Spring Cloud:多环境配置、eureka 安全认证、容器宿主机IP注册
记录一下搭建 Spring Cloud 过程中踩过的一些坑,测试的东西断断续续已经弄了好多了,一直没有时间整理搭建过程,时间啊~时间~
Spring 版本
- Spring Boot:2.0.6.RELEASE
- Spring Cloud:Finchley.SR2
使用 Spring Cloud 来处理
多配置的切换在开发中真是很常用,能有效提高效率。一些成熟的框架基本都有关于配置切换的解决方案,当然了 Spring Cloud 也不例外!
配置文件通过后缀区分:dev - 开发环境配置,test - 测试环境配置,prod - 生产环境配置。
bootstrap.yml 文件来配置加载那个配置文件:
active: dev
spring.profiles.active 配置的就是需要加载的配置文件,这样就能通过配置来加载不同的配置文件。
这里说明一下配置的加载流程:bootstrap.yml ----> bootstrap-{profile}.yml ----> application.yml ----> application-{profile}.yml
也就是说,无论 bootstrap 还是 appliction 都可以做多环境配置切换的。
但是,我们一般都是打包成 jar 包来运行,这样分别打包还是有点麻烦,所以可以打包一个 jar 包,通过添加启动参数来加载不同的配置:
java -jar xxx.jar --spring.profiles.active=dev 表示使用开发环境的配置
java -jar xxx.jar --spring.profiles.active=test 表示使用测试环境的配置
java -jar xxx.jar --spring.profiles.active=prod 表示使用生产环境的配置
这里贴一个我封装的启动 jar 包的 shell 脚本:
#!/bin/bash JAR_DIR='/data' JAR_FILE='' LOG_DIR='/dev/null' CONF_ENV='dev' JAR_NUM=1 if read -t 30 -p "Enter the jar storage directory(default: $JAR_DIR): " I_JAR_DIR then if [ "$I_JAR_DIR" != "" ] then if [ ! -d "$I_JAR_DIR" ];then echo "Error: Directory does not exist;" exit 1 fi JAR_DIR=$I_JAR_DIR fi else echo echo "Error: Sorry, too slow" exit 1 fi JAR_FILE_LIST=$(ls -1 $JAR_DIR | awk '/.*\.jar$/') if [ "$JAR_FILE_LIST" = "" ] then echo "Error: There is no runnable jar package" exit 1 else echo "--------------------------------------------------" echo "$JAR_FILE_LIST" | awk '/.*\.jar$/{print NR,$0}' echo "--------------------------------------------------" if read -t 30 -p "Enter the line number to run the jar package(default: $JAR_NUM): " I_JAR_NUM then if [ "$I_JAR_NUM" = "" ];then I_JAR_NUM=$JAR_NUM fi if [ ! -n "$(echo $I_JAR_NUM| sed -n "/^[0-9]\+$/p")" ] || [ $I_JAR_NUM -lt 1 ] then echo "Error: Illegal jar package line number" exit 1 else JARSTR=$(echo "$JAR_FILE_LIST" | awk '{print $0 "|||"}') OLD_IFS="$IFS" IFS="|||" JAR_TEM=($JARSTR) IFS="$OLD_IFS" JAR_ARRAY=() JAR_ARRAY_i=1 for var in ${JAR_TEM[@]} do if [ "$var" != "" ] then JAR_ARRAY[$JAR_ARRAY_i]=$var JAR_ARRAY_i=$(($JAR_ARRAY_i+1)) fi done JAR_NUM=$I_JAR_NUM fi else echo echo "Error: Sorry, too slow" exit 1 fi fi if read -t 30 -p "Enter the log storage directory(default: $LOG_DIR): " I_LOG_DIR then if [ "$I_LOG_DIR" != "" ] then if [ ! -d "$I_LOG_DIR" ];then echo "Error: Directory does not exist;" exit 1 fi LOG_DIR=$I_LOG_DIR fi else echo echo "Error: Sorry, too slow" exit 1 fi if read -t 30 -p "Input configuration environment(default: $CONF_ENV): " I_CONF_ENV then if [ "$I_CONF_ENV" != "" ] then CONF_ENV=$I_CONF_ENV fi else echo echo "Error: Sorry, too slow" exit 1 fi ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Shanghai /etc/localtime if [ "$LOG_DIR" != "/dev/null" ] then LOG_URI=${LOG_DIR%*/}/${JAR_ARRAY[$JAR_NUM]}_"$CONF_ENV"_$(date "+%Y_%b_%d_%H_%M_%S_%N").txt else LOG_URI=$LOG_DIR fi exec java -jar ${JAR_DIR%*/}/${JAR_ARRAY[$JAR_NUM]} > $LOG_URI --spring.profiles.active=$CONF_ENV & echo "The successful running."
