About jQuery
Getting started with jQuery can be easy or challenging, depending on your experience with JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and programming concepts in general. In addition to these articles, you can read about the history of jQuery and the licensing terms that apply to jQuery projects. You can also make a donation to help the jQuery team continue to improve jQuery.
One important thing to know is that jQuery is just a JavaScript library. All the power of jQuery is accessed via JavaScript, so having a strong grasp of JavaScript is essential for understanding, structuring, and debugging your code. While working with jQuery regularly can, over time, improve your proficiency with JavaScript, it can be hard to get started writing jQuery without a working knowledge of JavaScript's built-in constructs and syntax. Therefore, if you're new to JavaScript, we recommend checking out the JavaScript basics tutorial on the Mozilla Developer Network (MDN).
jQuery 的核心特性可以总结为:具有独特的链式语法和短小清晰的多功能接口;具有高效灵活的css选择器,并且可对CSS选择器进行扩展;拥有便捷的插件扩展机制 和丰富的插件。jQuery兼容各种主流浏览器,如IE 6.0+、FF 1.5+、Safari 2.0+、Opera 9.0+等。同时,jQuery 有约几千种丰富多彩的插件,大量有趣的扩展和出色的社区支持,这弥补了jQuery功能较少的不足并为jQuery 提供了众多非常有用的功能扩展。加之其简单易学,jQuery 很快成为当今最为流行的JavaScript 库,成为开发网站等复杂度较低的Web 应用程序的首选JavaScript 库,并得到了大公司如微软,Google 的支持。 jQuery 最有特色的语法特点就是与CSS 语法相似的选择器,并且它支持CSS1 到CSS3 的几乎所有选择器,并兼容所有主流浏览器,这为快速访问DOM 提供了方便。
在1995年时,由Netscape公司的Brendan Eich,在网景导航者浏览器上首次设计实现而成。因为Netscape与Sun合作,Netscape管理层希望它外观看起来像Java,因此取名为JavaScript。但实际上它的语法风格与Self及Scheme较为接近。