[root@localhost ~]# pip install mysql
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
import MySQLdb conninfo = { 'host':"", 'user':"", 'passwd':"", 'db':"", 'port': } db = MySQLdb.connect(**conninfo) # 打开数据库连接 url,username,password,database # 使用cursor()方法获取操作游标 cursor = db.cursor() # 使用execute方法执行SQL语句 cursor.execute("SELECT VERSION()") # 使用 fetchone() 方法获取一条数据 data = cursor.fetchone() print "Database version : %s " % data # 关闭数据库连接 db.close()
[root@localhost ~]# pip install DBUtils
#!/bin/env python # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- import MySQLdb from dbutils.pooled_db import PooledDB # mysql配置信息 conninfo = { 'host':"", 'user':"", 'passwd':"", 'db':"", 'port': } #5为连接池里的最少连接数 pool = PooledDB(MySQLdb,5,**conninfo) #以后每次需要数据库连接就是用connection()函数获取连接就好了 conn = pool.connection() cur = conn.cursor() SQL = "select version()" r = cur.execute(SQL) r = cur.fetchone() print r cur.close() conn.close()
#!/bin/env python # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- #@Time : 2020/11/19 10:00 #@Author: wangbo #@File : import json import datetime from dbutils.pooled_db import PooledDB import pymysql class MysqlClient(object): __pool = None; def __init__(self, mincached=3, maxcached=5, maxshared=5, maxconnections=5, blocking=True, maxusage=100, setsession=None, reset=True, host='', port=33064, db='deploy', user='depUsr', passwd='deploY123', charset='utf8mb4'): """ :param mincached:连接池中空闲连接的初始数量 :param maxcached:连接池中空闲连接的最大数量 :param maxshared:共享连接的最大数量 :param maxconnections:创建连接池的最大数量 :param blocking:超过最大连接数量时候的表现,为True等待连接数量下降,为false直接报错处理 :param maxusage:单个连接的最大重复使用次数 :param setsession:optional list of SQL commands that may serve to prepare the session, e.g. ["set datestyle to ...", "set time zone ..."] :param reset:how connections should be reset when returned to the pool (False or None to rollback transcations started with begin(), True to always issue a rollback for safety's sake) :param host:数据库ip地址 :param port:数据库端口 :param db:库名 :param user:用户名 :param passwd:密码 :param charset:字符编码 """ if not self.__pool: self.__class__.__pool = PooledDB(pymysql, mincached, maxcached, maxshared, maxconnections, blocking, maxusage, setsession, reset, host=host, port=port, db=db, user=user, passwd=passwd, charset=charset, cursorclass=pymysql.cursors.DictCursor ) self._conn = None self._cursor = None self.__get_conn() def __get_conn(self): self._conn = self.__pool.connection(); self._cursor = self._conn.cursor(); def close(self): try: self._cursor.close() self._conn.close() except Exception as e: print e def __execute(self, sql, param=()): count = self._cursor.execute(sql, param) print count return count @staticmethod def __dict_datetime_obj_to_str(result_dict): """把字典里面的datatime对象转成字符串,使json转换不出错""" if result_dict: result_replace = {k: v.__str__() for k, v in result_dict.items() if isinstance(v, datetime.datetime)} result_dict.update(result_replace) return result_dict def select_one(self, sql, param=()): """查询单个结果""" count = self.__execute(sql, param) result = self._cursor.fetchone() """:type result:dict""" result = self.__dict_datetime_obj_to_str(result) return count, result def select_many(self, sql, param=()): """ 查询多个结果 :param sql: qsl语句 :param param: sql参数 :return: 结果数量和查询结果集 """ count = self.__execute(sql, param) result = self._cursor.fetchall() """:type result:list""" [self.__dict_datetime_obj_to_str(row_dict) for row_dict in result] return count, result def execute(self, sql, param=()): count = self.__execute(sql, param) return count def begin(self): """开启事务""" self._conn.autocommit(0) def end(self, option='commit'): """结束事务""" if option == 'commit': self._conn.autocommit() else: self._conn.rollback() if __name__ == "__main__": mc = MysqlClient() sql1 = 'SELECT * FROM dbauto_server_token WHERE id = 50' result1 = mc.select_one(sql1) print json.dumps(result1[1], ensure_ascii=False) sql2 = 'SELECT * FROM dbauto_server_token WHERE id IN (%s,%s,%s)' param = (49, 50, 51) print json.dumps(mc.select_many(sql2, param)[1], ensure_ascii=False)