c++ primer plus速记
$Chapter 12.classes and dynamic memory allocation
Student tom(“Tom”);//1
Student tom2=tom;//2
以上语句2相当于Student tom2=Student(tom),即这里的=重载函数默认相当于复制构造函数,如果没有给出复制构造函数的定义,则直接把tom对象的地址复制给了tom2,那么他们表示的就是同一个对象了,这可能会出问题,所以对于一个类,一般来说除了构造函数和析构函数要定义外,一般还应定义复制构造函数。复制构造函数原型声明如下:
Student(const Student &);//进行逐个成员变量的复制
(1)Student s1(lily);
(2)Student s2=lily;//上面已说,这个等效于(3)
(3)Student s3=Student(lily);
(4)Student *ps4=new Student(lily);
(5)Student function();//返回Student类对象的函数会返回该对象复制的一个副本
(6)void function(Student s1);//以Student类对象作为函数参数实参会复制到形参
4.new和placement new——这是两种不同的内存分配方式,使用placement new需要加入头文件#include<new>且需要先开辟内存空间,如:
char *buffer=new char[512];//allocate 512 bytes buffer Class_name *pclass=new (buffer) Class_name;//create an object of Class_name type in //buffer and make pclass points to it //do some operations… Pclass->~Class_name();//explicitly call the destructor function,in the opposite order of objects’ creation delete buffer[];//delete the space(after destructor being called)
这种placement new使用起来既麻烦还需要做更多的内存管理容易出错,故知道下就好,不要滥用,除非想要对内存进行一些神奇的操作。
$Chapter 14.reusing code in c++(inheritance, containment and template class)
Student lucy;
lucy是个Student类对象,下面却把int型15赋给它,这里会隐式地调用类型转换构造函数:Student(int n)构造一个临时对象然后使用赋值运算符重载函数把它赋值给lucy,因为单个参数的构造函数本身默认为类型转换函数。但是这可能不是我们的本意,我们本意这个int参数表示的可能是学生的年龄或是修过的科目数等,所以这里给这个单参构造函数加上explicit就在编译的时候杜绝了这种错误。
class A;//a class with public function funcA(); class B:private A{ public: using A::funcA;//declare funcA in base-class A to be accessible from outside world //using declaration just uses function name without parentheses and //parameter list … }; B b1; b1.funcA();//access funcA derived from base-class through b1
template<typename Type>//or template<class Type>,Type is an identifier representing a type class Stack{ //define private and public fields,use Type identifier to replace future data type //… }; template<typename Type> Stack<Type>::Stack() { //implementation of member function is no different from member function of normal class //except that the class scope identifier followed by a pair of angle brackets and type identifier //future data type(generic type) replaced by Type identifier }
Stack<int> st;//use a particular type to replace type parameter
//1.using more than one type parameter template<typename T1,typename T2>class Pair{/*more code abbreviated here*/} //2.using non-type parameter template<class Type,int n>class Stack{/*more code abbreviated here*/} //3.using recursive template class Stack<Stack<int>> st; //4.using default value for type parameter //note you cannot use default value in template function’s type parameter template<class T1,class T2=int>class Whatever{/*more code*/} //5.using default value for non-type parameter //note you can also use it in template function template<class T, int n=6>class Dontcare{…} //6.implicit instantiation, explicit instantiation and explicit specialization //6.1.normally,we use template class via implicit instantiation Stack<char *> *stStr; //implicit instantiation only generate class definition when needed stStr=new Stack<char *>;//here, definition of class Stack is generated when an object is in need //6.2.using explicit instantiation, we can generate class definition without creating objects template class Stack<char*>; //6.3.with explicit specialization, we can create class definition that is different from generic one //in case you need to redefine template class for a specific type instead of a generic type //specialized template class will override the generic one with the same type parameter template<>class ClassName<specialized-type-name>//a completely specialized template { //code that specially designed for specialized-type-name //for example, if the > operator function defined in generic template class doesn’t //apply to this specific type, we can redefine it here } //6.4.partial (explicit) specialization, compared to complete explicit specialization template<class T1,class T2> class Pair{..};//general template template<class T1>class Pair<T1,int>{…};//a partially specialized template template<class T>class WTF{…};//general edition of template class template<class T*>class WTF{…};//partially specialized edition //6.5.template class can be member of a class, structure or a template class //a generic template class can also be the type parameter of another template class //template class declaration can have friends //these are rather complicated hence not expounded here //refer to c++ primer plus 6th edition, page 852-866
$Chapter 16.the string class and the Standard Template Library(STL)
#include<memory> std::auto_ptr<double> ps(new double); *ps=25; double *pn=new double(10); ps=pn;//implicit conversion not allowed ps=auto_ptr<double>(pn);//allowed, but be careful, memory that ps points to will be deleted //when ps expires meaning space pointed to by pn is also erased, is //that what you really want?
