PracticalDjangoProjects 笔记四

Django is an MVC framework.The view in Django is the component which retrieves and manipulates data, whereas the template is the component that presents data to the user.

Django是个MVC 框架,或叫做MTC框架。Django中的view是获得并操纵数据的组件,反之,template是用来展现数据给用户的组件。


A view in Django terminology is a regular Python function that responds to a page request by generating the corresponding page.


 It takes user input as a parameter, and returns page output. But before we can see the output of this view, we need to connect it to a URL


posted @ 2010-01-05 22:55  小楼  阅读(265)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报