


Overview of WSE

Provides a high-level graphical view of how WSE works.

    All messages arriving in a process — request messages to a server or response messages to a client — are processed using the inbound message filters.All messages leaving a process — request messages from a client or response messages from server — are processed using the outbound message filters. 见原文图片 
    The WebRequest instance parses a request stream containing a SOAP message into an instance of the SoapEnvelope class,Then it passes the request through the chain of output filters. Each filter has the chance to modify the request data any way it likes. 
    WebRequest 的实例解析包含SoapMessage的请求流到SoapEnvelope Class,然后请求被传递通过一系列的output filters,每个filter都有几会改写请求数据
    WebResponse parses a response stream containing a SOAP message into an instance of the SoapEnvelope class and passes it through the chain of input filters. Each filter has the chance to examine and modify the response data any way it likes. 
    WSE input and output filters are exposed to ASP.NET Web services through a server-side SOAP protocol factory, WseProtocolFactory.
1、WSE input and output filters are exposed to ASP.NET Web services clients through a proxy base class called WebServicesClientProtocol.
2、SoapContext:These objects reflect the protocol properties of the next message to be sent and the last message that was received, respectively.
3、WSE input and output filters are exposed to ASP.NET Web services through a server-side SOAP protocol factory, WseProtocolFactory.
Major Features of WSE

posted on 2006-07-10 17:28  思无邪  阅读(272)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
