
用了很多第三方库,也看了些源码,总是想如果自己写一个类似的库,读取xml配置文件(properties配置文件比较简单) 该如何给配置文件添加头,添加校验,因为xml配置文件相对于properties配置文件结构更加清晰。最近刚好在看spring 1.2.9版本的源码,就来总结一下如何定义一个dtd文件用于约束xml文件的配置。这里之所以选择这个非常久远的低版本,主要是因为代码少,便于阅读。虽然版本很低,但是其核心设计,核心类都没变,比如ApplicationContext ,各种 ApplicationEvent ,各种Listenser及解析XML的入口BeanDefinition, BeanDefinitionParser, BeanDefinitionReader等。这里记录一下spring各种版本的获取地址:Spring各种版本源码官方仓库 。找了好久。废话有点多,下面进入正题。



随便找一个第三方库的dtd文件,我这里直接把spring beans的模块中的dtd文件拿出来:

  1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  3 <!--
  4     Spring XML Beans DTD, version 1.2
  5     Authors: Rod Johnson, Juergen Hoeller, Alef Arendsen, Colin Sampaleanu, Rob Harrop
  7     This defines a simple and consistent way of creating a namespace
  8     of JavaBeans objects, managed by a Spring BeanFactory, read by
  9     XmlBeanDefinitionReader (with DefaultXmlBeanDefinitionParser).
 11     This document type is used by most Spring functionality, including
 12     web application contexts, which are based on bean factories.
 14     Each "bean" element in this document defines a JavaBean.
 15     Typically the bean class is specified, along with JavaBean properties
 16     and/or constructor arguments.
 18     Bean instances can be "singletons" (shared instances) or "prototypes"
 19     (independent instances). Further scopes are supposed to be built on top
 20     of the core BeanFactory infrastructure and are therefore not part of it.
 22     References among beans are supported, that is, setting a JavaBean property
 23     or a constructor argument to refer to another bean in the same factory
 24     (or an ancestor factory).
 26     As alternative to bean references, "inner bean definitions" can be used.
 27     Singleton flags of such inner bean definitions are effectively ignored:
 28     Inner beans are typically anonymous prototypes.
 30     There is also support for lists, sets, maps, and java.util.Properties
 31     as bean property types or constructor argument types.
 33     As the format is simple, a DTD is sufficient, and there's no need
 34     for a schema at this point.
 36     XML documents that conform to this DTD should declare the following doctype:
 38     <!DOCTYPE beans PUBLIC "-//SPRING//DTD BEAN//EN"
 39         "http://www.springframework.org/dtd/spring-beans.dtd">
 40 -->
 43 <!--
 44     The document root. A document can contain bean definitions only,
 45     imports only, or a mixture of both (typically with imports first).
 46 -->
 47 <!ELEMENT beans (
 48     description?,
 49     (import | alias | bean)*
 50 )>
 52 <!--
 53     Default values for all bean definitions. Can be overridden at
 54     the "bean" level. See those attribute definitions for details.
 55 -->
 56 <!ATTLIST beans default-lazy-init (true | false) "false">
 57 <!ATTLIST beans default-autowire (no | byName | byType | constructor | autodetect) "no">
 58 <!ATTLIST beans default-dependency-check (none | objects | simple | all) "none">
 59 <!ATTLIST beans default-init-method CDATA #IMPLIED>
 60 <!ATTLIST beans default-destroy-method CDATA #IMPLIED>
 62 <!--
 63     Element containing informative text describing the purpose of the enclosing
 64     element. Always optional.
 65     Used primarily for user documentation of XML bean definition documents.
 66 -->
 67 <!ELEMENT description (#PCDATA)>
 70 <!--
 71     Specifies an XML bean definition resource to import.
 72 -->
 73 <!ELEMENT import EMPTY>
 75 <!--
 76     The relative resource location of the XML bean definition file to import,
 77     for example "myImport.xml" or "includes/myImport.xml" or "../myImport.xml".
