PAT_A1154#Vertex Coloring


PAT A 1154 Vertex Coloring (25 分)


A proper vertex coloring is a labeling of the graph's vertices with colors such that no two vertices sharing the same edge have the same color. A coloring using at most k colors is called a (proper) k-coloring.

Now you are supposed to tell if a given coloring is a proper k-coloring.

Input Specification:

Each input file contains one test case. For each case, the first line gives two positive integers N and M(both no more than 1), being the total numbers of vertices and edges, respectively. Then M lines follow, each describes an edge by giving the indices (from 0 to N1) of the two ends of the edge.

After the graph, a positive integer K (≤ 100) is given, which is the number of colorings you are supposed to check. Then K lines follow, each contains N colors which are represented by non-negative integers in the range of int. The i-th color is the color of the i-th vertex.

Output Specification:

For each coloring, print in a line k-coloring if it is a proper k-coloring for some positive k, or No if not.

Sample Input:

10 11
8 7
6 8
4 5
8 4
8 1
1 2
1 4
9 8
9 1
1 0
2 4
0 1 0 1 4 1 0 1 3 0
0 1 0 1 4 1 0 1 0 0
8 1 0 1 4 1 0 5 3 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 9

Sample Output:




  • 矩阵存储图,规模小于10^3
  • 对于多组测试用例的输入,要注意统计值和哈希函数的初始化(出题老师太坏了,测试用例即使不初始化也是对的-,-)


 1 /*
 2 Data: 2019-08-02 21:08:29
 3 Problem: PAT_A1154#Vertex Coloring
 4 AC: 17:39
 6 题目大意:
 7 判断图中相连的顶点是否共色
 8 */
 9 #include<cstdio>
10 #include<set>
11 using namespace std;
12 const int M=1e4+10;
13 struct node
14 {
15     int u,v;
16 }grap[M];
17 int color[M];
19 int main()
20 {
21 #ifdef ONLINE_JUDGE
22 #else
23     freopen("Test.txt", "r", stdin);
24 #endif // ONLINE_JUDGE
26     int n,m,k;
27     scanf("%d%d", &m,&n);
28     for(int i=0; i<n; i++)
29         scanf("%d%d", &grap[i].u,&grap[i].v);
30     scanf("%d", &k);
31     while(k--)
32     {
33         set<int> mp;
34         for(int i=0; i<m; i++)
35         {
36             scanf("%d", &color[i]);
37             mp.insert(color[i]);
38         }
39         for(int i=0; i<n; i++)
40         {
41             if(color[grap[i].u] == color[grap[i].v])
42             {
43                 mp.clear();
44                 break;
45             }
46         }
47         if(mp.size())
48             printf("%d-coloring\n", mp.size());
49         else
50             printf("No\n");
51     }
53     return 0;
54 }


posted @ 2019-05-10 22:51  林東雨  阅读(144)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报