也有很多人选择使用这种方式来处理,这主要是使用场景是使用 Docker 构建 Sprign 项目,通过运行容器时候初始化一些环境变量来指定配置。
# local development configuration
version: '2.1'
service: base-eureka
file: docker-compose-base.yml
container_name: ${CONTAINER_HOST_NAME:-standalone.eureka}
- SPRING_APPLICATION_NAME=standalone.eureka
- SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE=develop.env,manual_ip_hostname,port_nonsecure,standalone
hostname: ${CONTAINER_HOST_NAME:-standalone.eureka}
#ipv6_address: 2001:3984:3989::10
- "${SERVER_PORT:-8761}:${SERVER_PORT:-8761}"
- data:/home/alpine/data
- tmp:/tmp
# docker network create --driver=bridge --ipam-driver=default --subnet= local-network
# docker network ls
# docker network inspect local-network
external: true
driver: bridge
enable_ipv6: true
driver: default
- subnet:
#- subnet: 2001:3984:3989::/64
driver: local
type: none
device: ${PWD}/data/data
o: bind
driver: local
type: none
device: ${PWD}/data/tmp
o: bind
eureka.client: # # Indicates whether server can redirect a client request to a backup server/cluster. # # If set to false, the server will handle the request directly, # # If set to true, it may send HTTP redirect to the client, with a new server location. # # default: false # allow-redirects: false # # Gets the list of availability zones (used in AWS data centers) for the region in which this instance resides. # # The changes are effective at runtime at the next registry fetch cycle as specified by registryFetchIntervalSeconds. # # default: <blank-value> # #availability-zones: # # Gets the name of the implementation which implements BackupRegistry to fetch the registry information # # as a fall back option for only the first time when the eureka client starts. # # This may be needed for applications which needs additional resiliency for registry information without which it cannot operate. # # default: <blank-value> # #backup-registry-impl: # # Cache refresh executor exponential back off related property. # # It is a maximum multiplier value for retry delay, in case where a sequence of timeouts occurred. # # default: 10 # cache-refresh-executor-exponential-back-off-bound: 10 # # The thread pool size for the cacheRefreshExecutor to initialise with # # default: 2 # cache-refresh-executor-thread-pool-size: 2 # # EurekaAccept name for client data accept # # default: <blank-value> # #client-data-accept: # # This is a transient config and once the latest codecs are stable, can be removed (as there will only be one) # # default: <blank-value> # #decoder-name: # # Indicates whether the eureka client should disable fetching of delta and should rather resort to getting the full registry information. # # Note that the delta fetches can reduce the traffic tremendously, because the rate of change with the eureka server is normally much lower than the rate of fetches. # # The changes are effective at runtime at the next registry fetch cycle as specified by registryFetchIntervalSeconds # # default: false # disable-delta: false # # Get a replacement string for Dollar sign <code>$</code> during serializing/deserializing information in eureka server. # # default: _- # #dollar-replacement: _- # # Flag to indicate that the Eureka client is enabled. # # default: true # # client是否可用, 通常测试时不需要启用真实服务时需要 # enabled: true # # This is a transient config and once the latest codecs are stable, can be removed (as there will only be one) # # default: <blank-value> # #encoder-name: # # Get a replacement string for underscore sign <code>_</code> during serializing/deserializing information in eureka server. # # default: __ # #escape-char-replacement: __ # # Indicates how much time (in seconds) that the HTTP connections to eureka server can stay idle before it can be closed. # # In the AWS environment, it is recommended that the values is 30 seconds or less, # # since the firewall cleans up the connection information after a few mins leaving the connection hanging in limbo # # default: 30 # # 单位s, 一个到Eureka的Http连接在关闭前可以保持Idle状态的最大时间 # eureka-connection-idle-timeout-seconds: 30 # # default eureka # eureka-server-u-r-l-context: eureka # # Indicates how long to wait (in seconds) before a connection to eureka server needs to timeout. # # Note that the connections in the client are pooled by org.apache.http.client.HttpClient and # # this setting affects the actual connection creation and also the wait time to get the connection from the pool. # # default: 5 # eureka-server-connect-timeout-seconds: 5 # # Gets the DNS name to be queried to get the list of eureka servers. # # This information is not required if the contract returns the service urls by implementing serviceUrls. # # The DNS mechanism is used when useDnsForFetchingServiceUrls is set to true and # # the eureka client expects the DNS to configured a certain way so that it can fetch changing eureka servers dynamically. # # The changes are effective at runtime. # # default: <blank-value> # #eureka-server-d-n-s-name: # # Gets the port to be used to