

  写法一(动态图):The line chart presents information about A, B, C and D. To be specific, the number of A increases slowly from 1 in 2000 to 50 in 2010. Yet, the number of B decreases sharply from 50 to 1 during the same period. Meanwhile, the number of C remains steady at 30. Although the number of D varies, the whole tendency tends to be upward. Isolated as the figures seem to be, as a matter of fact, they are connected one another closely.
  // 写法二(静态图):The table shows different proportion of B, C, D and E. To be specific, the percentage of B, C, D and E accounts for 10%,20%,40% and 30% respectively. When taking a closer look, the biggest one is D which stands for 40% and the smallest one is B which stands for 10%. Isolated as the figures seem to be, as a matter of fact, they are connected one another closely.
  In fact, this seemingly abstract chart has subtly revealed a not uncommon social phenomenon. what exactly contributes to this phenomenon? It’s a thought-provoking question. First and foremost ,… In addition , … Last but not least, … There seem to be more than one direct or indirect facts relating to this topic, which none of us can fail to notice. For example, …
  After considering every aspect of this phenomenon, I , as most of others will do, safely draw a conclusion that … (On the macro level, the government should … . On the micro level, the public should enhance the consciousness of … . ) Only in this way can we do sth..



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However, these data are just the tip of the iceberg on the surface of the sea, and they really need to reflect more than these.


The line chart presents the information about A, B and C.(11)
To be specific, the number of A increases significantly from 1990 to 2000, ranging from 1 to 100. (from 1 in 1990 to 100 in 2000.)(18)
Yet, the numbers of B decrease sharply from 100 to 1 during the same period.(15)
Meanwhile, the number of C remains steady at 50.(9)

However, these data are just the tip of the iceberg on the surface of the sea, and they really need to reflect more than these.(25)


写法三:重要(满分作文写法)连续变化(after which 突出了转折点开始的年代或数据)

The bar chart shows how A changed from 1990 to 2010.
(图表描述 连续变化)具体而言,A的数字从1990年的5缓慢上升到2000年的10,在此之后after which它it陡然上升到2010年的100.
To be specific, the number of A increased slowly from 1990 to 2000, ranging from 1 to 100, (from 5 in 1990 to 10 in 2000), after which it rose sharply to 100 in 2010.

However, these data are just the tip of the iceberg on the surface of the sea, and they really need to reflect more than these.


The bar chart shows the differences in A, B and C.
To be specific, the number of A increases slowly from 1990 to 2000, ranging from 1 to 100. (from 5 in 2000 to 10 in 2010.)
Yet, the figure of B decreases sharply from 100 to 10 during the same period.
Meanwhile, the number of C remains steady at 15.

However, these data are just the tip of the iceberg on the surface of the sea, and they really need to reflect more than these.



The pie chart presents information about A, which is composed of B,C,D and E.(16)
To be specific, the proportion of B,C,D and E accounts for 40%,20%,20% and 20% respectively.(19)
(突出点)更仔细地看when taking a closer look,可以发现B的数据最大we can find that ...。
When taking a closer look, we can find that the biggest one is B.(14)

However, these data are just the tip of the iceberg on the surface of the sea, and they really need to reflect more than these.

两个变量,此消彼长(或 三个变量,一上一下一不变)

(就...而言in terms of the impact of high-tech on our modern life/study/work/traffic), the pie charts showcase the different proportions between/about/of A and B.
To be specific, the percentage of B increases from 1990 to 2000, ranging from 20% to 40%. (from 20% in 1990 to 40% in 2010.)
Yet, the number of B decreases from 80% to 60% during the same period.

However, these data are just the tip of the iceberg on the surface of the sea, and they really need to reflect more than these.



The table presents information about A,B,C and D.
To be specific, the number of B, C, D and E are 120, 120, 1210 and 120 respectively.
(突出点)更仔细地看when taking a closer look,可以发现D的数据最大we can find that ...。
When taking a closer look, we can find that the biggest one is D.

However, these data are just the tip of the iceberg on the surface of the sea, and they really need to reflect more than these.


When taking a closer look, one can find the biggest difference is ... .




Actually, this seemingly simple chart subtly discloses a prevailing phenomenon that/: 主题词 has attracted our attention.

This phenomenon attracts our attention like an iceberg floating on the sea.(12)

The phenomenon described by these data (that...) attract our attention like icebergs floating on the sea.(15)


What exactly contributes to (this phenomenon 可换成主题词(图表数据上上升的the popular of 主题))?It's a thought-provoking question.

So what is the specific reason behind the iceberg?(9)


  • 媒体:宣传

    • 负面:媒体可能不太恰当地夸大了这件事。
      The mass media might inappropriately/improperly exaggerate the issue.(8)

    the issue可以换成主题词
    Mass media might inappropriately exaggerate the function of gifts.

    • 正面:大众媒体,如广播、电视和网络,适当地宣传并鼓励这一事情。
      The mass media, such as radio, television and the internet, might appropriately advocate and encourage this issue.(17)

    The mass media, such as radio, television and the internet, might appropriately advocate and encourage college students to take part-time jobs.
    鼓励农民工rural worker去大城市metropolis工作
    The mass media, such as radio, television and the internet, might appropriately advocate and encourage rural workers to work in metropolis.

