pcss 软阴影


Percentage Closer Filtering:PCF是一种用于阴影反锯齿的方法,本身不是软阴影方法。


  1. Perform multiple (e.g. 7x7) depth
    comparisons for each fragment
  2. Then, averages results of comparisons
  3. e.g. for point P on the floor,
  1. compare its depth with all pixels
    in the red box, e.g. 3x3
  2. get the compared results, e.g.
    1, 0, 1,
    1, 0, 1,
    1, 1, 0,
  3. take avg. to get visibility, e.g. 0.667



vec2 poissonDisk[NUM_SAMPLES];

void poissonDiskSamples( const in vec2 randomSeed ) {
  float ANGLE_STEP = PI2 * float( NUM_RINGS ) / float( NUM_SAMPLES );
  float INV_NUM_SAMPLES = 1.0 / float( NUM_SAMPLES );

  float angle = rand_2to1( randomSeed ) * PI2;
  float radius = INV_NUM_SAMPLES;
  float radiusStep = radius;

  for( int i = 0; i < NUM_SAMPLES; i ++ ) {
    poissonDisk[i] = vec2( cos( angle ), sin( angle ) ) * pow( radius, 0.75 );
    radius += radiusStep;
    angle += ANGLE_STEP;

float PCF(sampler2D shadowMap, vec4 coords,float filterSize) {
  if(coords.x <-1.0 || coords.y>1.0 || coords.y<-1.0 || coords.y>1.0){
    return 1.0;
  float pixelSize = 1.0/2048.0;
  float count = 0.0;
  for(int i=0;i<NUM_SAMPLES;i++){
    vec2 uv = poissonDisk[i]*pixelSize*filterSize + coords.xy;
    if(uv.x <-1.0 || uv.y>1.0 || uv.y<-1.0 || uv.y>1.0){
      return 1.0;
    float dNearest = sampleDepth(shadowMap, uv) * Z_RANGE;
    float d = (coords.z+1.0)/2.0*Z_RANGE;//[-1,1]->[0,1.0]
    if(!(d > dNearest+Z_EPS)){//pcf 返回可见性指标
      count += 1.0;
  float res = count/float(NUM_SAMPLES);
  return res;





Percentage Closer Soft Shadows

通过观察可知阴影的软硬与阴影距离阴影投掷物的距离有关,距离越近,阴影越实(硬);距离越远,阴影越虚(软)。因此可以在PCF的基础上,动态调整filter size从而实现软阴影效果。

关键在于如何选择filter size,filter size和阴影距离阴影投掷物的距离(d_receiver-d_blocker)和遮挡物距离光源的距离(d_blocker)有关, 如下图所示:

其中W_penumbra就是面光源形成的软阴影范围,也就是pcf使用的filter size。


\[w_{Pemumbra} = (d_{Reciiver}- d_{Blocker}) * w_{Light}/d_{Blocker} \]



1.Can be set constant (e.g. 5x5), but can be better with heuristics

2.理论上的blocker search region:

依赖于光源面积大小和观察点距离光源的距离,即图中红虚线构成四棱锥范围。有一个问题是从面光源的不同点看场景会有不同的shadw map,如果只用一个shadw map进行采样,本身这里是精确分析,最后的结果又变成了近似。


The complete algorithm of PCSS

  • Step 1: Blocker search
    (getting the average blocker depth in a certain region)
  • Step 2: Penumbra estimation
    (use the average blocker depth to determine filter size)
  • Step 3: Percentage Closer Filtering


vec2 findBlocker( sampler2D shadowMap,  vec2 uv, float zReceiver ) {
  if(uv.x <-1.0 || uv.y>1.0 || uv.y<-1.0 || uv.y>1.0){
    return vec2(0.0,0.0);
  float pixelSize = 1.0/2048.0;
	float db = 0.0;
  float ds = 0.0;
  float searchSize = 0.0;
  searchSize = LIGHT_WIDTH*(zReceiver-NEAR_PLANE)/zReceiver;
  searchSize = searchSize/200.0/pixelSize;
  searchSize *= 1.5;
  //searchSize = 64.0;// 64.0;

  float count = 0.0;
  for(int i = 0; i < NUM_SAMPLES; i++){
    vec2 uv2 = poissonDisk[i]*pixelSize*searchSize + uv;
    if(uv2.x <-1.0 || uv2.y>1.0 || uv2.y<-1.0 || uv2.y>1.0){
      return vec2(0.0,0.0);
    float d = sampleDepth(shadowMap, uv2);
    d = d*Z_RANGE;
    if(d < zReceiver-5.0 ){
      db += d;
      count += 1.0;
  db = db / count;
  ds = zReceiver - db;
  //db = db / float(NUM_SAMPLES);
  //ds = ds / float(NUM_SAMPLES);
  return vec2(db,ds);

float PCF(sampler2D shadowMap, vec4 coords,float filterSize) {
  if(coords.x <-1.0 || coords.y>1.0 || coords.y<-1.0 || coords.y>1.0){
    return 1.0;
  float pixelSize = 1.0/2048.0;
  float count = 0.0;
  for(int i=0;i<NUM_SAMPLES;i++){
    vec2 uv = poissonDisk[i]*pixelSize*filterSize + coords.xy;
    if(uv.x <-1.0 || uv.y>1.0 || uv.y<-1.0 || uv.y>1.0){
      return 1.0;
    float dNearest = sampleDepth(shadowMap, uv) * Z_RANGE;
    float d = (coords.z+1.0)/2.0*Z_RANGE;//[-1,1]->[0,1.0]
    if(!(d > dNearest+10.0)){//pcf 返回可见性指标
      count += 1.0;
  float res = count/float(NUM_SAMPLES);
  return res;

float PCSS(sampler2D shadowMap, vec4 coords){
  float d_r = (coords.z+1.0)/2.0*Z_RANGE;// d_receiver
  float pixelSize = 1.0/2048.0;
  float d_b = 0.0;//d_blocker
  float d_s = 0.0;//average d_reciver - d_blocker
  float filterSize = 16.0;
  // STEP 1: avgblocker depth
  vec2 vB = findBlocker(shadowMap,coords.xy,d_r);
  d_b = vB.x;
  d_s = vB.y;
  //return d_b/Z_RANGE;
  //return d_s/Z_RANGE;
    return 1.0;
  // STEP 2: penumbra size
  //float wp = pow(d_s / d_b,2.0) * LIGHT_WIDTH; // d_s / d_b* LIGHT_WIDTH;//  
  float wp = d_s / d_b* LIGHT_WIDTH;
  //float wp = (dr/db-1.0) * L_WIDTH;
  float penumbraPixelSize = wp/200.0/pixelSize;//200是正交相机里设定的窗口范围
  //return penumbraPixelSize/100.0;
  // STEP 3: filtering
  //filterSize = penumbraPixelSize+8.0;
  filterSize = penumbraPixelSize;
  float res = PCF(shadowMap, coords, filterSize);
  return res;


PCF 64X64


posted @ 2024-01-17 21:37  bluebean  阅读(96)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报