construct the service url to contact eureka server when the list of eureka servers come from the DNS. # # This information is not required if the contract returns the service urls eurekaServerServiceUrls(String). # # The DNS mechanism is used when useDnsForFetchingServiceUrls is set to true and # # the eureka client expects the DNS to configured a certain way so that it can fetch changing eureka servers dynamically. # # The changes are effective at runtime. # # default: <blank-value> # #eureka-server-port: # # Indicates how long to wait (in seconds) before a read from eureka server needs to timeout. # # default: 8 # # 单位s, 读数据超时时长 # eureka-server-read-timeout-seconds: 8 # # Gets the total number of connections that is allowed from eureka client to all eureka servers. # # default: 200 # # Client到Eureka的最大连接数 # eureka-server-total-connections: 200 # # Gets the total number of connections that is allowed from eureka client to a eureka server host. # # default: 50 # # Client到单个Eureka的最大链接数 # eureka-server-total-connections-per-host: 50 # # Gets the URL context to be used to construct the service url to contact eureka server when the list of eureka servers come from the DNS. # # This information is not required if the contract returns the service urls from eurekaServerServiceUrls. # # The DNS mechanism is used when useDnsForFetchingServiceUrls is set to true and # # the eureka client expects the DNS to configured a certain way so that it can fetch changing eureka servers dynamically. # # The changes are effective at runtime. # # default: <blank-value> # #eureka-server-u-r-l-context: # # Indicates how often(in seconds) to poll for changes to eureka server information. # # Eureka servers could be added or removed and this setting controls how soon the eureka clients should know about it. # # default: 0 # # 单位s, 客户端拉取Eureka的状态变化(Instances增删)的时间间隔 # eureka-service-url-poll-interval-seconds: 0 # Indicates whether this client should fetch eureka registry information from eureka server. # default: true # 是否从Eureka获取集群Instances信息 fetch-registry: ${EUREKA_CLIENT_FETCHREGISTRY:false} # # Comma separated list of regions for which the eureka registry information will be fetched. # # It is mandatory to define the availability zones for each of these regions as returned by availabilityZones. # # Failing to do so, will result in failure of discovery client startup. # # default: <blank-value> # #fetch-remote-regions-registry: # # Indicates whether to get the applications after filtering the applications for instances with only InstanceStatus UP states. # # default: true # # 是否只给出处于存活(UP)状态的应用 # filter-only-up-instances: true # # Indicates whether the content fetched from eureka server has to be compressed whenever it is supported by the server. # # The registry information from the eureka server is compressed for optimum network traffic. # # default: true # # 如果Eureka服务端支持, Client从Eureka获取gzip压缩过的数据 # g-zip-content: true # see: https://github.com/spring-cloud/spring-cloud-netflix/blob/v1.4.4.RELEASE/spring-cloud-netflix-eureka-client/src/main/java/org/springframework/cloud/netflix/eureka/EurekaDiscoveryClientConfiguration.java healthcheck.enabled: ${EUREKA_CLIENT_HEALTHCHECK_ENABLED:true} # # Heartbeat executor exponential back off related property. # # It is a maximum multiplier value for retry delay, in case where a sequence of timeouts occurred. # # default: 10 # heartbeat-executor-exponential-back-off-bound: 10 # # The thread pool size for the heartbeatExecutor to initialise with # # default: 2 # # 向Eureka发送心跳的线程池大小 # heartbeat-executor-thread-pool-size: 2 # # Indicates how long initially (in seconds) to replicate instance info to the eureka server # # default: 40 # # 单位s, 启动后, 间隔多少时间后开始复制instance info到Eureka # initial-instance-info-replication-interval-seconds: 40 # # Indicates how often(in seconds) to replicate instance changes to be replicated to the eureka server. # # default: 30 # # 单位s, 每间隔多少时间复制instance info变动到Eureka # instance-info-replication-interval-seconds: 30 # # Indicates whether to log differences between the eureka server and the eureka client in terms of registry information. # # Eureka client tries to retrieve only delta changes from eureka server to minimize network traffic. # # After receiving the deltas, eureka client reconciles the information from the server to verify it has not missed out some information. # # Reconciliation failures could happen when the client has had network issues communicating to server. # # If the reconciliation fails, eureka client gets the full registry information. # # While getting the full registry information, the eureka client can log the differences between the client and the server and this setting controls that. # # The changes are effective at runtime at the next registry fetch cycle as specified by registryFetchIntervalSecondsr # # default: false # # 是否记录Eureka与Client之间关于注册信息的差异 # log-delta-diff: false # # If set to true, local status