delphi Image32 图像采样





  1 unit uFrmImageResampling;
  3 interface
  5 uses
  6   Winapi.Windows, Winapi.Messages, Winapi.ShellAPI,  //
  7   System.SysUtils, System.Variants, System.Classes, Vcl.Graphics, Vcl.Controls,
  8   Vcl.Forms, Vcl.Dialogs, Vcl.ComCtrls, System.Types, System.Math, //
  9   Img32, Img32.Panels, Img32.Resamplers, Img32.Vector, Img32.Extra,
 10   Img32.Fmt.BMP, Img32.Fmt.PNG, Img32.Draw, Img32.Text, Img32.Transform;
 12 type
 13   TfrmImageResampling = class(TForm)
 14     TabControl1: TTabControl;
 15     StatusBar1: TStatusBar;
 16     procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
 17     procedure TabControl1Change(Sender: TObject);
 18     procedure FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);
 19     procedure FormKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState);
 20   private
 21     boxDownsamplingLinkRect: TRect;
 22     fontReader: TFontReader;
 23     fontCache12: TFontCache;
 24     fontCache16: TFontCache;
 25     fontCache125: TFontCache;
 26     ImagePanel: TImage32Panel;
 27   private
 28     procedure ImagePanelMouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
 29     procedure ImagePanelMouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
 30     procedure ImagePanelKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState);
 31     procedure ShowGeneralResamplers1;
 32     procedure ShowGeneralResamplers2;
 33     procedure ShowGeneralResamplers3;
 34     procedure ShowGeneralResamplers4;
 35     procedure ShowDownSampling;
 36   end;
 38 var
 39   frmImageResampling: TfrmImageResampling;
 41 implementation
 43 {$R *.dfm}
 44 {$R images3.res}
 46 {$REGION '实现 StopWatch功能'}
 48 type
 49   TTimeRec = record
 50     started: Boolean;
 51     freq: TLargeInteger;
 52     startTime: TLargeInteger;
 53     cumulativeTime: double;
 54     endTime: TLargeInteger;
 55   end;
 57 procedure ResetTimer(out timeRec: TTimeRec; startNow: Boolean = true);
 58 begin
 59   with timeRec do
 60   begin
 61     QueryPerformanceFrequency(freq);
 62     //检索性能计数器的频率。 性能计数器的频率在系统启动时固定,并且在所有处理器中保持一致。 因此,只需在应用程序初始化时查询频率,并且可以缓存结果。
 63     //作用:返回硬件支持的高精度计数器的频率。返回值:非零,硬件支持高精度计数器;零。硬件不支持。读取失败。
 64     QueryPerformanceCounter(startTime);
 65     //检索性能计数器的当前值,这是一个高分辨率 (<1us) 时间戳,可用于时间间隔度量。
 66     //如果该函数成功,则返回值为非零值。
 67     //如果函数失败,则返回值为零。 要获得更多的错误信息,请调用 GetLastError。 在运行 Windows XP 或更高版本的系统上,函数将始终成功,因此永远不会返回零。
 68     started := startNow;
 69     cumulativeTime := 0;
 70     if started then
 71       QueryPerformanceCounter(startTime);
 72   end;
 73 end;
 75 procedure PauseTimer(out timeRec: TTimeRec);
 76 begin
 77   with timeRec do
 78   begin
 79     if not started then
 80       Exit;
 81     QueryPerformanceCounter(endTime);
 82     cumulativeTime := cumulativeTime + (endTime - startTime) / freq;
 83     started := false;
 84   end;
 85 end;
 87 procedure ResumeTimer(out timeRec: TTimeRec);
 88 begin
 89   with timeRec do
 90   begin
 91     if started then
 92       Exit;
 93     started := true;
 94     QueryPerformanceCounter(startTime);
 95   end;
 96 end;
 98 function StopTimer(timeRec: TTimeRec): double;
 99 begin
100   PauseTimer(timeRec);
101   with timeRec do
102   begin
103     QueryPerformanceCounter(endTime);
104     Result := cumulativeTime;
105   end;
106 end;
110 //================================
112 const
113   boxDownSamplingUrl = '' + 'Img32.Resamplers/Routines/BoxDownSampling.htm';
114   boxDownSamplingText = 'See - BoxDownSampling';
116 var
117   // when performing multiple transformations then using a matrix
118   // that combines these into a single transformation will be faster
119 //当执行多个变换时,然后使用矩阵
120 //将这些结合到一个单一的转换中会更快
121 //  useMatix = false;
122   useMatix: Boolean = true;    //true 可能会有一些 范围检查错误,及数值溢出错误,己修改(条件编译部分程序禁止检查)
124 procedure TfrmImageResampling.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
125 begin      //Arial:显示不了中文字       Arial Unicode MS:可以显示中文
126   self.BorderStyle := bsNone;
