
Usage: hadoop [--config confdir] COMMAND
where COMMAND is one of:
  namenode -format     format the DFS filesystem(格式化DFS文件系统)
  secondarynamenode    run the DFS secondary namenode(运行第二个namenode)
  namenode             run the DFS namenode(运行namenode)
  datanode             run a DFS datanode(运行datenode)
  dfsadmin             run a DFS admin client(运行dfs的admin客户端)
  mradmin              run a Map-Reduce admin client(运行map-reduce的admin客户端)
  fsck                 run a DFS filesystem checking utility(运行文件系统检测工具)
  fs                   run a generic filesystem user client(运行普通的文件系统用户客户端)
  balancer             run a cluster balancing utility(运行集群负载均衡工具)
  fetchdt              fetch a delegation token from the NameNode
  jobtracker           run the MapReduce job Tracker node(运行jobtracker节点)
  pipes                run a Pipes job(运行管道job)
  tasktracker          run a MapReduce task Tracker node(运行tasktracker节点)
  historyserver        run job history servers as a standalone daemon
  job                  manipulate MapReduce jobs(处理job)
  queue                get information regarding JobQueues
  version              print the version(输出hadoop的版本)
  jar <jar>            run a jar file(运行一个jar文件)
  distcp <srcurl> <desturl> copy file or directories recursively(递归的复制文件或目录)
  archive -archiveName NAME -p <parent path> <src>* <dest> create a hadoop archive(生成Hadoop档案)
  classpath            prints the class path needed to get the
                       Hadoop jar and the required libraries(打印hadoop需要的jar或classpath)
  daemonlog            get/set the log level for each daemon(获取或设置每个daemon的日志级别)
  CLASSNAME            run the class named CLASSNAME(运行指定类名的类)

posted on 2012-11-01 11:10  蓝风笨笨  阅读(310)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