updates via ApplicationInfoManager will trigger on-demand (but rate limited) register/updates to remote eureka servers # # default: true # # 通过ApplicationInfoManager修改的状态变化是否更新到Eureka # on-demand-update-status-change: true # # Indicates whether or not this instance should try to use the eureka server in the same zone for latency and/or other reason. # # Ideally eureka clients are configured to talk to servers in the same zone # # The changes are effective at runtime at the next registry fetch cycle as specified by registryFetchIntervalSeconds # # default: true # # 倾向使用于Client处在同一Zone内的Eureka # prefer-same-zone-eureka: true # # default: <blank-value> # #property-resolver: # # Gets the proxy host to eureka server if any. # # default: <blank-value> # #proxy-host: # # Gets the proxy password if any. # # default: <blank-value> # #roxy-password: # # Gets the proxy port to eureka server if any. # # default: <blank-value> # #proxy-port: # # Gets the proxy user name if any. # # default: <blank-value> # #proxy-user-name: # Gets the region (used in AWS datacenters) where this instance resides. # default: us-east-1 region: ${EUREKA_CLIENT_REGION:us-east-1} # Indicates whether or not this instance should register its information with eureka server for discovery by others. # In some cases, you do not want your instances to be discovered whereas you just want do discover other instances. # default: true # 是否将服务发布到Eureka register-with-eureka: ${EUREKA_CLIENT_REGISTERWITHEUREKA:false} # # Indicates how often(in seconds) to fetch the registry information from the eureka server. # # default: 30 # # 单位s, 间隔多长时间从Eureka获取注册信息 # registry-fetch-interval-seconds: 30 # Indicates whether the client is only interested in the registry information for a single VIP. # default: <blank-value> #registry-refresh-single-vip-address: # Map of availability zone to list of fully qualified URLs to communicate with eureka server. # Each value can be a single URL or a comma separated list of alternative locations. # Typically the eureka server URLs carry protocol,host,port,context and version information if any. # Example: http://ec2-256-156-243-129.compute-1.amazonaws.com:7001/eureka/ # The changes are effective at runtime at the next service url refresh cycle as specified by eurekaServiceUrlPollIntervalSeconds. # default: <blank-value> service-url: # Note: # Peer Awareness Mode: eureka.client.service-url.defaultZone's hosts affect DS Replicas value on dashboard # Standalone Mode: Notice that the serviceUrl is pointing to the same host as the local instance. # Note: must use 'defaultZone' here, otherwise cluster peers can not find replicas (can not see each other). # split by comma defaultZone: ${EUREKA_CLIENT_SERVICEURL_DEFAULTZONE:http://${security.user.name:user}:${security.user.password:user_pass}@${EUREKA_INSTANCE_HOSTNAME:standalone.eureka}:${server.port}/eureka/} # # default: <blank-value> # #transport: # # Indicates whether the eureka client should use the DNS mechanism to fetch a list of eureka servers to talk to. # # When the DNS name is updated to have additional servers, that information is used immediately after # # the eureka client polls for that information as specified in eurekaServiceUrlPollIntervalSeconds. # # Alternatively, the service urls can be returned serviceUrls, but the users should implement their own mechanism to return the updated list in case of changes. # # The changes are effective at runtime. # # default: false # #use-dns-for-fetching-service-urls: #eureka.dashboard: # # Flag to enable the Eureka dashboard. Default true. # # default: true # # whether enable dashboard # enabled: true # # The path to the Eureka dashboard (relative to the servlet path). Defaults to "/". # # default: / # # path of dashboard # path: / eureka.instance: # # Gets the AWS autoscaling group name associated with this instance. # # This information is specifically used in an AWS environment to automatically put an instance out of service after the instance is launched and it has been disabled for traffic.. # # default: <blank-value> # #a-s-g-name: # # Get the name of the application group to be registered with eureka. # # default: <blank-value> # # application name on (register to) eureka # #app-group-name: # Get the name of the application to be registered with eureka. # default: unknown # application name on (register to) eureka, all instances of an application must use same value appname: ${SPRING_APPLICATION_NAME:standalone.eureka} # # Returns the data center this instance is deployed. This information is used to get some AWS specific instance information if the instance is deployed in AWS. # # default: <blank-value> # #data-center-info: # # default: [] # #default-address-resolution-order: [] # # default: <blank-value> # #environment: # # Gets the relative health check URL path for this instance. # # The health check page URL is then constructed out of the hostname and the type of communication - secure or