08 2011 档案
摘要:A world file file is a plain ASCII text file consisting of six values separatedby newlines. The format is: pixel X size rotation about the Y axis (usually 0.0) rotation about the X axis (usually 0.0) negative pixel Y size X coordinate of upper left pixel center Y coordinate of upper left pixel cent.
摘要:前两天使用Jena来读取、创建和保存OWL文件。今天尝试使用Protege OWL API来操作。其实Protege OWL API也是通过封装了Jena包来操作OWL文件的,其结构与Jena类似。1. 创建OWL模型1 OWLModel owlModel = ProtegeOWL.createJenaOWLModel();2. 创建OWL类及数据属性//创建Person类OWLNamedClass personCls = owlModel.createOWLNamedClass("Person");//创建一个name的数据属性OWLDatatypeProperty na