127   FontManager.Load('Arial Unicode MS', 800);
128   fontReader := FontManager.GetFont('Arial Unicode MS');
129   fontCache12 := TFontCache.Create(fontReader, DPIAware(12));
130   fontCache16 := TFontCache.Create(fontReader, DPIAware(16));
131   fontCache125 := TFontCache.Create(fontReader, DPIAware(125));
133   ImagePanel := TImage32Panel.Create(self);
134   ImagePanel.BorderWidth := 0;    //默认有个大边框,这里去掉
135   ImagePanel.Parent := TabControl1;
136   ImagePanel.Align := alClient;
137   ImagePanel.OnMouseDown := ImagePanelMouseDown;
138   ImagePanel.OnMouseMove := ImagePanelMouseMove;
139   ImagePanel.OnKeyDown := ImagePanelKeyDown;
140   ActiveControl := ImagePanel;
142   with ImagePanel.InnerClientRect do
143     ImagePanel.Image.SetSize(Width, Height);
144   TabControl1Change(nil);
145 end;
147 procedure TfrmImageResampling.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);
148 begin
149   fontCache12.Free;
150   fontCache16.Free;
151   fontCache125.Free;
152 end;
154 procedure TfrmImageResampling.FormKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState);
155 begin    //这里触发不了
156   if (Key = VK_F5) and (TabControl1.TabIndex = 1) then // F5 => refresh
157     ShowGeneralResamplers2;
158 end;
160 procedure TfrmImageResampling.ImagePanelKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState);
161 begin    //用这里触发
162   if (TabControl1.TabIndex = 1) then
163   begin
164     if (Key = VK_F5) then // F5 => refresh
165     begin
166       ShowGeneralResamplers2;
167     end
168     else if (Key = VK_F6) then
169     begin
170       useMatix := not useMatix;
171       ShowGeneralResamplers2;
172     end;
173   end
174   else if (TabControl1.TabIndex = 2) then
175   begin
176     if (Key = VK_F5) then
177     begin
178       ShowGeneralResamplers3;
179     end
180     else if (Key = VK_F6) then
181     begin
182       useMatix := not useMatix;
183       ShowGeneralResamplers3;
184     end;
185   end;
187 end;
189 procedure TfrmImageResampling.ImagePanelMouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
190 var
191   pt: TPoint;
192 begin    //这里用来点击连接的
193   if (TabControl1.TabIndex <> 4) then
194     Exit;
195   pt := ImagePanel.ClientToImage(System.Types.Point(X, Y));
196   if PtInRect(boxDownsamplingLinkRect, pt) then
197     ShellExecute(0, 'open', PChar(boxDownSamplingUrl), nil, nil, SW_SHOWNORMAL);
198 end;
200 procedure TfrmImageResampling.ImagePanelMouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
201 var
202   pt: TPoint;
203 begin  //这里用来判断连接的
204   if (TabControl1.TabIndex <> 4) then
205     Exit;
206   pt := ImagePanel.ClientToImage(System.Types.Point(X, Y));
207   if PtInRect(boxDownsamplingLinkRect, pt) then
208     ImagePanel.Cursor := crHandPoint
209   else
210     ImagePanel.Cursor := crDefault;
211 end;
213 procedure TfrmImageResampling.ShowDownSampling;
214 var
215   margin: integer;
216   lineHt: integer;
217   img: TImage32;
218   dstRect: TRect;
219   pt: TPoint;
220 begin
221   ImagePanel.Image.Clear;  //清除图像
223   margin := DPIAware(15);
224   lineHt := DPIAware(16);
225   img := TImage32.Create;
226   try
227     // 显示图像1到指定区域
228     img.LoadFromResource('TEXTONPATH', 'PNG');  //从资源中加载图片
229     img.CropTransparentPixels;                  //裁剪透明像素
230     with ImagePanel.InnerClientRect do
231       ImagePanel.Image.SetSize(Width, Height);
232     dstRect := ImagePanel.Image.Bounds;
233     System.Types.InflateRect(dstRect, -margin, -margin);
234     img.ScaleToFit(dstRect.Width * 3 div 4, dstRect.Height * 3 div 4);
235     dstRect.Right := dstRect.Left + img.Width;
236     dstRect.Bottom := dstRect.Top + img.Height;
237     ImagePanel.Image.Copy(img, img.Bounds, dstRect);  //复制图形
239     // 显示图像2到指定区域
240     img.LoadFromResource('TEXTONPATH', 'PNG');
241     // the image's specified resampler is usually ignored when downsampling
242     // UNLESS the compiler conditional USE_DOWNSAMPLER_AUTOMATICALLY has
243     // been disabled. (See BoxDownsampling for more info.)
