbook-master\malwarecookbook-master\15\6\prolaco.vmem\prolaco.vmem windows.psscan --pid 1336 --dump
Volatility 3 Framework 2.4.1
Progress:  100.00               PDB scanning finished
PID     PPID    ImageFileName   Offset(V)       Threads Handles SessionId       Wow64   CreateTime      ExitTime        File output

1336    1136    1_doc_RCData_61 0x113f648       1       24      0       False   2010-08-11 16:50:20.000000      N/A     pid.1336.0x400000.dmp


PS D:\Application\volatility3-stable> python .\vol.py -f D:\book\malwarecookbook-master\malwarecookbook-master\15\6\prolaco.vmem\prolaco.vmem windows.psscan -h
Volatility 3 Framework 2.4.1
usage: volatility windows.psscan.PsScan [-h] [--pid [PID ...]] [--dump] [--physical]

  -h, --help       show this help message and exit
  --pid [PID ...]  Process ID to include (all other processes are excluded)
  --dump           Extract listed processes
  --physical       Display physical offset instead of virtual




PS D:\Application\volatility3-stable> md5deep .\pid.1336.0x400000.dmp
md5deep.exe: WARNING: You are running a 32-bit program on a 64-bit system.
md5deep.exe: You probably want to use the 64-bit version of this program.
7b0f17c2c2e3edc9b501406195d5d82c  D:\Application\volatility3-stable\pid.1336.0x400000.dmp





此外,如果是dump进程所有的内存,我看 https://security.stackexchange.com/questions/240041/how-to-dump-the-memory-of-a-given-process-with-volatility-3 这里面说的如下方法,但是实际上在我这里没有生效。但是记录下:

To dump the whole memory (not only binary itself) of the given process in Volatility 3 you need to use windows.memmap.Memmap plugin with --pid and --dump options as explained here.

For example:

vol.py -f mydump.vmem -o /path/to/output/dir windows.memmap.Memmap --pid 1233 --dump

PS D:\Application\volatility3-stable> python .\vol.py -f D:\book\malwarecookbook-master\malwarecookbook-master\15\6\prolaco.vmem\prolaco.vmem windows.memmap --pid 1336 --dump
Volatility 3 Framework 2.4.1
Progress:  100.00               PDB scanning finished
Virtual Physical        Size    Offset in File  File output


posted @ 2023-05-03 10:45  bonelee  阅读(87)  评论(2编辑  收藏  举报