反恶意软件扫描接口(AMSI)基础知识——amsi是专门针对混淆绕过的无文件攻击脚本,在Windows 10 和Windows Server 2016 之后才有的,然后并不是所有的杀毒软件都可以调用amsi接口。国内的基本不可以!我晕!
Amsi(Antimalware Scan Interface)基础知识
The Windows Antimalware Scan Interface (AMSI) is a versatile interface
standard that allows your applications and services to integrate with
any antimalware product that's present on a machine. AMSI provides
enhanced malware protection for your end-users and their data,
applications, and workloads.AMSI is agnostic of antimalware vendor; it's designed to allow for the
most common malware scanning and protection techniques provided by
today's antimalware products that can be integrated into applications.
It supports a calling structure allowing for file and memory or stream
scanning, content source URL/IP reputation checks, and other
AMSI also supports the notion of a session so that antimalware vendors
can correlate different scan requests. For instance, the different
fragments of a malicious payload can be associated to reach a more
informed decision, which would be much harder to reach just by looking
at those fragments in isolation.
我认为这个Amsi(Antimalware Scan Interface)主要是针对脚本来说的,目前来说脚本逐渐成为针对性攻击的武器,诸如JavaScript,VBScript和PowerShell之类的脚本为我们攻击提供了巨大的好处。它们是系统合法的软件,并且执行文件不落地在内存中加载。
那么 Windows 10可以通过反恶意软件扫描接口(AMSI)提供查杀脚本的功能,还可以以脚本解释程序的相同方式查看脚本内容 ,这样的话就可以未加密和未混淆的形式来查看我们的攻击脚本。
AMSI功能已集成到Windows 10的这些组件中。
Office VBA宏
看到网上有python amsi的gist:https://gist.github.com/masthoon/8ada1d19e6e217481aa881fab16b5970
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Otherwise, it returns an HRESULT error code if amsi_hres ! = S_OK: print (f "[!]\tAmsiInitialize Error: {amsi_hres}" ) sys.exit() # Exit if initialization fails return amsi_ctx #> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Remove the instance of the AMSI API that was originally opened by AmsiInitialize #> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- """ void AmsiUninitialize( HAMSICONTEXT amsiContext ); """ def amsi_uninitialize( self ): AmsiUninitialize = windll.amsi.AmsiUninitialize AmsiUninitialize.argtypes = [HANDLE] AmsiUninitialize( self .amsi_ctx) return None #> ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Opens a session within which multiple scan requests can be correlated #> ----------------------------------------------------------------------- """ HRESULT AmsiOpenSession( HAMSICONTEXT amsiContext, HAMSISESSION *amsiSession ); """ def amsi_open_session( self ): AmsiOpenSession = windll.amsi.AmsiOpenSession AmsiOpenSession.argtypes = [HANDLE, POINTER(UINT)] # Specify attribute data types AmsiOpenSession.restype = HRESULT amsi_session = UINT( 0 ) # Return this session amsi_hres = AmsiOpenSession( self .amsi_ctx, amsi_session) # If this function succeeds, it returns S_OK. Otherwise, it returns an HRESULT error code if amsi_hres ! = S_OK: print (f "[!]\tAmsiOpenSession Error: {amsi_hres}" ) sys.exit() # Exit if session creation fails return amsi_session #> ---------------------------------------------------- # Close a session that was opened by AmsiOpenSession #> ---------------------------------------------------- """ void AmsiCloseSession( HAMSICONTEXT amsiContext, HAMSISESSION amsiSession ); """ def amsi_close_session( self ): AmsiCloseSession = windll.amsi.AmsiCloseSession AmsiCloseSession.argtypes = [HANDLE, UINT] # Specify attribute data types AmsiCloseSession.restype = HRESULT amsi_hres = AmsiCloseSession( self .amsi_ctx, self .amsi_session) return None #> ---------------------------- # Scans a string for malware #> ---------------------------- """ HRESULT AmsiScanString( HAMSICONTEXT amsiContext, LPCWSTR string, LPCWSTR contentName, HAMSISESSION amsiSession, AMSI_RESULT *result ); """ def amsi_scan_string( self , data): AmsiScanString = windll.amsi.AmsiScanString AmsiScanString.argtypes = [HANDLE, LPCWSTR, LPCWSTR, UINT, POINTER(UINT)] # Specify attribute data types AmsiScanString.restype = HRESULT amsi_res = UINT( 0 ) # Return this scan result amsi_hres = AmsiScanString( self .amsi_ctx, data, "string-data" , self .amsi_session, byref(amsi_res)) # If this function succeeds, it returns S_OK. Otherwise, it returns an HRESULT error code if amsi_hres ! = S_OK: print (f "[!]