244     img.Resampler := rBicubicResampler;
245     img.Scale(0.2);
246     dstRect.Top := dstRect.Bottom - img.Height;
247     dstRect.Left := img.Width + margin;
248     dstRect.Right := dstRect.Left + img.Width;
249     ImagePanel.Image.Copy(img, img.Bounds, dstRect);
251     // 绘制文字连接
252     pt.X := dstRect.Right + margin;
253     pt.Y := dstRect.Bottom - lineHt * 2;
254     boxDownsamplingLinkRect.Left := pt.X;
255     boxDownsamplingLinkRect.Bottom := pt.Y;
256     boxDownsamplingLinkRect.Top := pt.Y - lineHt;
257     boxDownsamplingLinkRect.Right := boxDownsamplingLinkRect.Left + Ceil(fontCache12.GetTextWidth(boxDownSamplingText));
258     DrawText(ImagePanel.Image, pt.X, pt.Y, boxDownSamplingText, fontCache12, clBlue32);   //连接的文字
259   finally
260     img.Free;
261   end;
262 end;
264 procedure TfrmImageResampling.ShowGeneralResamplers1;
265 var
266   displaySize: integer;
267   preRotatedSize: integer;
268   margin, dpi8: integer;
269   topOffset: integer;
270   angle: double;
271   img: TImage32;
272   rec, displayRect: TRect;
273 begin
274   dpi8 := DPIAware(8);
276   margin := DPIAware(10);
277   displaySize := DPIAware(110);
278   topOffset := DPIAware(60);
279   angle := DegToRad(-15);
280   displayRect := System.Types.Rect(margin, margin + topOffset, margin + displaySize, margin + displaySize + topOffset);
282   rec := GetRotatedRectBounds(displayRect, angle);
283   preRotatedSize := Round(displaySize * displaySize / rec.Width);
285   ImagePanel.Image.Clear;   //清除
287   //绘制一些文本
288   DrawText(ImagePanel.Image, margin, margin + DpiAware(13), 'Scale 3x3 image then scale and rotate 3x3 image', fontCache16);
289   DrawText(ImagePanel.Image, margin, topOffset - dpi8, 'rNearestResampler', fontCache12);
290   DrawText(ImagePanel.Image, margin * 5 + displaySize * 2, topOffset - dpi8, 'rBilinearResampler', fontCache12);
291   DrawText(ImagePanel.Image, margin, topOffset - dpi8 + displaySize + margin * 6, 'rWeightedBilinear', fontCache12);
292   DrawText(ImagePanel.Image, margin * 5 + displaySize * 2, topOffset - dpi8 + displaySize + margin * 6, 'rBicubicResampler', fontCache12);
294   img := TImage32.Create;
295   try
296     // rNearestResampler   最近的重采样器
297     img.SetSize(3, 3);
298     img.Clear(clBlue32);
299     img.FillRect(System.Types.Rect(1, 1, 2, 2), clRed32);
300     img.Resampler := rNearestResampler;        //最近的重采样器
301     img.Resize(displaySize, displaySize);
302     ImagePanel.Image.Copy(img, img.Bounds, displayRect);  //小图形,复制成大图形
303     TranslateRect(displayRect, displaySize + margin, 0);
305     img.SetSize(3, 3);
306     img.Clear(clBlue32);
307     img.FillRect(System.Types.Rect(1, 1, 2, 2), clRed32);
308     img.Resize(preRotatedSize, preRotatedSize);         //旋转后复制成大图形
309     img.Rotate(angle);
310     ImagePanel.Image.Copy(img, img.Bounds, displayRect);
311     TranslateRect(displayRect, displaySize + margin * 3, 0);
313     // rBilinearResampler    双线性重采样器
315     img.SetSize(3, 3);
316     img.Clear(clBlue32);
317     img.FillRect(System.Types.Rect(1, 1, 2, 2), clRed32);
318     img.Resampler := rBilinearResampler;   //最近的重采样器
319     img.Resize(displaySize, displaySize);
320     ImagePanel.Image.Copy(img, img.Bounds, displayRect);
321     TranslateRect(displayRect, displaySize + margin, 0);
323     img.SetSize(3, 3);
324     img.Clear(clBlue32);