unsecure as specified in securePort and nonSecurePort. # # It is normally used for making educated decisions based on the health of the instance - for example, # # it can be used to determine whether to proceed deployments to an entire farm or stop the deployments without causing further damage. # # 健康检查URL的ContextPath # # default: /health # health-check-url-path: /health # # Gets the absolute home page URL for this instance. # # The users can provide the homePageUrlPath if the home page resides in the same instance talking to eureka, # # else in the cases where the instance is a proxy for some other server, users can provide the full URL. # # If the full URL is provided it takes precedence. # # It is normally used for informational purposes for other services to use it as a landing page. # # The full URL should follow the format http://${eureka.hostname}:7001/ where the value ${eureka.hostname} is replaced at runtime. # # default: <blank-value> # # instance's URL # #home-page-url: # # Gets the relative home page URL Path for this instance. The home page URL is then constructed out of the hostName and the type of communication - secure or unsecure. # # It is normally used for informational purposes for other services to use it as a landing page. # # default: / # # instance's context-path # home-page-url-path: / # # default: <blank-value> # #host-info: # The hostname if it can be determined at configuration time (otherwise it will be guessed from OS primitives). # default: <blank-value> # eureka.instance.hostname affect Status->instances's url href (not text) value on dashboard hostname: ${EUREKA_INSTANCE_HOSTNAME:${spring.cloud.client.hostname:standalone.eureka}} # # default: <blank-value> # #inet-utils: # # Initial status to register with remote Eureka server. # # default: <blank-value> # # 注册到Eureka时的初始状态 # #initial-status: # # Indicates whether the instance should be enabled for taking traffic as soon as it is registered with eureka. # # Sometimes the application might need to do some pre-processing before it is ready to take traffic. # # default: false # # 实例注册后是否可以立刻提供服务, 通常注册后在提供服务前还需要做些预处理 # instance-enabled-onit: false # Get the IPAdress of the instance. # This information is for academic purposes only as # the communication from other instances primarily happen using the information supplied in {@link #getHostName(boolean)}. # default: <blank-value> # 如果未找到IP地址, 集群结点间无法互相注册 ip-address: ${EUREKA_INSTANCE_IPADDRESS:${spring.cloud.client.ip-address:}} # # Indicates the time in seconds that the eureka server waits since it received the last heartbeat # # before it can remove this instance from its view and there by disallowing traffic to this instance. # # Setting this value too long could mean that the traffic could be routed to the instance # # even though the instance is not alive. # # Setting this value too small could mean, the instance may be taken out of traffic because of temporary network glitches. # # This value to be set to atleast higher than the value specified in leaseRenewalIntervalInSeconds. # # default: 90 # # 单位s, 实例可被Eureka移除的秒数, 从Eureka最后一次收到实例心跳消息计算 # lease-expiration-duration-in-seconds: 90 # # Indicates how often (in seconds) the eureka client needs to send heartbeats to eureka server to indicate that it is still alive. # # If the heartbeats are not received for the period specified in leaseExpirationDurationInSeconds, # # eureka server will remove the instance from its view, there by disallowing traffic to this instance. # # Note that the instance could still not take traffic if it implements HealthCheckCallback and then decides to make itself unavailable. # # default: 30 # # 单位s, Client发送心跳的时间间隔 # lease-renewal-interval-in-seconds: 30 # # Get the namespace used to find properties. Ignored in Spring Cloud. # # default: eureka # # 查找属性时使用的名称空间, spring-cloud中已忽略 # namespace: eureka # Flag to say that, when guessing a hostname, the IP address of the server should be used in preference to the hostname reported by the OS. # default: false # 当猜测hostname时, 是否优先使用IP地址 prefer-ip-address: ${EUREKA_INSTANCE_PREFERIPADDRESS:false} # registry: # # Value used in determining when leases are cancelled, default to 1 for standalone. Should be set to 0 for peer replicated eurekas # # default: 1 # default-open-for-traffic-count: ${EUREKA_INSTANCE_REGISTRY_DEFAULTOPENFORTRAFFICCOUNT:1} # # default: 1 # expected-number-of-renews-per-min: 1 # # Gets the absolute status page URL path for this instance. # # The users can provide the statusPageUrlPath if the status page resides in the same instance talking to eureka, # # else in the cases where the instance is a proxy for some other server, users can provide the full URL. # # If the full URL is provided it takes precedence. # # It is normally used for informational purposes for other services to find about the status of this instance. # # Users can provide a simple HTML indicating what is the current status of the instance. # # default: <blank-value> # # 状态页URL, 到Root级别 # #status-page-url: # # Gets the relative status page URL path for this instance. # # The status page URL is then constructed out of the hostName and the type of communication - secure or unsecure as specified in securePort and nonSecurePort. # # It is normally used for informational purposes for other services to find about the status of this instance. # # Users can provide a simple HTML indicating what is the current status of the instance. # # default: /info # # 状态页URL的ContextPath # status-page-url-path: /info eureka.server: # a-s-g-cache-expiry-timeout-ms: 0 # a-s-g-query-timeout-ms: 300 # a-s-g-update-interval-ms: 0 # a-w-s-access-id: # a-w-s-secret-key: # # 是否批量复制 # batch-replication: false # binding-strategy: # # Non-positive # #delta-retention-timer-interval-in-ms: 0 # disable-delta: false # disable-delta-for-remote-regions: false # disable-transparent-fallback-to-other-region: false # e-i-p-bind-rebind-retries: 3 # e-i-p-binding-retry-interval-ms: 0 # e-i-p-binding-retry-interval-ms-when-unbound: 0 # enable-replicated-request-compression: false enable-self-preservation: ${EUREKA_SERVER_ENABLESELFPRESERVATION:true} # # Non-positive # #eviction-interval-timer-in-ms: 0 # g-zip-content-from-remote-region: true # json-codec-name: # list-auto-scaling-groups-role-name: ListAutoScalingGroups # log-identity-headers: true # max-elements-in-peer-replication-pool: 10000 # max-elements-in-status-replication-pool: 10000 # # 单位分钟, 节点间负责复制信息的线程的最大空闲时间 # max-idle-thread-age-in-minutes-for-peer-replication: 15 # # 单位分钟, 节点间负责复制status的线程的最大空闲时间 # max-idle-thread-in-minutes-age-for-status-replication: 10 # # 复制信息的最大线程数 # max-threads-for-peer-replication: 20 # # 复制status的最大线程数 # max-threads-for-status-replication: 1 # # 复制信息的最大时长 # max-time-for-replication: 30000 # # 复制信息的最小线程数 # min-threads-for-peer-replication: 5 # # 复制status的最小线程数 # min-threads-for-status-replication: 1 # number-of-replication-retries: 5 # # Non-positive # #peer-eureka-nodes-update-interval-ms: 0 # # Non-positive # #peer-eureka-status-refresh-time-interval-ms: 0 # # 单位ms, 节点间连接超时 # peer-node-connect-timeout-ms: 200 # # 单位s, 节点间连接空闲超时 # peer-node-connection-idle-timeout-seconds: 30 # # 单位ms, 节点间read超时 # peer-node-read-timeout-ms: 200 # # 节点总连接数上限 # peer-node-total-connections: 1000 # # 节点与单个主机之间的连接数上限 # peer-node-total-connections-per-host: 500 # prime-aws-replica-connections: true # # org.springframework.core.env.PropertyResolver # #property-resolver: # rate-limiter-burst-size: 10 # rate-limiter-enabled: false # rate-limiter-full-fetch-average-rate: 100 # rate-limiter-privileged-clients: # rate-limiter-registry-fetch-average-rate: 500 # rate-limiter-throttle-standard-clients: false # registry-sync-retries: 0 # registry-sync-retry-wait-ms: 0 # # a map # #remote-region-app-whitelist: # remote-region-connect-timeout-ms: 1000 # remote-region-connection-idle-timeout-seconds: 30 # remote-region-fetch-thread-pool-size: 20 # remote-region-read-timeout-ms: 1000 # remote-region-registry-fetch-interval: 30 # remote-region-total-connections: 1000 # remote-region-total-connections-per-host: 500 # remote-region-trust-store: # remote-region-trust-store-password: changeit # remote-region-urls: # # a map # #remote-region-urls-with-name: renewal-percent-threshold: ${EUREKA_SERVER_RENEWALPERCENTTHRESHOLD:0.25} # # Non-positive # #renewal-threshold-update-interval-ms: 0 # response-cache-auto-expiration-in-seconds: 180 # # Non-positive # #response-cache-update-interval-ms: 0 # retention-time-in-m-s-in-delta-queue: 0 # route53-bind-rebind-retries: 3 # route53-binding-retry-interval-ms: 0 # route53-domain-t-t-l: 30 # sync-when-timestamp-differs: true # use-read-only-response-cache: true # wait-time-in-ms-when-sync-empty: 0 # set to 0 will break cluster # xml-codec-name: logging: config: classpath:log4j2-spring.xml #file: ${LOG_FILE:${CONTAINER_HOST_NAME:${spring.cloud.client.hostname:${spring.application.name}-${server.port}}}}.log #path: ${LOG_PATH:${user.dir}/data/logs/${spring.application.name}} level: jndi: ${LOGGING_LEVEL_ROOT:INFO} org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.InjectionMetadata: ${LOGGING_LEVEL_ROOT:INFO} org.springframework.beans.factory.support.DefaultListableBeanFactory: ${LOGGING_LEVEL_ROOT:INFO} org.springframework.core.env.MutablePropertySources: ${LOGGING_LEVEL_ROOT:INFO} org.springframework.core.env.PropertySourcesPropertyResolver: ${LOGGING_LEVEL_ROOT:INFO} org.springframework.jndi: ${LOGGING_LEVEL_ROOT:INFO} org.springframework.core.type.classreading.AnnotationAttributesReadingVisitor: INFO org.springframework.web.context.support.StandardServletEnvironment: ${LOGGING_LEVEL_ROOT:INFO} org.springframework.security: ${LOGGING_LEVEL_ROOT:INFO} root: ${LOGGING_LEVEL_ROOT:INFO} management: endpoint: shutdown.enabled: ${MANAGEMENT_ENDPOINT_SHUTDOWN_ENABLED:true} health: show-details: ${MANAGEMENT_ENDPOINT_HEALTH_SHOWDETAILS:WHEN_AUTHORIZED} roles: ${MANAGEMENT_ENDPOINT_HEALTH_ROLES:ACTUATOR} endpoints: web: # since spring-boot 2.x base-path: ${MANAGEMENT_ENDPOINTS_WEB_BASEPATH:/} # default: /actuator, management.context-path deprecated since spring-boot 2.x exposure: include: "${MANAGEMENT_ENDPOINTS_WEB_EXPOSURE_INCLUDE:*}" exclude: "${MANAGEMENT_ENDPOINTS_WEB_EXPOSURE_EXCLUDE:}" server.port: ${SERVER_PORT:8761} spring: aop.auto: false application: # every instance in cluster must ues same spring.application.name # Peer Awareness Mode: 'eureka-cluster' # Standalone Mode: 'standalone.eureka' name: ${SPRING_APPLICATION_NAME:standalone.eureka} # bug: https://github.com/spring-cloud/spring-cloud-netflix/issues/788 cloud: inetutils: preferred-networks: ${SPRING_CLOUD_INETUTILS_PREFERREDNETWORKS:^192\.168\..+, ^172\.30\..+, ^10\..+} ignored-interfaces: ${SPRING_CLOUD_INETUTILS_IGNOREDINTERFACES:^[a-z]?tun[0-9]*, ^awdl[0-9]*, ^lo[0-9]*} security: enabled: ${SPRING_SECURITY_ENABLED:false} user: name: ${SPRING_SECURITY_USER_NAME:user} password: ${SPRING_SECURITY_USER_PASSWORD:user_pass} roles: ${SPRING_SECURITY_USER_ROLES:ACTUATOR, ADMIN, SUPERUSER, USER} --- spring: profiles: port_nonsecure eureka.instance: # # Get the unique Id (within the scope of the appName) of this instance to be registered with eureka. # # default: <blank-value> # # instance的id, 区分同一应用的不同实例 # # eureka.instance.instance-id affect Status->instances's url text (not href) value on dashboard # # or spring.cloud.client.ip-address if eureka.instance.prefer-ip-address=true # # other possible values: # # ${spring.application.name}:${spring.cloud.client.ip-address}:${EUREKA_INSTANCE_NONSECUREPORT:${SERVER_PORT:8761}}:${random.value} # # ${spring.application.name}:${spring.cloud.client.hostname}:${EUREKA_INSTANCE_NONSECUREPORT:${SERVER_PORT:8761}}:${random.value} # instance-id: ${spring.application.name}:${spring.cloud.client.hostname}:${EUREKA_INSTANCE_NONSECUREPORT:${SERVER_PORT:8761}}:${random.value} # # Gets the absolute health check page URL for this instance. # # The users can provide the healthCheckUrlPath if the health check page resides in the same instance talking to eureka, # # else in the cases where the instance is a proxy for some other server, users can provide the full URL. If the full URL is provided it takes precedence. # # It is normally used for making educated decisions based on the health of the instance - for example, # # it can be used to determine whether to proceed deployments to an entire farm or stop the deployments without causing further damage. # # The full URL should follow the format http://${eureka.hostname}:7001/ where the value ${eureka.hostname} is replaced at runtime. # # default: <blank-value> # # 健康检查URL, 到Root级别(HTTP) # health-check-url: ${EUREKA_INSTANCE_HEALTHCHECKURL:} # # Gets the metadata name/value pairs associated with this instance. This information is sent to eureka server and can be used by other instances. # # default: <blank-value> # # 实例元数据 # #metadataMap: # #hostname: ${EUREKA_INSTANCE_HOSTNAME:standalone.eureka} # #prot: ${EUREKA_INSTANCE_NONSECUREPORT:8761} # #instanceId: ${spring.cloud.client.hostname}:${spring.application.name}:${EUREKA_INSTANCE_NONSECUREPORT:${SERVER_PORT:8761}} # # or spring.cloud.client.ip-address if eureka.instance.prefer-ip-address=true # #instanceId: ${spring.cloud.client.ip-address}:${spring.application.name}:${EUREKA_INSTANCE_NONSECUREPORT:${SERVER_PORT:8761}} # Get the non-secure port on which the instance should receive traffic. # default: 80 # eureka.instance.non-secure-port affect Status->instances's url href (not text) value on dashboard non-secure-port: ${EUREKA_INSTANCE_NONSECUREPORT:8761} # Indicates whether the non-secure port should be enabled for traffic or not. # default: true non-secure-port-enabled: true # Gets the virtual host name defined for this instance. # This is typically the way other instance would find this instance by using the virtual host name. # Think of this as similar to the fully qualified domain name, that the users of your services will need to find this instance. # default: unknown #virtual-host-name: unknown secure-port-enabled: false --- spring: profiles: port_secure eureka.instance: non-secure-port-enabled: false # instance-id: ${spring.cloud.client.hostname}:${spring.application.name}:${EUREKA_INSTANCE_SECUREPORT:${SERVER_PORT:8761}}:${random.value} # # Gets the absolute secure health check page URL for this instance. # # The users can provide the secureHealthCheckUrl if the health check page resides in the same instance talking to eureka, # # else in the cases where the instance is a proxy for some other server, users can provide the full URL. # # If the full URL is provided it takes precedence. # # It is normally used for making educated decisions based on the health of the instance - for example, # # it can be used to determine whether to proceed deployments to an entire farm or stop the deployments without causing further damage. # # The full URL should