Ansible@一个高效的配置管理工具--Ansible configure management--翻译(十一)


第五章 自己定义模块

Using a module
Now that we have written our very first module for Ansible, we should give it a
go in a playbook. Ansible looks at several places for its modules: first it looks at the
place specified in the library key in its config file ( /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg ),
next it will look in the location specified using the --module-path argument in the
command line, then it will look in the same directory as the playbook for a library
directory containing modules, and finally it will look in the library directories for any
roles that may be set.
Let's create a playbook that uses our new module and place it in a library directory
in the same place so that we can see it in action. Here is a playbook that uses the
hostname module:
- name: Test the hostname file
hosts: testmachine
- name: Set the hostname




- name: Test the hostname file
hosts: testmachine
- name: Set the hostname

Then create a directory named library in the same directory as the playbook file.
Place the hostname module inside the library. Your directory layout should look
like this:
<img src="//

watermark/2/text/aHR0cDovL2Jsb2cuY3Nkbi5uZXQvc21hbGxmaXNoMTk4Mw==/font/5a6L5L2T/fontsize/400/fill/I0JBQkFCMA==/dissolve/70/gravity/SouthEast" alt="" />



PLAY [Test the hostname file] ***************************************
GATHERING FACTS *****************************************************
ok: [ansibletest]
TASK: [Set the hostname] ********************************************
changed: [ansibletest]
PLAY RECAP **********************************************************
: ok=2



Writing modules in Python
All of the modules that are distributed with Ansible are written in Python. Because
Ansible is also written in Python, these modules can directly integrate with Ansible.
This increases the speed at which they can run. Here are a few other reasons why
you might write modules in Python:
•	 Modules written in Python can use boilerplate, which reduces the amount of
code required
•	 Python modules can provide documentation to be used by Ansible
•	 Arguments to your module are handled automatically
•     Output is automatically converted to JSON for you
•     Ansible upstream only accepts plugins using Python with the boilerplate
code included




  • 使用python编写的模块能够使用引用,这能够节省大量代码
  • 模块的參数能够被自己主动处理
  • 输出格式自己主动被转换成JSON
  • Ansible的上游插件之接受使用python的引用包括

You can still build Python modules without this integration by parsing the
arguments and outputting JSON yourself. However, with all the things you get for
free, it would be hard to make a case for it.
Let's build a Python module that lets us change the currently running init level of the
system. There is a Python module called pyutmp that will let us parse the utmp file.
Unfortunately, since Ansible modules have to be contained in a single file, we can't
use it unless we know it will be installed on the remote systems, so we will resort
to using the runlevel command and parsing its output. Setting the runlevel can be
done with the init command.
The first step is to figure out what arguments and features the module supports. For
the sake of simplicity, let's have our module only accept one argument. We'll use the
argument runlevel to get the runlevel the user wants to change to. To do this, we
instantiate the AnsibleModule class with our data.
module = AnsibleModule(
argument_spec = dict(
runlevel=dict(default=None, type='str')




module = AnsibleModule(
argument_spec = dict(
runlevel=dict(default=None, type='str')

Now we need to implement the actual guts of the module. The module object that
we created previously provides us with a few shortcuts. There are three that we will
be using in the next step. As there are way too many methods to document here, you
can see the whole AnsibleModule class and all the available helper functions in lib/
ansible/ .
•	 run_command : This method is used to launch external commands and retrieve
the return code, the output from stdout , and also the output from stderr .
•	 exit_json : This method is used to return data to Ansible when the module
has completed successfully.
•	 fail_json : This method is used to signal a failure to Ansible, with an error
message and return code.

由于这里有太多的方法能够使用,所以我们就不一一介绍了,要想了解全部AnsibleMidule类的函数帮助,请參考lib/ansible/ 。

  • run_command:这种方法用来运行一个外部命令。然后返回代码,它能够输出到stdout和stderr
  • exit_json:当模块成功运行的时候,用这种方法返回数据
  • fail_json:当模块运行失败的时候,用这种方法返回一个失败的信号给Ansible

The following code actually manages the init level of the system. Comments have
been included in the following code to explain what it does.
def main():
    module = AnsibleModule(
    argument_spec = dict(
<img src="//" alt="" />



There is one final thing to add to the boilerplate to let Ansible know that it needs
to dynamically add the integration code into our module. This is the magic that
lets us use the AnsibleModule class and enables our tight integration with Ansible.
The boilerplate code needs to be placed right at the bottom of the file, with no code
afterwards. The code to do this looks as follows:
# include magic from lib/ansible/
So, finally, we have the code for our module built. Putting it all together, it should
look like the following code:



# include magic from lib/ansible/


You can test this module the same way you tested the Bash module with the test-
module script. However, you need to be careful because if you run it with sudo , you
might reboot your machine or alter the init level to something you don't want. This
module is probably better tested by using Ansible itself on a remote test machine.
We follow the same process as described in the Using a module section earlier in this
chapter. We create a playbook that uses the module, and then place the module in a
library directory that has been made in the same directory as the playbook. Here is
the playbook we should use:
- name: Test the new init module
hosts: testmachine
user: root
- name: Set the init level to 5
init: runlevel=5


- name: Test the new init module
hosts: testmachine
user: root
- name: Set the init level to 5
init: runlevel=5

Now you should be able to try and run this on a remote machine. The first time
you run it, if the machine is not already in runlevel 5, you should see it change the
runlevel. Then you should be able to run it for a second time to see that nothing has
changed. You might also want to check to make sure the module fails correctly when
not run as root.


posted on 2017-07-28 16:31  blfbuaa  阅读(222)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报