325     img.FillRect(System.Types.Rect(1, 1, 2, 2), clRed32);
326     img.Resize(preRotatedSize, preRotatedSize);
327     img.Rotate(angle);          //旋转
328     ImagePanel.Image.Copy(img, img.Bounds, displayRect);
329     TranslateRect(displayRect, -displayRect.Left + margin, displaySize + margin * 6);
331     // rWeightedBilinear     //加权双线性
333     img.SetSize(3, 3);
334     img.Clear(clBlue32);
335     img.FillRect(System.Types.Rect(1, 1, 2, 2), clRed32);
336     img.Resampler := rWeightedBilinear;     //加权双线性
337     img.Resize(displaySize, displaySize);
338     ImagePanel.Image.Copy(img, img.Bounds, displayRect);
339     TranslateRect(displayRect, displaySize + margin, 0);
341     img.SetSize(3, 3);
342     img.Clear(clBlue32);
343     img.FillRect(System.Types.Rect(1, 1, 2, 2), clRed32);
344     img.Resize(preRotatedSize, preRotatedSize);
345     img.Rotate(angle);           //旋转
346     ImagePanel.Image.Copy(img, img.Bounds, displayRect);
347     TranslateRect(displayRect, displaySize + margin * 3, 0);
349     // rBicubicResampler     双立方体重采样器
351     img.SetSize(3, 3);
352     img.Clear(clBlue32);
353     img.FillRect(System.Types.Rect(1, 1, 2, 2), clRed32);
354     img.Resampler := rBicubicResampler;   //双立方体重采样器
355     img.Resize(displaySize, displaySize);
356     ImagePanel.Image.Copy(img, img.Bounds, displayRect);
357     TranslateRect(displayRect, displaySize + margin, 0);
359     img.SetSize(3, 3);
360     img.Clear(clBlue32);
361     img.FillRect(System.Types.Rect(1, 1, 2, 2), clRed32);
362     img.Resize(preRotatedSize, preRotatedSize);
363     img.Rotate(angle);      //旋转
364     //img.SaveToFile('c:\temp\test.png');
365     ImagePanel.Image.Copy(img, img.Bounds, displayRect);
366   finally
367     img.Free;
368   end;
369 end;
371 procedure TfrmImageResampling.ShowGeneralResamplers2;
372 var
373   imgDisplaySize: integer;
374   dpi5, dpi8, dpi18: integer;
375   scale: double;
376   i, margin: integer;
377   topOffset: integer;
378   angle: double;
379   img: TImage32;
380   rec, displayRect: TRect;
381   tr: TTimeRec;
382   mat: TMatrixD;
383   times: array[0..3] of double;
384   sText: UnicodeString;
385 const
386   loopCnt = 20;
387 begin
388   dpi5 := DPIAware(5);
389   dpi8 := DPIAware(8);
390   dpi18 := DPIAware(18);
391   margin := DPIAware(10);
392   imgDisplaySize := DPIAware(180);
393   topOffset := DPIAware(60);
394   displayRect := System.Types.Rect(margin, topOffset - margin, margin + imgDisplaySize, topOffset - margin + imgDisplaySize);
395   angle := DegToRad(60);
397   ImagePanel.Image.Clear;   //清除
399   //显示文字
400   sText := Format('F5 刷新  循环 %d 次    F6:启用/停止矩阵算法    是否启用矩阵:%s ', [loopCnt, BoolToStr(useMatix, true)]);
401   DrawText(ImagePanel.Image, margin, margin + DpiAware(1), 'Scale and rotate a small bitmap image', fontCache16);
402   DrawText(ImagePanel.Image, margin, margin + DpiAware(20), sText, fontCache16);
403   //
404   Screen.Cursor := crHourGlass;  //鼠标样式 [转换需要一定时间]
405   img := TImage32.Create;
406   try
407     img.LoadFromResource('BEETLE', 'PNG');
408     rec := GetRotatedRectBounds(img.Bounds, angle);
409     scale := (imgDisplaySize / rec.Width);
410     mat := IdentityMatrix;
411     MatrixScale(mat, scale);
412     MatrixRotate(mat, NullPointD, angle);
413     //  1. 最近的重采样器
414     img.Resampler := rNearestResampler;
