
Nuget: https://www.nuget.org/packages/bodong.Avalonia.PropertyGrid

GitHub: https://github.com/bodong1987/Avalonia.PropertyGrid


  • 支持像DevExpress的PropertyGridControl一样自动分析类的属性并显示和编辑
  • 支持在一个PropertyGrid中同时编辑多个对象
  • 支持实现 ICustomTypeDescriptor 接口或 TypeDescriptionProvider 的自定义类型
  • 支持数组编辑,支持在控件中创建、插入、删除、清除
  • 支持数据验证
  • 支持内置撤销和重做框架
  • 支持根据条件自动调整属性的可见性
  • 支持路径选择
  • 支持两种显示方式:类别排序和字母排序
  • 支持文本过滤、正则表达式过滤、支持忽略大小写设置
  • 支持按类别快速过滤
  • 支持数据自动重载
  • 支持子对象自动扩展
  • 支持通过拖动标题调整属性名称和属性值的宽度
  • 支持本地化,无需重启即可实时更改语言
  • 支持自定义属性单元格编辑器



This is a PropertyGrid implementation for Avalonia, you can use it in Avalonia Applications.
Its main features are:

  • Support automatic analysis of class's Properties like DevExpress's PropertyGridControl and display and edit
  • Support simultaneous editing of multiple objects in one PropertyGrid
  • Support custom types that implement the ICustomTypeDescriptor interface or TypeDescriptionProvider
  • Support array editing, support for creating, inserting, deleting and clearing in the control
  • Support data verification
  • Support Built-in undo and redo framework
  • Support for automatically adjusting the visibility of properties based on conditions
  • Support path picking
  • Support two display modes: category-based and alphabetical sorting
  • Support text filtering, regular expression filtering, and supports ignoring case settings
  • Support fast filtering by Category
  • Support data automatic reloading
  • Support automatic expansion of sub-objects
  • Support adjust the width of the property name and property value by drag the title
  • Support localization and realtime change language without restart
  • Support custom property cell editors


posted @ 2023-04-22 13:04  bodong  阅读(633)  评论(27编辑  收藏  举报