follow the format http://${eureka.hostname}:7001/ where the value ${eureka.hostname} is replaced at runtime. # # default: <blank-value> # # 健康检查URL, 到Root级别(HTTPS) # secure-health-check-url: ${EUREKA_INSTANCE_SECUREHEALTHCHECKURL:} # Indicates whether the secure port should be enabled for traffic or not. # default: false # 是否启用HTTPS secure-port-enabled: true # Get the Secure port on which the instance should receive traffic. # default: 443 # HTTPS端口 secure-port: ${EUREKA_INSTANCE_SECUREPORT:8761} # Gets the secure virtual host name defined for this instance. # This is typically the way other instance would find this instance by using the secure virtual host name. # Think of this as similar to the fully qualified domain name, that the users of your services will need to find this instance. # default: unknown #secure-virtual-host-name: unknown --- spring: profiles: manual_ip_hostname spring.cloud: client: hostname: ${SPRING_CLOUD_CLIENT_HOSTNAME:} ip-address: ${SPRING_CLOUD_CLIENT_IPADDRESS:} --- spring: profiles: peer_awareness spring.application: name: ${SPRING_APPLICATION_NAME:eureka-cluster} eureka.client: fetch-registry: ${EUREKA_CLIENT_FETCHREGISTRY:true} register-with-eureka: ${EUREKA_CLIENT_REGISTERWITHEUREKA:true} eureka.instance: appname: ${SPRING_APPLICATION_NAME:eureka-cluster} --- spring: profiles: standalone spring.application: name: ${SPRING_APPLICATION_NAME:standalone.eureka} eureka.client: fetch-registry: ${EUREKA_CLIENT_FETCHREGISTRY:false} register-with-eureka: ${EUREKA_CLIENT_REGISTERWITHEUREKA:false} eureka.instance: appname: ${SPRING_APPLICATION_NAME:standalone.eureka} --- spring.profiles: develop.env --- spring.profiles: it.env --- spring.profiles: staging.env --- spring.profiles: production.env #spring.profiles.include: #- port.nonsecure
- 这种方法使容器在配置方面更具动态性。
- 集群可以共用一个JAR包来运行,通过容器来配置。
- 在单容器中配置是固定的,无法便捷的切换。
注册中心的页面是直接就能访问的,这肯定不是我们所希望的,所以需要添加安全机制进行保护,这里需要用到依赖 spring-boot-starter-security
<dependency> <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId> <artifactId>spring-boot-starter-security</artifactId> </dependency>
配置文件增加 spring.security.user.name 和 spring.security.user.password 配置,修改注册中心地址:
defaultZone: http://${spring.security.user.name}:${spring.security.user.password}@ # 注册中心地址
register-with-eureka: false # 是否注册到注册中心
fetch-registry: false # 是否拉取服务列表
enable-self-preservation: true # 是否开启注册中心保护机制
eviction-interval-timer-in-ms: 60000 # 服务清理间隔,毫秒
prefer-ip-address: true # 是否使用IP地址广播服务
lease-renewal-interval-in-seconds: 30 # 服务租约时间,秒
lease-expiration-duration-in-seconds: 90 # 间隔多久时间没有发送心跳,认为服务不可用,秒
# 服务设置
name: server-eureka
# 安全机制
name: eureka
password: 123456
# 服务设置
port: 9010
使用此组件,安全是实现了,访问注册中心页面,需要登录用户名和密码了,但是问题也出现了,客户端服务一直注册不上去。我查找资料给出的解决方案是禁用 security 的 csrf,下面是处理方案,但是我使用此方案并不生效:
@EnableWebSecurity static class WebSecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter { @Override protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception { super.configure(http);//加这句是为了访问eureka控制台和/actuator时能做安全控制 http.csrf().disable(); } }
package com.microview.servereureka.basic; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Value; import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration; import org.springframework.security.config.annotation.authentication.builders.AuthenticationManagerBuilder; import org.springframework.security.config.annotation.web.builders.HttpSecurity; import org.springframework.security.config.annotation.web.configuration.WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter; import org.springframework.security.crypto.password.NoOpPasswordEncoder; /** * 注册中心basic认证 */ @Configuration public class WebSecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter { @Value("${spring.security.user.name}") private String username; @Value("${spring.security.user.password}") private String password; @Override public void configure(AuthenticationManagerBuilder auth) throws Exception { auth.inMemoryAuthentication() .passwordEncoder(NoOpPasswordEncoder.getInstance()) .withUser(username).password(password) .authorities("ADMIN"); } @Override protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception { http .csrf() .disable() .authorizeRequests() .anyRequest().authenticated() .and() .httpBasic(); } }
由于所有的项目都运行在 Docker 容器中,这就导致客户端注册到注册中心的 IP 地址为容器的虚拟 IP,无法通过外部访问,这里的解决方案是构建容器时候设置容器的网络模式为桥接模式。
docker-compose.yml 中配置 network_mode: "bridge"
################ spring-cloud-eureka ##############
- ${CLOUD_EUREKA_DATA}:/data/:rw
- ${CLOUD_EUREKA_LOGS}:/data/logs/:rw
- ${SH_DIR}:/usr/local/sh/:rw
tty: true
restart: always
network_mode: "bridge"
客户端配置文件中相关配置( 为宿主机IP地址):
eureka: client: service-url: defaultZone: http://eureka:123456@ instance: instance-id: ${eureka.instance.ip-address}:${server.port} ip-address: prefer-ip-address: true
同主机多 eureka 需要特别注意:eureka 注册地址主机相同(相同的IP地址或 hostname)不会互相同步注册信息。
my spring cloud examples:https://github.com/BNDong/spring-cloud-examples
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