(原创)DE2数字逻辑实验——Mechanics of DE2 Projects-Altera DE2 Project Diglab1(DE2)(Quartus ii)(Verilog)
Posted on 2008-11-28 20:47 冰灵天堂 阅读(657) 评论(0) 编辑 收藏 举报Altera DE2 Project Diglab1
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For a discussion of the steps involved in ptogramming the DE2 board, see Mechanics of Altera DE2 Board Programming
Top-Level Entity
The module declaration names the DE2 ports we think we might want to use. The names are the same as those used in DE2_pin_assignments.csv
module diglab1( // Clock Input (50 MHz) input CLOCK_50, // Push Buttons input [3:0] KEY, // DPDT Switches input [17:0] SW, // 7-SEG Displays output [6:0] HEX0, HEX1, HEX2, HEX3, HEX4, HEX5, HEX6, HEX7, // LEDs output [8:0] LEDG, // LED Green[8:0] output [17:0] LEDR, // LED Red[17:0] // GPIO Connections inout [35:0] GPIO_0, GPIO_1 );
External I/O Connections
There are two 36-pin headers on the DE2 board. They are mapped to inout
pins on the Altera Cyclone II FPGA. They are not used in this project, so we set them to tri-state (high Z)
// set all inout ports to tri-state assign GPIO_0 = 36'hzzzzzzzzz; assign GPIO_1 = 36'hzzzzzzzzz;
LED Connections
Connect dip switches to red LEDs
assign LEDR[17:0] = SW[17:0];
Turn off green LEDs
assign LEDG[8:0] = 0;
7-Segment Displays
We declare a 16-bit vector of bits, and assign groups of four bits (nibbles) to four of the 7-segment displays, which will convert the inputs to the proper segments to display the corresponding hex digits
reg [15:0] A; // map to 7-segment displays hex_7seg dsp0(A[3:0],HEX0); hex_7seg dsp1(A[7:4],HEX1); hex_7seg dsp2(A[11:8],HEX2); hex_7seg dsp3(A[15:12],HEX3);
We say that this code instantiates four hex-7seg modules.
The following code segment shows how to blank unused 7-segment digits. The 7-segment displays use active low ?if you want to turn off a segment, set it high.
wire [6:0] blank = ~7'h00; // blank remaining digits assign HEX4 = blank; assign HEX5 = blank; assign HEX6 = blank; assign HEX7 = blank;
User Interface
When the user presses KEY3
, the action creates a high-to-low transition on the corresponding port. We choose to capture (latch) the configure of dip switches 15 ?0 into the A
register. This value will simultaneously be displayed on the assigned 7-segment displays.
// control (set) value of A, signal with KEY3 always @(negedge KEY[3]) A <= SW[15:0];
7-Segment Display Logic
// seg = {g,f,e,d,c,b,a}; // 0 is on and 1 is off always @ (hex_digit) case (hex_digit) 4'h0: seg = ~7'h3F; 4'h1: seg = ~7'h06; // ---a---- 4'h2: seg = ~7'h5B; // | | 4'h3: seg = ~7'h4F; // f b 4'h4: seg = ~7'h66; // | | 4'h5: seg = ~7'h6D; // ---g---- 4'h6: seg = ~7'h7D; // | | 4'h7: seg = ~7'h07; // e c 4'h8: seg = ~7'h7F; // | | 4'h9: seg = ~7'h67; // ---d----
See: hex_7seg.v
- Map 7 dip switches directly to the segments of one of the 7-segment displays. Now you can design your own patterns. For example you could change the line for HEX7 to
assign HEX7 = ~SW[6:0];
- Program the display so that the first four 7-segment displays spell out a word: like HELP?or Food?
- Modify the starting program so that KEY3 enters the 8-bit value from SW[7:0] and displays it on HEX7-HEX6, KEY2 enters the 8-bit value from SW[7:0] and displays it on HEX5-HEX4, and KEY1 generates the logical and of A and B and displays the result in HEX1-HEX0. Blank the digits HEX3-HEX2.
Verilog source and Quartus compilation report