sql请列出学生数大于等于5的课程 distinct去重


题目:There is a table courses with columns: student and class

Please list out all classes which have more than or equal to 5 students.

For example, the table:

| student | class      |
| A       | Math       |
| B       | English    |
| C       | Math       |
| D       | Biology    |
| E       | Math       |
| F       | Computer   |
| G       | Math       |
| H       | Math       |
| I       | Math       |

Should output:

| class   |
| Math    |


The students should not be counted duplicate in each course.



1. 先从表courses中查找出每个课程的学生人数,并使用distinct去除重复的数据。

2.将返回数据,新增列count 存到一个新表中



select class from

(select class ,count( distinct student) as count from courses group by class )as c
where count >= 5

posted @ 2020-09-27 12:55  菠菜猫  阅读(509)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报