ASP.NET MVC 入门介绍【翻译】

Introduction to ASP.NET MVC


Author : Shailendra Chauhan

Posted On : 15 Jun 2011

Total Views : 135,825   

Updated On : 13 Aug 2015


ASP.NET MVC is a new web application framework from Microsoft. MVC stands for Model-View-Controller, a pattern that’s becoming increasingly popular with web development frameworks. ASP.NET MVC is an alternative and a complement to Web Forms, which means you won’t be dealing with pages and controls, postbacks or view state, or complicated ASP.NET event life cycle.

ASP.NET MVC是一个来自微软的新的web应用程序框架。MVC代表模型-视图-控制器,这种模式在web开发框架中越来越流行。ASP.NET MVC是Web Forms的另一种替代和补充,这意味着您不需要处理页面和控件、postbacks、view state或复杂的 事件生命周期

Basically, MVC is a framework methodology that divides an application's implementation into three component roles: models, views, and controllers. Hence in MVC you need to play with controllers, actions, and views.

基本上,MVC是一种框架方法,它将应用程序的实现划分为三个组件:模型、视图和控制器。因此在 MVC中你需要使用控制器,动作和视图

MVC Pattern

The Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern is an adaptation of a pattern generated from the Smalltalk community in the 1970s by Trygve Reenskaug. It was popularized for use on the web with the advent of Ruby on Rails in 2003.

模型-视图-控制器(MVC)模式是由Trygve Reenskaug在上世纪70年代由Smalltalk社区产生的模式的改编。它在2003年随着Ruby on Rails的出现而在网络上流行起来

  1. 1.  Model

Models in a MVC based application are the components of the application that are responsible for maintaining state. Often this state is persisted inside a database for example: we might have a Product class that is used to represent order data from the Products table inside SQL.


  1. 2.  View

Views in a MVC based application are the components responsible for displaying the application's user interface. Typically this UI is created off of the model data for example: we might create an Product "Edit" view that surfaces textboxes, dropdowns and checkboxes based on the current state of a Product object.

  1. 3.  Controller

Controllers in a MVC based application are the components responsible for handling end user interaction, manipulating the model, and ultimately choosing a view to render to display UI. In a MVC application the view is only about displaying information - it is the controller that handles and responds to user input and interaction.

ASP.NET MVC Web Application Advantages优势

The ASP.NET MVC Framework is a new framework and have the following advantages over Web Forms approach (means over ASP.Net):

ASP.NET MVC框架是一个新的框架,它比Web Forms方法更有优势(意味着超越ASP.Net)

  1. 1.  Separation of concern 概念分离

In ASP.NET MVC the application is divided to Model, View and Controller parts which make it easier to manage the application complexity.
在ASP.NET MVC应用程序被划分为模型、视图和控制器部分,这使得管理应用程序的复杂性变得更加容易

  1. 2.  TDD 测试驱动开发

The ASP.NET MVC framework brings better support to test-driven development.
ASP.NET MVC框架为测试驱动开发提供了更好的支持

  1. 3.  Extensible and pluggable 可扩展和可拔插式

ASP.NET MVC framework components were designed to be pluggable and extensible and therefore can be replaced or customized easier then Web Forms.
ASP.NET MVC框架组件被设计成可插拔和可扩展的,因此可以替换或轻松定制Web Forms

  1. 4.  Full control over application behavior

ASP.NET MVC framework doesn’t use View State or server based forms like Web Forms. This gives the application developer more control over the behaviors of the application and also reduces the bandwidth of requests to the server.
ASP.NET MVC框架不使用像Web forms那样的视图状态或基于服务器的表单。这样,应用程序开发人员就可以对应用程序的行为进行更多的控制,并减少对服务器的请求的带宽

  1. 5.  ASP.NET features are supported

ASP.NET MVC framework is built on top of ASP.NET and therefore can use most of the features that ASP.NET include such as the providers architecture, authentication and authorization scenarios, membership and roles, caching, session and more.

ASP.NET MVC框架是建立在ASP.NET之上的。因此可以使用ASP.NET的大部分特性。包括提供者体系结构、身份验证和授权场景、成员身份和角色、缓存、会话等等

  1. 6.  URL routing mechanism

ASP.NET MVC framework supports a powerful URL routing mechanism that helps to build a more comprehensible and searchable URLs in your application. This mechanism helps to the application to be more addressable from the eyes of search engines and clients and can help in search engine optimization.
ASP.NET MVC框架支持强大的URL路由机制,帮助您在应用程序中构建更易于理解和可搜索的URL。这种机制可以帮助应用程序从搜索引擎和客户的眼睛中获得更大的可寻址,并且可以帮助搜索引擎优化

The ASP.NET MVC simplifies the complex parts of Web Forms without any compromise of the power and flexibility of ASP.NET platform. MVC implements Model-View-Controller UI pattern for web application development that lets you allows to develop applications in a loosely couples manner. MVC pattern is separating the application in three parts- Model, View and Controller.
ASP.NET MVC简化了 Web表单的复杂部分,而没有对ASP.NET的强大和灵活性做出任何妥协。ASP.NET MVC实现了用于web应用程序开发的模型-视图-控制器UI模式,允许您以一种松散的方式开发应用程序。MVC模式将应用程序分为三个部分:模型、视图和控制器


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