import arcpy
# Describe a feature class with a geographic coordinate system
desc = arcpy.Describe("d:/base/data.gdb/latlongbnd")
# Create search cursor. Use the spatial reference object from the
# described feature class so geometries are returned in decimal degrees.
rows = arcpy.SearchCursor("d:/base/data.gdb/buildings", "", desc.spatialReference)
# Open the file for output. This also creates the file if it does not exist.
out = open(arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0), "w")
# Print the coordinates of each building point feature
for row in rows:
# Create the geometry object
feat = row.shape
# Get the geometry's point object.
pnt = feat.getPart()
# Write the x,y coordinate to the output file
out.write(pnt.X + ";" + pnt.Y + "\n")
# Close the output file