415     ResetTimer(tr, false);    //重启记时器.
416     for i := 1 to loopCnt do     //循环...(20次)
417     begin
418       img.LoadFromResource('BEETLE', 'PNG');
419       ResumeTimer(tr);
420       if useMatix then
421         AffineTransformImage(img, mat)
422       else
423       begin
424         img.Scale(scale);
425         img.Rotate(angle);
426       end;
427       PauseTimer(tr);
428     end;
429     times[0] := StopTimer(tr) / loopCnt;
431     displayRect.Right := displayRect.Left + img.Width;
432     displayRect.Bottom := displayRect.Top + img.Height;
433     ImagePanel.Image.Copy(img, img.Bounds, displayRect);
434     TranslateRect(displayRect, imgDisplaySize + margin * 3, 0);
435     //2.双线性重采样器      //Img32.Resamplers 单元有 Range Check 己修改(MY_BilinearResample,否则,可能会提示错误)
436     //                      //Img32.Transform  单元有 Overflow Checking  己修改(MY_OverflowChecking,否则,可能会提示溢出错误)
437     img.Resampler := rBilinearResampler;
438     ResetTimer(tr, false);
439     for i := 1 to loopCnt do     //循环...(20次)
440     begin
441       img.LoadFromResource('BEETLE', 'PNG');
442       ResumeTimer(tr);
443       if useMatix then
444         AffineTransformImage(img, mat)
445       else
446       begin
447         img.Scale(scale);
448         img.Rotate(angle);
449       end;
450       PauseTimer(tr);
451     end;
452     times[1] := StopTimer(tr) / loopCnt;
453     ImagePanel.Image.Copy(img, img.Bounds, displayRect);
454     TranslateRect(displayRect, -displayRect.Left + margin, imgDisplaySize);
455     //3. 加权双线性
456     img.Resampler := rWeightedBilinear;
457     ResetTimer(tr, false);
458     for i := 1 to loopCnt do     //循环...(20次)
459     begin
460       img.LoadFromResource('BEETLE', 'PNG');
461       ResumeTimer(tr);
462       if useMatix then
463         AffineTransformImage(img, mat)
464       else
465       begin
466         img.Scale(scale);
467         img.Rotate(angle);
468       end;
469       PauseTimer(tr);
470     end;
471     times[2] := StopTimer(tr) / loopCnt;
472     ImagePanel.Image.Copy(img, img.Bounds, displayRect);
473     TranslateRect(displayRect, imgDisplaySize + margin * 5, 0);
474     //双立方体重采样器
475     img.Resampler := rBicubicResampler;
476     ResetTimer(tr, false);
477     for i := 1 to loopCnt do       //循环...(20次)
478     begin
479       img.LoadFromResource('BEETLE', 'PNG');
480       ResumeTimer(tr);
481       if useMatix then
482         AffineTransformImage(img, mat)
483       else
484       begin
485         img.Scale(scale);
486         img.Rotate(angle);
487       end;
488       PauseTimer(tr);
489     end;
490     times[3] := StopTimer(tr) / loopCnt;
491     ImagePanel.Image.Copy(img, img.Bounds, displayRect);
492     TranslateRect(displayRect, imgDisplaySize + margin * 5, 0);
493     //img.SaveToFile('c:\temp\resampling_bc.png');
494   finally
495     img.Free;
496     Screen.Cursor := crDefault;
497   end;
499   //显示一些文本
500   DrawText(ImagePanel.Image, margin, topOffset - dpi8, 'rNearestResampler', fontCache12);
501   DrawText(ImagePanel.Image, margin, topOffset + dpi5, 'Fast, but also pixelated', fontCache12);
502   DrawText(ImagePanel.Image, margin, topOffset + dpi18, Format('%1.2n msec', [times[0] * 1e3]), fontCache12);
504   DrawText(ImagePanel.Image, margin * 5 + imgDisplaySize, topOffset - dpi8, 'rBilinearResampler', fontCache12);
505   DrawText(ImagePanel.Image, margin * 5 + imgDisplaySize, topOffset + dpi5, 'Note blurring', fontCache12);
506   DrawText(ImagePanel.Image, margin * 5 + imgDisplaySize, topOffset + dpi18, Format('%1.2n msec', [times[1] * 1e3]), fontCache12);
508   DrawText(ImagePanel.Image, margin, topOffset - dpi8 + imgDisplaySize, 'rWeightedBilinear', fontCache12);
509   DrawText(ImagePanel.Image, margin, topOffset + dpi5 + imgDisplaySize, 'Very mildly pixelated and blurred', fontCache12);
510   DrawText(ImagePanel.Image, margin, topOffset + dpi18 + imgDisplaySize, Format('%1.2n msec', [times[2] * 1e3]), fontCache12);
512   DrawText(ImagePanel.Image, margin * 5 + imgDisplaySize, topOffset - dpi8 + imgDisplaySize, 'rBicubicResampler', fontCache12);
513   DrawText(ImagePanel.Image, margin * 5 + imgDisplaySize, topOffset + dpi5 + imgDisplaySize, 'Slow, but no pixelation or blurring', fontCache12);
514   DrawText(ImagePanel.Image, margin * 5 + imgDisplaySize, topOffset + dpi18 + imgDisplaySize, Format('%1.2n msec', [times[3] * 1e3]), fontCache12);
516 end;
518 procedure TfrmImageResampling.ShowGeneralResamplers3;
519 var
520   i, displaySize: integer;
521   preRotatedSize: integer;
522   margin, dpi8: integer;
523   topOffset: integer;
524   angle: double;
525   img: TImage32;
526   rec, displayRect: TRect;
527   mat: TMatrixD;
528   sText:UnicodeString;
529 begin
530   dpi8 := DPIAware(8);
532   margin := DPIAware(10);
533   displaySize := DPIAware(110);
534   topOffset := DPIAware(60);
535   angle := DegToRad(-15);
536   displayRect := System.Types.Rect(margin, margin + topOffset, margin + displaySize, margin + topOffset + displaySize);
538   rec := GetRotatedRectBounds(displayRect, angle);
539   preRotatedSize := Round(displaySize * displaySize / rec.Width);
540   mat := IdentityMatrix;
541   // initial image will be 100 wide and 1 high
542   MatrixScale(mat, preRotatedSize / 100, preRotatedSize);
543   MatrixRotate(mat, NullPointD, angle);
545   ImagePanel.Image.Clear;  //清除
547   //显示一些文本
548   sText := Format('F5 刷新 F6:启用/停止矩阵算法    是否启用矩阵:%s ', [BoolToStr(useMatix, true)]);
549   DrawText(ImagePanel.Image, margin, margin + DpiAware(1), 'Scale 100x1 image, then scale and rotate the same image', fontCache16);
550   DrawText(ImagePanel.Image, margin, margin + DpiAware(20), sText, fontCache16);
551   DrawText(ImagePanel.Image, margin, topOffset - dpi8, 'rNearestResampler', fontCache12);
552   DrawText(ImagePanel.Image, margin * 5 + displaySize * 2, topOffset - dpi8, 'rBilinearResampler', fontCache12);
553   DrawText(ImagePanel.Image, margin, topOffset - dpi8 + displaySize + margin * 6, 'rWeightedBilinear', fontCache12);
554   DrawText(ImagePanel.Image, margin * 5 + displaySize * 2, topOffset - dpi8 + displaySize + margin * 6, 'rBicubicResampler', fontCache12);
556   img := TImage32.Create;
557   try
558     // rNearestResampler   最近的重采样器
559     img.SetSize(100, 1);
560     for i := 0 to 99 do
561       img.Pixels[i] := RainbowColor(i / 100);
562     img.Resampler := rNearestResampler;
563     img.Resize(displaySize, displaySize);
564     ImagePanel.Image.Copy(img, img.Bounds, displayRect);
565     TranslateRect(displayRect, displaySize + margin, 0);
567     img.SetSize(100, 1);
568     for i := 0 to 99 do
569       img.Pixels[i] := RainbowColor(i / 100);   //彩虹渐变色.
