Bullet physics
To make bullets fly through the level, you can use UE4’s physics engine.
Create a blueprint based on the ABullet class. I selected Shape_Sphere for the mesh. The
bullet’s mesh should not have collision physics enabled; instead we’ll enable physics on
the bullet’s bounding sphere.
Configuring the bullet to behave properly is mildly tricky, so we’ll cover this in four steps,
as follows:
1. Select [ROOT] ProxSphere in the Components tab. The ProxSphere variable
should be the root component and should appear at the top of the hierarchy.
2. In the Details tab, check both Simulate Physics and Simulation Generates Hit
3. From the Collision Presets dropdown, select Custom….
4. Check the Collision Responses boxes as shown; check Block for most types
(WorldStatic, WorldDynamic, and so on) and check Overlap only for Pawn: