
获得别人的帮助,是为了世俗的利益;帮助别人,是为了心灵的满足——用马斯洛的话来说,是温饱与自我实现,人类的两种不可或缺的诉求。仅仅追求心灵的满足,会因为付不起房租而痛苦;仅仅追求世俗利益,也会在面对星空时感觉一丝落寞。帮助与被帮助的张力,是Eclipse——乃至整个Open Source——社群存在的理由。
Humans need to feel nurtured and cared for. Humans also need to nurture and care for others. Fulfilling the need to nurture and be nurtured is what makes becoming a fully functioning Eclipse programmer so satisfying. This experience is wrapped in all sorts of rational explanations—"productivity," "time-to-market," "leverage."

posted on 2004-08-06 15:36  .Dove  阅读(794)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