570     if useMatix then
571       AffineTransformImage(img, mat, true)
572     else
573     begin
574       img.Resize(preRotatedSize, preRotatedSize);
575       img.Rotate(angle);
576     end;
577     ImagePanel.Image.Copy(img, img.Bounds, displayRect);
578     TranslateRect(displayRect, displaySize + margin * 3, 0);
580     // rBilinearResampler   双线性重采样器
582     img.SetSize(100, 1);
583     for i := 0 to 99 do
584       img.Pixels[i] := RainbowColor(i / 100);
585     img.Resampler := rBilinearResampler;
586     img.Resize(displaySize, displaySize);
587     ImagePanel.Image.Copy(img, img.Bounds, displayRect);
588     TranslateRect(displayRect, displaySize + margin, 0);
590     img.SetSize(100, 1);
591     for i := 0 to 99 do
592       img.Pixels[i] := RainbowColor(i / 100);
593     if useMatix then
594       AffineTransformImage(img, mat, true)
595     else
596     begin
597       img.Resize(preRotatedSize, preRotatedSize);
598       img.Rotate(angle);
599     end;
600     ImagePanel.Image.Copy(img, img.Bounds, displayRect);
601     TranslateRect(displayRect, -displayRect.Left + margin, displaySize + margin * 6);
603     // rWeightedBilinear    加权双线性
605     img.SetSize(100, 1);
606     for i := 0 to 99 do
607       img.Pixels[i] := RainbowColor(i / 100);
608     img.Resampler := rWeightedBilinear;
609     img.Resize(displaySize, displaySize);
610     ImagePanel.Image.Copy(img, img.Bounds, displayRect);
611     TranslateRect(displayRect, displaySize + margin, 0);
613     img.SetSize(100, 1);
614     for i := 0 to 99 do
615       img.Pixels[i] := RainbowColor(i / 100);
616     if useMatix then
617       AffineTransformImage(img, mat, true)
618     else
619     begin
620       img.Resize(preRotatedSize, preRotatedSize);
621       img.Rotate(angle);
622     end;
623     ImagePanel.Image.Copy(img, img.Bounds, displayRect);
624     TranslateRect(displayRect, displaySize + margin * 3, 0);
626     // rBicubicResampler    双立方体重采样器
628     img.SetSize(100, 1);
629     for i := 0 to 99 do
630       img.Pixels[i] := RainbowColor(i / 100);
631     img.Resampler := rBicubicResampler;
632     img.Resize(displaySize, displaySize);
633     ImagePanel.Image.Copy(img, img.Bounds, displayRect);
634     TranslateRect(displayRect, displaySize + margin, 0);
636     img.SetSize(100, 1);
637     for i := 0 to 99 do
638       img.Pixels[i] := RainbowColor(i / 100);
639     if useMatix then
640       AffineTransformImage(img, mat, true)
641     else
642     begin
643       img.Resize(preRotatedSize, preRotatedSize);
644       img.Rotate(angle);
645     end;
646     ImagePanel.Image.Copy(img, img.Bounds, displayRect);
648   finally
649     img.Free;
650   end;
652 end;
654 procedure TfrmImageResampling.ShowGeneralResamplers4;
655 var
656   displaySize: integer;
657   preRotatedSize: integer;
658   margin, dpi8: integer;
659   topOffset: integer;
660   angle: double;
661   img: TImage32;
662   rec, displayRect: TRect;
663 begin
664   dpi8 := DPIAware(8);
666   margin := DPIAware(10);
667   displaySize := DPIAware(110);
668   topOffset := DPIAware(60);
669   angle := DegToRad(-15);
670   displayRect := System.Types.Rect(margin, margin + topOffset, margin + displaySize, margin + displaySize + topOffset);
672   rec := GetRotatedRectBounds(displayRect, angle);
673   preRotatedSize := Round(displaySize * displaySize / rec.Width);
675   ImagePanel.Image.Clear;   //清除
676   //显示一些文字
677   DrawText(ImagePanel.Image, margin, margin + DpiAware(13), 'Scale and rotate 1x1 image then scale and rotate 2x2 image', fontCache16);
678   DrawText(ImagePanel.Image, margin, topOffset - dpi8, 'rNearestResampler', fontCache12);
679   DrawText(ImagePanel.Image, margin * 5 + displaySize * 2, topOffset - dpi8, 'rBilinearResampler', fontCache12);
680   DrawText(ImagePanel.Image, margin, topOffset - dpi8 + displaySize + margin * 6, 'rWeightedBilinear', fontCache12);
681   DrawText(ImagePanel.Image, margin * 5 + displaySize * 2, topOffset - dpi8 + displaySize + margin * 6, 'rBicubicResampler', fontCache12);
683   img := TImage32.Create;
684   try
685     // rNearestResampler    最近的重采样器
686     img.SetSize(1, 1);
687     img.Pixels[0] := clBlue32;
688     img.Resampler := rNearestResampler;
689     img.Resize(preRotatedSize, preRotatedSize);
690     img.Rotate(angle);
691     ImagePanel.Image.Copy(img, img.Bounds, displayRect);
692     TranslateRect(displayRect, displaySize + margin, 0);
694     img.SetSize(2, 2);
695     img.Pixels[0] := clLime32;
696     img.Pixels[1] := clAqua32;
697     img.Pixels[2] := clYellow32;
698     img.Pixels[3] := clFuchsia32;
699     img.Resize(preRotatedSize, preRotatedSize);
700     img.Rotate(angle);
701     ImagePanel.Image.Copy(img, img.Bounds, displayRect);
702     TranslateRect(displayRect, displaySize + margin * 3, 0);
704     // rBilinearResampler   双线性重采样器
706     img.SetSize(1, 1);
707     img.Pixels[0] := clBlue32;
708     img.Resampler := rBilinearResampler;
709     img.Resize(displaySize, displaySize);
710     img.Rotate(angle);
711     ImagePanel.Image.Copy(img, img.Bounds, displayRect);
712     TranslateRect(displayRect, displaySize + margin, 0);
714     img.SetSize(2, 2);
715     img.Pixels[0] := clLime32;
716     img.Pixels[1] := clAqua32;
717     img.Pixels[2] := clYellow32;
718     img.Pixels[3] := clFuchsia32;
719     img.Resize(preRotatedSize, preRotatedSize);
720     img.Rotate(angle);
721     ImagePanel.Image.Copy(img, img.Bounds, displayRect);
722     TranslateRect(displayRect, -displayRect.Left + margin, displaySize + margin * 6);
724     // rWeightedBilinear   加权双线性
726     img.SetSize(1, 1);
727     img.Pixels[0] := clBlue32;
728     img.Resampler := rWeightedBilinear;
729     img.Resize(displaySize, displaySize);
730     img.Rotate(angle);
731     ImagePanel.Image.Copy(img, img.Bounds, displayRect);
732     TranslateRect(displayRect, displaySize + margin, 0);
734     img.SetSize(2, 2);
735     img.Pixels[0] := clLime32;
736     img.Pixels[1] := clAqua32;
737     img.Pixels[2] := clYellow32;
738     img.Pixels[3] := clFuchsia32;
739     img.Resize(preRotatedSize, preRotatedSize);
740     img.Rotate(angle);
741     ImagePanel.Image.Copy(img, img.Bounds, displayRect);
742     TranslateRect(displayRect, displaySize + margin * 3, 0);
744     // rBicubicResampler   双立方体重采样器
746     img.SetSize(1, 1);
747     img.Pixels[0] := clBlue32;
748     img.Resampler := rBicubicResampler;
749     img.Resize(displaySize, displaySize);
750     img.Rotate(angle);
751     ImagePanel.Image.Copy(img, img.Bounds, displayRect);
752     TranslateRect(displayRect, displaySize + margin, 0);
754     img.SetSize(2, 2);
755     img.Pixels[0] := clLime32;
756     img.Pixels[1] := clAqua32;
757     img.Pixels[2] := clYellow32;
758     img.Pixels[3] := clFuchsia32;
759     img.Resize(preRotatedSize, preRotatedSize);
760     img.Rotate(angle);
761     //img.SaveToFile('c:\temp\test.png');
762     ImagePanel.Image.Copy(img, img.Bounds, displayRect);
763   finally
764     img.Free;
765   end;
766 end;
768 procedure TfrmImageResampling.TabControl1Change(Sender: TObject);
769 begin
770   ImagePanel.Scale := 1.0;
771   case TabControl1.TabIndex of
772     0:
773       ShowGeneralResamplers1;
774     1:
775       ShowGeneralResamplers2;
776     2:
777       ShowGeneralResamplers3;
778     3:
779       ShowGeneralResamplers4;
780     4:
781       ShowDownSampling;
782   end;
783 end;
785 end.

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