Template<class X> auto_ptr { public: explicit auto_ptr(X *p=0) throw(); … }
Unique_ptr, shared_ptr用法与auto_ptr一样,c++11中deprecate auto_ptr的使用,建议使用新的另两种智能指针,当然如果你的编译器不支持那就只能使用auto_ptr。
//typedef auto_ptr<double> smart_ptr; //#1 //typedef unique_ptr<double> smart_ptr; //#2 //typedef shared_ptr<double> smart_ptr; //#3 smart_ptr p1(new double(32)); smart_ptr p2; p2=p1; //#4
以上,如果多个智能指针指向同一段内存,那么当他们失效时都调用delete则会多次删除同一段内存。去掉#1的注释(smart_ptr为auto_ptr<double>),p2指向对象,p1则失去对象所有权,指向空;去掉#2注释,则编译错误,因为unique_ptr不允许多个指针同时指向同一个对象,除非右值是临时指针,如p2=unique_ptr<double>(new double(32));去掉#3注释没有问题,因为shared_ptr指针使用指针计数,只有计数为0即指向同一对象的最后一个指针销毁的时候才会调用析构函数。
2.STL(Standard Template Library)是泛型编程(generic programing)的典范。STL中提供了许多通用的容器以及容器操作访问元素的一些方法;STL中也提供了一些函数对各种容器进行通用的处理,如for_each()函数提供遍历操作,random_shuffle()函数提供打乱顺序操作,sort()函数提供排序操作,他们都不是容器的成员函数,属于通用算法,其中for_each()函数有三个参数,第一个、第二个是指示范围的迭代器,第三个是函数对象,表示每次迭代进行的操作,for_each循环代替for循环可以使代码更整洁。
//for_each loop in three languages for(int i:arr){ //java style: arr is a array of ints //do something here //this same usage also exists in c++ } foreach(int ele in arr){ //c# style //do something here } for_each(books.begin(),books.end(),function); //c++ style: function is the name of a functor //c++ style is more concise and elegant.
//books here is a container object, iterators mark the range
C++的类型推断(type deduction):
vector<double> arr; for(auto x:arr)std::cout<<x<<std::endl; //c++ auto type deduction for(auto &x:arr)x=0; //you can alter contents in arr as long as using reference //a for_each loop can’t achieve this as functor can’t alter element in arr
vector<double> ctn; //#1 //list<double> ctn; //#2 vector<double>::iterator pr; //#1 //list<double>::iterator pr; //#2 for(pr=ctn.begin();pr!=ctn.end();++pr){ //the usage is the same, whatever #1 or #2 is in effect //do something } //you can even simplify usage by auto type deduction for(auto pt=ctn.begin();pt!=ctn.end();++pt){ //do whatever }
b.迭代器的这种层级类似于继承,但是满足一定要求的迭代器并不能说是一个类,这里称之为概念(concept),而高层级的迭代器概念上继承自低层级,这叫做提炼(refinement),特定的一个迭代器满足特定的一组要求称之为这个概念(这组要求)的模型化(model)。比如说find()函数使用的是input iterator,所以我们可以使用input iterator concept的一个model作为参数,也可以使用这个concept的提炼random access iterator concept的一个model,因为就像子类对象也是父类对象,random access iterator concept的model也是input iterator concept的一个model。一般的指针就是一个random access iterator concept 的一个model,是最高层级的iterator,所以他可以用于任何以iterator为参数的函数,这样STL里的通用算法不但可用于通用容器,也可用于普通数据,因为指向普通数组元素的指针本身也是符合函数所有要求的迭代器。
//the prototype of general algorithm find() and sort() are like below //they only imply what level of concept is being used without designate a certain type //thanks to template template<class InputIterator,class T> InputIterator find(InputIterator first,InputIterator last,const T& value); template<class RandomAccessIterator> void sort(RandomAccessIterator first,RandomAccessIterator last);
#include<iterator> vector<int> dice(10); int arr={1,2,3,4,5,6,7}; //an out stream iterator, the first constructor argument is an output stream object, //the second is a separator between each element being output ostream_iterator<int,char>out_iter(cout,” ”); *out_iter++=15;//assign 15 to container pointed to by out_iter and augment out_iter copy(dice.begin(),dice.end(),out_iter);//output dice to cout //copy from istream_iterator(which is cin here) to dice vector copy(istream_iterator<int,char>(cin),istream_iterator<int,char>(),dice.begin()); copy(dice.rbegin(),dice.rend(),out_iter);//using a reverse iterator //others like back_insert_iterator, front_insert_iterator and insert_iterator, like the name //suggests, can be used to insert element(s) to container at the end or front or wherever //they convert copy function’s overriding operation to insertion back_insert_iterator<vector<int> >back_iter(dice); copy(arr,arr+7,back_iter); insert_iterator<vector<int> >insert_iter(dice,dice.begin()); copy(arr,arr+7,insert_iter);
5.容器介绍,deque, list, queue, priority_queue, stack, vector, map, multimap, set, multiset, bitset, forward_list, unordered_map, unordered_multimap, unordered_set, unordered_multiset,略。C++ primer plus 6th edition, page 1007 to 1026.
6.Function object.任何对象只要能够加上括号当函数用的就叫functor,比如一般函数名,函数指针以及类对象(只要这个类对象重载了()运算符,如下:)
class Linear { private: double slope; double y0; public: Linear(double s1=1,double y1=0):slope(s1),y0(y1){} double operator()(double x){return y0+slope*x;} }; //usage =>the class object can be used as a function as long as its () operator is overloaded Linear f1,f2(2,5); double y1=f1(3); //y1=0+1*3; double y2=f2(12.5); //y2=5+2*12.5;
template<class InputIterator, class Function> Function for_each(InputIterator first, InputIterator last, Function f); //two declaration of transform() function template<class InputIterator, class OutputIterator, class UnaryOperation> OutputIterator transform(InputIterator first, InputIterator last,OutputIterator first, UnaryOperation op);
template<class InputIterator1, class InputIterator2,class OutputIterator, class BinaryOperation> OutputIterator transform(InputIterator1 first1,InputIterator1 last1,InputIterator2 first2,InputIterator2 last2, BinaryOperation op);
那么STL的functor概念有哪些?STL的functor概念有:无参的函数,一元函数,二元函数;进一步有提炼:如果一元函数返回值为bool值,则为一个预测(predict),如果二元函数返回值为bool,则为一个二元预测(binary predict),所以通用函数不同可能采取的functor也不同。
Functor的概念里还有一些operator的functor equivalents, function adapter,参数绑定等许多概念,因为我也不太懂,不列了。附一张functor equivalents表: