HDU 1155 Bungee Jumping

int main()
    double k,l,s,w;
    while( scanf( "%lf%lf%lf%lf",&k,&l,&s,&w ),k||l||s||w )
        if( l>=s )//当绳子大于桥的高度就只要判断势能转化成动能
            if(s>(100/19.62)) printf( "Killed by the impact.\n" );
            else printf( "James Bond survives.\n" );
               double p0=k*(s-l)*(s-l);
               double Ep=2*w*9.81*s;
               double E=Ep-p0,Ek=w*10*10;
               if( p0>Ep )//当重力势能小于弹性势能就停在空中
                printf( "Stuck in the air.\n" );
                else if( E>Ek )//当重力势能大于弹性势能与速度10的动能
                      printf( "Killed by the impact.\n" );
                      else printf( "James Bond survives.\n" );
   return 0;    


posted @ 2011-08-15 22:07  wutaoKeen  阅读(283)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报