\tAmsiScanString Error: {amsi_hres}" ) sys.exit() # Exit if scan fails return amsi_res #> -------------------------------------------- # Scans a buffer-full of content for malware #> -------------------------------------------- """ HRESULT AmsiScanBuffer( HAMSICONTEXT amsiContext, PVOID buffer, ULONG length, LPCWSTR contentName, HAMSISESSION amsiSession, AMSI_RESULT *result ); """ def amsi_scan_buffer( self , data): AmsiScanBuffer = windll.amsi.AmsiScanBuffer AmsiScanBuffer.argtypes = [HANDLE, LPCSTR, UINT, LPCWSTR, UINT, POINTER(UINT)] # Specify attribute data types AmsiScanBuffer.restype = HRESULT amsi_res = UINT( 0 ) # Return this scan result amsi_hres = AmsiScanBuffer( self .amsi_ctx, data, len (data), "buffer-data" , self .amsi_session, byref(amsi_res)) # If this function succeeds, it returns S_OK. Otherwise, it returns an HRESULT error code if amsi_hres ! = S_OK: print (f "[!]\tAmsiScanBuffer Error: {amsi_hres}" ) sys.exit() # Exit if scan fails return amsi_res #> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Determines if the result of a scan indicates that the content should be blocked #> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- """ void AmsiResultIsMalware( r ); """ def amsi_result_is_malware( self , amsi_res): # List of potential detection result codes AMSI_RESULTS = { AMSI_RESULT.AMSI_RESULT_BLOCKED_BY_ADMIN_END: 'BLOCKED_BY_ADMIN_END' , AMSI_RESULT.AMSI_RESULT_BLOCKED_BY_ADMIN_START: 'BLOCKED_BY_ADMIN_START' , AMSI_RESULT.AMSI_RESULT_DETECTED: 'DETECTED' } if amsi_res.value in AMSI_RESULTS.keys(): return True else : return False |
Amsi(Antimalware Scan Interface)的工作流程。
As an application developer, you can actively participate in malware
Specifically, you can help protect your customers from
script-based malware, and from non-traditional avenues of
By way of an example, let's say that your application is scriptable:
it accepts arbitrary script, and executes it via a scripting engine.
At the point when a script is ready to be supplied to the scripting
engine, your application can call the Windows AMSI APIs to request a
scan of the content. That way, you can safely determine whether or not
the script is malicious before you decide to go ahead and execute it.This is true even if the script was generated at runtime. Script
(malicious or otherwise), might go through several passes of
de-obfuscation. But you ultimately need to supply the scripting engine
with plain, un-obfuscated code. And that's the point at which you
invoke the AMSI APIs.
可能有同学有疑问:杀毒软件不是也能不靠amsi查杀脚本吗?不不不 amsi的意义在于:无论我们的恶意脚本是经过多次模糊处理还是远程执行amsi都可以在脚本注入内存前检测到。而普通的静态杀毒软件是没办法的。
bypass 杀毒软件时我们的脚本一定是模糊处理的,但是无论我们什么样模糊处理到注入内存执行的时候一定是纯净,清晰的代码,不然脚本引擎无法理解和执行我们的恶意脚本。
PS C:\Users\(123223Li)> amsiutils
所在位置 行:1 字符: 1
+ amsiutils
+ ~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : ParserError: (:) [], ParentContainsErrorRecordException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : ScriptContainedMaliciousContent
很好Amsi查杀并阻止了power shell执行命令。
$bytes = [convert]::FromBase64String('YW1zaXV0aWxz') # YW1zaXV0aWxz为amsiutils的base64编码
$string = -join ($bytes | % {[char] ($_ -bxor 0x33)}) #进行XOR编码
iex $string #执行命令
然后我们使用powershell ISE 执行来模拟我们在实战中的无文件落地直接内存加载执行的手法
Get-WinEvent 'microssoft-windows-windows defender/operational' | Where-Object id -EQ 1116 | format-list
当然amsi也可以检测vba和Java script
The user receives a document containing a (malicious) macro, which
evades static antivirus software scans by employing techniques such as
obfuscation, password-protected files, or other. The user then opens
the document containing the (malicious) macro. If the document opens
in Protected View, then the user clicks Enable Editing to exit
Protected View. The user clicks Enable Macros to allow macros to run.
