
Sometimes  you have to realize  有时候,你必须要明白

Some people can only stay in your heart   有些人能留在你的心里

But not in your life  但不能留在你的生活里

Don't wait for the wrong person  别等不该等的人

Don't weep for the wrong reason  别伤不该伤的心

Some people are destined to be passers-by in your life  有些人注定是你命中的过客

It is like that  爱情友情都是这样

But now it's all water under the bridge  一切都是过眼云烟

Just move on, good things await you  继续向前吧,好事在等着你


No one notices your tears  没人看到你的眼泪

No one notices your sadness  没有留心你的悲伤

No one notices your pains  没人察觉你的痛苦

But they all notices your mistakes  但所有人都注意到你犯的错误


Sometimes, you will find  有时候你会发现

That once you miss the person you most want to be with  一旦错过了那个最想在一起的人

No matter who you are with in the future  往后不管和谁在一起

You will feel nothing  都没有什么感觉


When your talent can not hold up your ambition  当你的才华还撑不起你的野心时

You should calm down and learn  那你就应该静下心来学习

When your abilities Can not realize your dreams  当你能力实现不了你的梦想时

You should practice with all your heart   你应该沉下心来练习


When someone is talking to you about their problems  当某个人跟你说他的问题的时候

They are not looking for solutions  他不是在找解决办法

They just want someone to listen  他只是想有个人可以听他说话

Just listening to a person can help their healing process  只是倾听就可以帮助一个人的治愈过程

posted @ 2020-02-19 15:45  learner_zg  阅读(1739)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报