id: 3255ec41-6bd6-4f35-84b1-c032b18bbfcb |
name: Fortinet - Beacon pattern detected |
description: | |
'Identifies patterns in the time deltas of contacts between internal and external IPs in Fortinet network data that are consistent with beaconing. |
Accounts for randomness (jitter) and seasonality such as working hours that may have been introduced into the beacon pattern. |
The lookback is set to 1d, the minimum granularity in time deltas is set to 60 seconds and the minimum number of beacons required to emit a |
detection is set to 4. |
Increase the lookback period to capture beacons with larger periodicities. |
The jitter tolerance is set to 0.2 - This means we account for an overall 20% deviation from the infered beacon periodicity. Seasonality is dealt with |
automatically using series_outliers. |
Note: In large environments it may be necessary to reduce the lookback period to get fast query times.' |
severity: Low |
requiredDataConnectors: |
- connectorId: Fortinet |
dataTypes: |
- CommonSecurityLog |
queryFrequency: 1d |
queryPeriod: 1d |
triggerOperator: gt |
triggerThreshold: 0 |
tactics: |
- CommandAndControl |
relevantTechniques: |
- T1043 |
- T1065 |
query: | |
let starttime = 1d; |
let TimeDeltaThresholdInSeconds = 60; // we ignore beacons diffs that fall below this threshold |
let TotalBeaconsThreshold = 4; // minimum number of beacons required in a session to surface a row |
let JitterTolerance = 0.2; // tolerance to jitter, e.g. - 0.2 = 20% jitter is tolerated either side of the periodicity |
let PrivateIPregex = @"^127\.|^10\.|^172\.1[6-9]\.|^172\.2[0-9]\.|^172\.3[0-1]\.|^192\.168\."; // exclude destinations that fall into this category |
CommonSecurityLog |
| where DeviceVendor == "Fortinet" |
| where TimeGenerated > ago(starttime) |
// eliminate bad data |
| where isnotempty(SourceIP) and isnotempty(DestinationIP) and SourceIP != "" |
// filter out deny, close, rst and SNMP to reduce data volume |
| where DeviceAction !in ("close", "client-rst", "server-rst", "deny") and DestinationPort != 161 |
// map input fields |
| project TimeGenerated , SourceIP, DestinationIP, DestinationPort, ReceivedBytes, SentBytes, DeviceAction |
// where destination IPs are public |
| extend DestinationIPType = iff(DestinationIP matches regex PrivateIPregex,"private" ,"public" ) |
| where DestinationIPType == "public" |
// sort into source->destination 'sessions' |
| sort by SourceIP asc, DestinationIP asc, DestinationPort asc, TimeGenerated asc |
| serialize |
// time diff the contact times between source and destination to get a list of deltas |
| extend nextTimeGenerated = next(TimeGenerated, 1), nextSourceIP = next(SourceIP, 1), nextDestIP = next(DestinationIP, 1), nextDestPort = next(DestinationPort, 1) |
| extend TimeDeltainSeconds = datetime_diff("second",nextTimeGenerated,TimeGenerated) |
| where SourceIP == nextSourceIP and DestinationIP == nextDestIP and DestinationPort == nextDestPort |
// remove small time deltas below the set threshold |
| where TimeDeltainSeconds > TimeDeltaThresholdInSeconds |
| project TimeGenerated, TimeDeltainSeconds, SourceIP, DestinationIP, DestinationPort, ReceivedBytes, SentBytes, DeviceAction |
// summarize the deltas by source->destination |
| summarize count(), StartTime=min(TimeGenerated), EndTime=max(TimeGenerated), sum(ReceivedBytes), sum(SentBytes), makelist(TimeDeltainSeconds), makeset(DeviceAction) by SourceIP, DestinationIP, DestinationPort |
// get some statistical properties of the delta distribution and smooth any outliers (e.g. laptop shut overnight, working hours) |
| extend series_stats(list_TimeDeltainSeconds), outliers=series_outliers(list_TimeDeltainSeconds) |
// expand the deltas and the outliers |
| mvexpand list_TimeDeltainSeconds to typeof(double), outliers to typeof(double) |
// replace outliers with the average of the distribution |
| extend list_TimeDeltainSeconds_normalized=iff(outliers > 1.5 or outliers < -1.5, series_stats_list_TimeDeltainSeconds_avg , list_TimeDeltainSeconds) |
// summarize with the smoothed distribution |
| summarize BeaconCount=count(), makelist(list_TimeDeltainSeconds), list_TimeDeltainSeconds_normalized=makelist(list_TimeDeltainSeconds_normalized), makeset(set_DeviceAction) by StartTime, EndTime, SourceIP, DestinationIP, DestinationPort, sum_ReceivedBytes, sum_SentBytes |
// get stats on the smoothed distribution |
| extend series_stats(list_TimeDeltainSeconds_normalized) |
// match jitter tolerance on smoothed distrib |
| extend MaxJitter = (series_stats_list_TimeDeltainSeconds_normalized_avg*JitterTolerance) |
| where series_stats_list_TimeDeltainSeconds_normalized_stdev < MaxJitter |
// where the minimum beacon threshold is satisfied and there was some data transfer |
| where BeaconCount > TotalBeaconsThreshold and (sum_SentBytes > 0 or sum_ReceivedBytes > 0) |
// final projection |
| project StartTime, EndTime, SourceIP, DestinationIP, DestinationPort, BeaconCount, TimeDeltasInSeconds=list_list_TimeDeltainSeconds, Periodicity=series_stats_list_TimeDeltainSeconds_normalized_avg, ReceivedBytes=sum_ReceivedBytes, SentBytes=sum_SentBytes, Actions=set_set_DeviceAction |
// where periodicity is order of magnitude larger than time delta threshold (eliminates FPs whose periodicity is close to the values we ignored) |
| where Periodicity >= (10*TimeDeltaThresholdInSeconds) |
| extend timestamp = StartTime, IPCustomEntity = DestinationIP |
entityMappings: |
- entityType: IP |
fieldMappings: |
- identifier: Address |
columnName: IPCustomEntity |