Java 1.7新特性

增强的语言特性 Language enhancements

  • 菱形操作符 Diamond Operator
1 Map<String, List<Trade>> trades = new TreeMap<>();
  • switch支持字符串 Using strings in switch statements
 1 public void processTrade(Trade t) {
 2   String status = t.getStatus();
 3   switch(status){
 4   case NEW:
 5     newTrade(t);
 6     break;
 7   case EXECUTE:
 8     executeTrade(t);
 9     break;
10   case PENDING:
11     pendingTrade(t);
12     break;
13   default:
14     break;
15   }
16 }
  • 自动资源管理 Automatic resource management
1 public void newTry() {
2     try (FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream("movies.txt");
3             DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(fos)) {
4         dos.writeUTF("Java 7 Block Buster");
5     } catch (IOException e) {
6         // log the exception
7     }
8 }
  • 数字可用下划线 Numeric literals with underscores
1 int million = 1_000_000


新文件系统 New file system API(NIO 2.0)



分治 Fork and Join


本文是从What's New in Java 7 搬的。 O'REILLY

posted on 2019-06-29 16:42  blouson  阅读(582)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报