C34 建筑环境(Part 7)
- 量化道路特征。
- 理解基于矢量和基于栅格的方法。
Section 1 GEE目前可用的数据集
- the Global Power Plant Database
- Open Buildings V1 Polygons (whichcurrently includes over half of Africa)
- Global Artificial Impervious Area
- the Global Flood Database
- the Global Roads Inventory Project
(GRIP) dataset
- 。。。。
Section 2 道路特征
使用Global Roads Inventory Project (GRIP) 数据集计算道路长度。
该数据集旨在为环境和生物多样性评估(environmental and biodiversity assessments)提供一致的全球道路数据集。
//======================================================================================= // 导入非洲、南美洲和欧洲的道路数据 var grip4_africa = ee.FeatureCollection( 'projects/sat-io/open-datasets/GRIP4/Africa'), grip4_north_america = ee.FeatureCollection( 'projects/sat-io/open-datasets/GRIP4/North-America'), grip4_europe = ee.FeatureCollection( 'projects/sat-io/open-datasets/GRIP4/Europe'); // print('Grip4 Africa size', grip4_africa.size()); // print('Grip4 North America size', grip4_north_america.size()); // print('Grip4 Europe size', grip4_europe.size()); // // 显示道路数据. // Map.addLayer(ee.FeatureCollection(grip4_africa).style({ // color: '413B3A', // width: 1 // }), {}, 'Grip4 Africa'); // Map.addLayer(ee.FeatureCollection(grip4_north_america).style({ // color: '413B3A', // width: 1 // }), {}, 'Grip4 North America'); // Map.addLayer(ee.FeatureCollection(grip4_europe).style({ // color: '413B3A', // width: 1 // }), {}, 'Grip4 Europe'); //========================================================================================== // 导入国家边界数据,计算国家面积,选择一个面积最大的国家 var countries = ee.FeatureCollection('USDOS/LSIB_SIMPLE/2017'); // Add a function to calculate the feature's geometry area. // Add the function as a property. var addArea = function(feature) { return feature.set({ areaKm: feature.geometry().area().divide(1000 * 1000) }); // km2 squared }; // Map the area getting function over the FeatureCollection. var countriesArea = countries.map(addArea); print("countriesArea", countriesArea); // Filter to the largest country in Africa . var Algeria = countriesArea.filter(ee.Filter.inList('country_na', [ 'Algeria' ])); // Display the selected countries.阿尔及利亚 Map.addLayer(Algeria.style({ fillColor: 'b5ffb4', color: '00909F', width: 1.0 }), {}, 'Algeria'); //============================================================================================= //定义函数:为相关的GRIP数据集计算每个国家的道路长度。 var roadLength4Country = function(country, grip4) { // Join roads to countries. var intersectsFilter = ee.Filter.intersects({ leftField: '.geo', rightField: '.geo', maxError: 10 }); var grip4Selected = grip4.filterBounds(country); var countriesWithRds = ee.Join.saveAll('roads').apply({ primary: country, secondary: grip4Selected, condition: intersectsFilter }).filter(ee.Filter.neq('roads', null)); // Return country with calculation of roadLength and roadsPerArea. return countriesWithRds.map(function(country) { var roadsList = ee.List(country.get('roads')); var roadLengths = roadsList.map(function(road) { return ee.Feature(road).intersection( country, 10).length(10); }); var roadLength = ee.Number(roadLengths.reduce(ee .Reducer.sum())); return country.set({ roadLength: roadLength.divide( 1000), // Convert to km. roadsPerArea: roadLength.divide(ee .Number(country.get('areaKm')) ) }); }).select(['country_na', 'areaKm', 'roadLength', 'roadsPerArea' ]); }; // Apply the road length function to Algeria. var roadLengthAlgeria = roadLength4Country(Algeria, grip4_africa); // Print the road statistics for Algeria. print('Roads statistics in Algeria', roadLengthAlgeria);