As the macro runs, the VBA runtime uses a circular buffer to log [1]
data and parameters related to calls to Win32, COM, and VBA APIs. When
specific Win32 or COM APIs that are considered high risk (also known
as triggers) [2] are observed, macro execution is halted, and the
contents of the circular buffer are passed to AMSI. The registered
AMSI anti-malware service provider responds with a verdict to indicate
whether or not the macro behavior is malicious. If the behavior is
non-malicious, then macro execution proceeds. Otherwise, if the
behavior is malicious, then Microsoft Office closes the session in
response to the alert [3], and the AV can quarantine the file.
2.VBA宏运行时,运行时会有一个循环的缓冲区中记录数据和参数调用Win32,COM, VBA等等api的情况。
1.使用cobat Strike生成我们的恶意代码
Sub AutoOpen()
Call Shell("powershell -Sta -Nop -Window Hidden -EncodedCommand shell")
End Sub
amsi是在Windows 10 和Windows Server 2016 之后才有的,然后并不是所有的杀毒软件都可以调用amsi接口。国内的基本不可以哈哈哈。
amsi解决的是远程加载执行恶意脚本无文件落地的攻击手法,过两天看看跟大家学习一下bypass AMsi的手法。
我们学习了Antimalware Scan Interface(AMSI)的一些知识。作为渗透测试的我们了解杀软是为了更好地进行免杀。
There are two ways in which you can interface with AMSI in your application.
By using the AMSI Win32 APIs. By using the AMSI COM interfaces.
1.通过使用AMSI Win32 API
Functions that your application can call to request a scan. AMSI provides the following functions.
Function #函数 Description #功能
AmsiCloseSession Close a session that was opened by AmsiOpenSession.#关闭打开的会话
AmsiInitialize Initialize the AMSI API.#初始化AMSI API。
AmsiOpenSession Opens a session within which multiple scan requests can be correlated.#打开一个会话中关联多个扫描请求。
AmsiResultIsMalware Determines if the result of a scan indicates that the content should be blocked.# 确定扫描的结果表明,内容应该是屏蔽
AmsiScanBuffer Scans a buffer-full of content for malware. # 扫描恶意软件的缓冲区已满的内容。
AmsiScanString Scans a string for malware.#恶意软件扫描一个字符串。
AmsiUninitialize Remove the instance of the AMSI API that was originally opened by AmsiInitialize.#删除的实例AMSI API,
2.通过使用AMSI COM接口
Inheritance The IAmsiStream interface inherits from the IUnknown
interface. IAmsiStream also has these types of members:
Methods Methods The IAmsiStream interface has these methods.
METHODS Method Description IAmsiStream::GetAttribute Returns a
requested attribute from the stream. IAmsiStream::Read Requests a
buffer-full of content to be read. Requirements REQUIREMENTS
Minimum supported client Windows 10 [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2016 [desktop apps only] Target
Platform Windows Header amsi.h
As a creator of antimalware products, you can choose to author and
register your own in-process COM server (a DLL) to function as an AMSI
That AMSI provider must implement the IAntimalwareProvider
interface, and it must run in-process.Note that, after Windows 10, version 1709 (the Fall 2017 Creators'
Update), your AMSI provider DLL may not work if it depends upon other
DLLs in its path to be loaded at the same time. To prevent DLL
hijacking, we recommend that your provider DLL load its dependencies
explicitly (with a full path) using secure LoadLibrary calls, or equivalent.
We recommend this instead of relying on the LoadLibrary search behavior.The section below shows how to register your AMSI provider. For full
sample code showing how to author your own AMSI provider DLL, see the
IAntimalwareProvider interface sample application.Register your provider DLL with AMSI To begin with, you need to ensure
that these Windows Registry keys exist.HKLMSOFTWAREMicrosoftAMSIProviders HKLMSOFTWAREClassesCLSID An
AMSI provider is an in-process COM server. Consequently, it needs to
register itself with COM. COM classes are registered in
Note that, after Windows 10, version 1709 (the Fall 2017 Creators'
Update), your AMSI provider DLL may not work if it depends upon other
DLLs in its path to be loaded at the same time. To prevent DLL
hijacking, we recommend that your provider DLL load its dependencies
explicitly (with a full path) using secure LoadLibrary calls, orequivalent.
We recommend this instead of relying on the LoadLibrarysearch behavior.search behavior.
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