  • 社会:关注

    • 负面:

      • 社会缺少了对...的关注导致了...
        A lack of due attention (from ...(来自于。。)) on ...(在。。/对于。。) leads to ...(结果)(12)

      • 对...过多关注导致了...
        Too much attention (from ...) on ... leads to ...

      Too much attention on city construction/building leads to unbalanced development of economy.
      Too much attention on packaging leads to excessive consumption of gifts.

    • 正面:对...的关注促进(stimulate)了...的发展。
      Due attention paid to ... has stimulated the rapid development of ... .(12)

    Due attention paid to high-tech has stimulated the rapid development of mobile-phone.

  • 个人:意识

    • 负面:个人缺乏...的意识导致了...
      A lack of the consciousness of ... results in ...(结果)(15)
      The public lacked the consciousness of ... .

    A lack of the consciousness of self-promotion leads to dissatisfaction about/for salary/income and working environment.

    • 正面:个人已经提高了...的意识。
      The public has enhanced the consciousness of ... .(8)

    College students have enhanced the consciousness of competitiveness.

  • 政府:执行

    • 负面:因为缺少管制...的法律(政策policy)才导致了...趋势的扩大。
      A lack of laws and regulations to control ... leads to the expanding trend of ... .

    缺少管理外国汽车质量的法律才导致了交通事故car accident的趋势扩大。
    A lack of laws and regulations to control car's quality leads to the expanding trend of car accidents.

    • 正面:正是相关法律法规的执行促使这一个令人惊喜的趋势(可换成上升的趋势)出现。
      It is the enforcement of relevant law and regulation that makes this surprising trend come into being(出现).

    It is the enforcement of relevant law and regulation that makes the urbanization come into being.


As a result,

It is these different factors that complement each other and create today's phenomenon.

It is these different factors that complement each other and support the iceberg we can see today.(17)







Considering every aspect of this issue, I, as most of others will do, safely draw a conclusion that ...

After considering the whole iceberg above and below the sea, like most people, I can come to the conclusion that...(20)


Nowadays, there is a growing/decreasing tendency for sb. to do sth. , which I believe will not change in a short time.(21)


After considering the whole iceberg above and below the sea, it can be predicted that this phenomenon will continue.(19)


  • (通用)因此,正如常言道,我们应该吸取精华,忽略缺点。
    We should ,therefore, as the common saying goes,"absorb the essence and neglect the drawback".

  • 不同主体不同做法:固定主体+to do something(适用正面话题、中立话题、负面话题)

The mass media, such as radio, television and the internet, should make every effort to propagate/report/publicize and advocate it.

advocate 宣传(正面)
负面:遏制 end, prevent, put an end to

制定法律:It is essential that laws and regulations should be worked out and enforced to do sth.
教育公民:The goverment has the responsibility to educate/encourage every citizen to do sth.

The public should enhance the consciousness of ... .
We ourselves ought to take practial actions to do sth.

Therefore, with the continuous change of AA, the relevant institutions should constantly make dynamic changes to achieve dynamic balance, so as to make the society more harmonious development.(28)


If all the solutions are turned into reality, the prospect will become more desirable.
Through/By waiting and hoping, we will be able to achieve our ultimate goal.

The true generosity for the future lies in giving everything to the present. Just do it.(16)



  如饼状图所示,A的数量由BCD和E组成。具体而言,BCD和E的百分比各自respectively占40%,20%,20%和20%。(突出点)更仔细地看when taking a closer look,可以发现B的数据最大we can find that ...。

  ①The line chart presents the information about A, B and C.(11)To be specific, the number(rate) of A grew(increased) significantly from 1990 to 2000, ranging from 1 to 100. (from 1 in 1990 to 100 in 2000.)(18)Yet, the amount(percentage) of B slipped(decreased) sharply from 100 to 1 during the same period.(15)Meanwhile, the figure(proportion) of C remained basically steady at 50.(9)
(When taking a closer look, we can find that the maximum/minimum one is B.)
  ①The phenomenon described by these data (that...) attracts our attention like iceberg floating on the sea.(15)②So what are the specific reasons hiding under the iceberg?(9)To begin with, the mass media, such as radio, television and the internet, might appropriately advocate and encourage this issue.(17)In addition, the public has enhanced the consciousness of ... .(8)⑥It is these different factors that complement each other and support the iceberg we can see today.(17)
  ①After considering the whole iceberg above and below the sea, it can be predicted that this phenomenon will continue.(19)Therefore, with the continuous change of the phenomenon, the relevant institutions should constantly make dynamic changes to achieve dynamic balance, so as to make the society more harmonious development.(28)
(The true generosity for the future lies in giving everything to the present. Just do it.(16)

  ①The pie chart presents information about A, which is composed of B,C,D and E.(16) ②To be specific, the proportion of B,C,D and E accounts for 40%,20%,20% and 20% respectively.(19) ③When taking a closer look, we can find that the maximum/minimum one is B.(14)

  • 爱国意识
    Patriotic consciousness = consciousness of loving China

  • 达到饱和
    reach saturation

  • 员工、雇员
    employees above 50 years old
    below 40 years old
    between 40 and 50 years old

  • 满足

  • 大学
    The first year of university 大学的一年级
    The second year of university 大学的二年级
    The third year of university 大学的三年级
    The fourth year of university 大学的四年级

  • 大学生
    college students

  • 本科毕业生
    college graduate

  • 花销(名词)
    spending cost consumption

posted @ 2019-09-29 22:06  Nemo&  阅读(1382)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报