 78 -->
 79 <!ATTLIST import resource CDATA #REQUIRED>
 82 <!--
 83     Defines an alias for a bean, which can reside in a different definition file.
 84 -->
 85 <!ELEMENT alias EMPTY>
 87 <!--
 88     The name of the bean to define an alias for.
 89 -->
 90 <!ATTLIST alias name CDATA #REQUIRED>
 92 <!--
 93     The alias name to define for the bean.
 94 -->
 95 <!ATTLIST alias alias CDATA #REQUIRED>
 98 <!--
 99     Defines a single (usually named) bean.
101     A bean definition may contain nested tags for constructor arguments,
102     property values, lookup methods, and replaced methods. Mixing constructor
103     injection and setter injection on the same bean is explicitly supported.
104 -->
105 <!ELEMENT bean (
106     description?,
107     (constructor-arg | property | lookup-method | replaced-method)*
108 )>
110 <!--
111     Beans can be identified by an id, to enable reference checking.
113     There are constraints on a valid XML id: if you want to reference your bean
114     in Java code using a name that's illegal as an XML id, use the optional
115     "name" attribute. If neither is given, the bean class name is used as id
116     (with an appended counter like "#2" if there is already a bean with that name).
117 -->
118 <!ATTLIST bean id ID #IMPLIED>
120 <!--
121     Optional. Can be used to create one or more aliases illegal in an id.
122     Multiple aliases can be separated by any number of spaces, commas, or
123     semi-colons (or indeed any mixture of the three).
124 -->
125 <!ATTLIST bean name CDATA #IMPLIED>
127 <!--
128     Each bean definition must specify the fully qualified name of the class,
129     except if it pure serves as parent for child bean definitions.
130 -->
131 <!ATTLIST bean class CDATA #IMPLIED>
133 <!--
134     Optionally specify a parent bean definition.
136     Will use the bean class of the parent if none specified, but can
137     also override it. In the latter case, the child bean class must be
138     compatible with the parent, i.e. accept the parent's property values
139     and constructor argument values, if any.
141     A child bean definition will inherit constructor argument values,
142     property values and method overrides from the parent, with the option
143     to add new values. If init method, destroy method, factory bean and/or factory
144     method are specified, they will override the corresponding parent settings.
146     The remaining settings will always be taken from the child definition:
147     depends on, autowire mode, dependency check, singleton, lazy init.
148 -->
149 <!ATTLIST bean parent CDATA #IMPLIED>
151 <!--
152     Is this bean "abstract", i.e. not meant to be instantiated itself but
153     rather just serving as parent for concrete child bean definitions.
154     Default is "false". Specify "true" to tell the bean factory to not try to
155     instantiate that particular bean in any case.
157     Note: This attribute will not be inherited by child bean definitions.
158     Hence, it needs to be specified per concrete bean definition.
159 -->
160 <!ATTLIST bean abstract (true | false) #IMPLIED>
162 <!--
163     Is this bean a "singleton" (one shared instance, which will
164     be returned by all calls to getBean() with the id),
165     or a "prototype" (independent instance resulting from each call to
166     getBean(). Default is singleton.
168     Singletons are most commonly used, and are ideal for multi-threaded
169     service objects.
171     Note: This attribute will not be inherited by child bean definitions.
172     Hence, it needs to be specified per concrete bean definition.
173 -->
174 <!ATTLIST bean singleton (true | false) #IMPLIED>
176 <!--
177     If this bean should be lazily initialized.
178     If false, it will get instantiated on startup by bean factories
179     that perform eager initialization of singletons.
181     Note: This attribute will not be inherited by child bean definitions.
182     Hence, it needs to be specified per concrete bean definition.
183 -->
184 <!ATTLIST bean lazy-init (true | false | default) "default">
186 <!--
187     Optional attribute controlling whether to "autowire" bean properties.
188     This is an automagical process in which bean references don't need to be coded
189     explicitly in the XML bean definition file, but Spring works out dependencies.
191     There are 5 modes:
193     1. "no"
194     The traditional Spring default. No automagical wiring. Bean references
195     must be defined in the XML file via the <ref> element. We recommend this
196     in most cases as it makes documentation more explicit.
198     2. "byName"
199     Autowiring by property name. If a bean of class Cat exposes a dog property,
200     Spring will try to set this to the value of the bean "dog" in the current factory.
201     If there is no matching bean by name, nothing special happens;
202     use dependency-check="objects" to raise an error in that case.
204     3. "byType"
205     Autowiring if there is exactly one bean of the property type in the bean factory.
206     If there is more than one, a fatal error is raised, and you can't use byType
207     autowiring for that bean. If there is none, nothing special happens;
208     use dependency-check="objects" to raise an error in that case.
210     4. "constructor"
211     Analogous to "byType" for constructor arguments. If there isn't exactly one bean
212     of the constructor argument type in the bean factory, a fatal error is raised.
214     5. "autodetect"
215     Chooses "constructor" or "byType" through introspection of the bean class.
216     If a default constructor is found, "byType" gets applied.
218     The latter two are similar to PicoContainer and make bean factories simple to
219     configure for small namespaces, but doesn't work as well as standard Spring
220     behaviour for bigger applications.
222     Note that explicit dependencies, i.e. "property" and "constructor-arg" elements,
223     always override autowiring. Autowire behavior can be combined with dependency
224     checking, which will be performed after all autowiring has been completed.
226     Note: This attribute will not be inherited by child bean definitions.
227     Hence, it needs to be specified per concrete bean definition.
228 -->
229 <!ATTLIST bean autowire (no | byName | byType | constructor | autodetect | default) "default">
231 <!--
232     Optional attribute controlling whether to check whether all this
233     beans dependencies, expressed in its properties, are satisfied.
234     Default is no dependency checking.
236     "simple" type dependency checking includes primitives and String
237     "object" includes collaborators (other beans in the factory)
238     "all" includes both types of dependency checking
240     Note: This attribute will not be inherited by child bean definitions.
241     Hence, it needs to be specified per concrete bean definition.
242 -->
243 <!ATTLIST bean dependency-check (none | objects | simple | all | default) "default">
245 <!--
246     The names of the beans that this bean depends on being initialized.
247     The bean factory will guarantee that these beans get initialized before.
249     Note that dependencies are normally expressed through bean properties or
250     constructor arguments. This property should just be necessary for other kinds
251     of dependencies like statics (*ugh*) or database preparation on startup.
253     Note: This attribute will not be inherited by child bean definitions.
254     Hence, it needs to be specified per concrete bean definition.
255 -->
256 <!ATTLIST bean depends-on CDATA #IMPLIED>
258 <!--
259     Optional attribute for the name of the custom initialization method
260     to invoke after setting bean properties. The method must have no arguments,
261     but may throw any exception.
262 -->
263 <!ATTLIST bean init-method CDATA #IMPLIED>
265 <!--
266     Optional attribute for the name of the custom destroy method to invoke
267     on bean factory shutdown. The method must have no arguments,
268     but may throw any exception. Note: Only invoked on singleton beans!
269 -->
270 <!ATTLIST bean destroy-method CDATA #IMPLIED>
272 <!--
273     Optional attribute specifying the name of a factory method to use to
274     create this object. Use constructor-arg elements to specify arguments
275     to the factory method, if it takes arguments. Autowiring does not apply
276     to factory methods.
278     If the "class" attribute is present, the factory method will be a static
279     method on the class specified by the "class" attribute on this bean
280     definition. Often this will be the same class as that of the constructed
281     object - for example, when the factory method is used as an alternative
282     to a constructor. However, it may be on a different class. In that case,
283     the created object will *not* be of the class specified in the "class"
284     attribute. This is analogous to FactoryBean behavior.
286     If the "factory-bean" attribute is present, the "class" attribute is not
287     used, and the factory method will be an instance method on the object
288     returned from a getBean call with the specified bean name. The factory
289     bean may be defined as a singleton or a prototype.
291     The factory method can have any number of arguments. Autowiring is not
292     supported. Use indexed constructor-arg elements in conjunction with the
293     factory-method attribute.
295     Setter Injection can be used in conjunction with a factory method.
296     Method Injection cannot, as the factory method returns an instance,
297     which will be used when the container creates the bean.
298 -->
299 <!ATTLIST bean factory-method CDATA #IMPLIED>
301 <!--
302     Alternative to class attribute for factory-method usage.
303     If this is specified, no class attribute should be used.
304     This should be set to the name of a bean in the current or
305     ancestor factories that contains the relevant factory method.
306     This allows the factory itself to be configured using Dependency
307     Injection, and an instance (rather than static) method to be used.
308 -->
309 <!ATTLIST bean factory-bean CDATA #IMPLIED>
312 <!--
313     Bean definitions can specify zero or more constructor arguments.
314     This is an alternative to "autowire constructor".
315     Arguments correspond to either a specific index of the constructor argument
316     list or are supposed to be matched generically by type.
318     Note: A single generic argument value will just be used once, rather than
319     potentially matched multiple times (as of Spring 1.1).
321     constructor-arg elements are also used in conjunction with the factory-method
322     element to construct beans using static or instance factory methods.
323 -->
324 <!ELEMENT constructor-arg (
325     description?,
326     (bean | ref | idref | value | null | list | set | map | props)?
327 )>
329 <!--
330     The constructor-arg tag can have an optional index attribute,
331     to specify the exact index in the constructor argument list. Only needed
332     to avoid ambiguities, e.g. in case of 2 arguments of the same type.
333 -->
334 <!ATTLIST constructor-arg index CDATA #IMPLIED>
336 <!--
337     The constructor-arg tag can have an optional type attribute,
338     to specify the exact type of the constructor argument. Only needed
339     to avoid ambiguities, e.g. in case of 2 single argument constructors
340     that can both be converted from a String.
341 -->
342 <!ATTLIST constructor-arg type CDATA #IMPLIED>
344 <!--
345   A short-cut alternative to a child element "ref bean=".
346 -->
347 <!ATTLIST constructor-arg ref CDATA #IMPLIED>
349 <!--
350   A short-cut alternative to a child element "value".
351 -->
352 <!ATTLIST constructor-arg value CDATA #IMPLIED>
355 <!--
356     Bean definitions can have zero or more properties.
357     Property elements correspond to JavaBean setter methods exposed
358     by the bean classes. Spring supports primitives, references to other
359     beans in the same or related factories, lists, maps and properties.
360 -->
361 <!ELEMENT property (
362     description?,
363     (bean | ref | idref | value | null | list | set | map | props)?
364 )>
366 <!--
367     The property name attribute is the name of the JavaBean property.
368     This follows JavaBean conventions: a name of "age" would correspond
369     to setAge()/optional getAge() methods.
370 -->
371 <!ATTLIST property name CDATA #REQUIRED>
373 <!--
374   A short-cut alternative to a child element "ref bean=".
375 -->
376 <!ATTLIST property ref CDATA #IMPLIED>
378 <!--
379   A short-cut alternative to a child element "value".
380 -->
381 <!ATTLIST property value CDATA #IMPLIED>
384 <!--
385     A lookup method causes the IoC container to override the given method and return
386     the bean with the name given in the bean attribute. This is a form of Method Injection.
387     It's particularly useful as an alternative to implementing the BeanFactoryAware
388     interface, in order to be able to make getBean() calls for non-singleton instances
389     at runtime. In this case, Method Injection is a less invasive alternative.
390 -->
391 <!ELEMENT lookup-method EMPTY>
393 <!--
394     Name of a lookup method. This method should take no arguments.
395 -->
396 <!ATTLIST lookup-method name CDATA #IMPLIED>
398 <!--
399     Name of the bean in the current or ancestor factories that the lookup method
400     should resolve to. Often this bean will be a prototype, in which case the
401     lookup method will return a distinct instance on every invocation. This
402     is useful for single-threaded objects.
403 -->
404 <!ATTLIST lookup-method bean CDATA #IMPLIED>
407 <!--
408     Similar to the lookup method mechanism, the replaced-method element is used to control
409     IoC container method overriding: Method Injection. This mechanism allows the overriding
410     of a method with arbitrary code.
411 -->
412 <!ELEMENT replaced-method (
413     (arg-type)*
414 )>
416 <!--
417     Name of the method whose implementation should be replaced by the IoC container.
418     If this method is not overloaded, there's no need to use arg-type subelements.
419     If this method is overloaded, arg-type subelements must be used for all
420     override definitions for the method.
421 -->
422 <!ATTLIST replaced-method name CDATA #IMPLIED>
424 <!--
425     Bean name of an implementation of the MethodReplacer interface
426     in the current or ancestor factories. This may be a singleton or prototype
427     bean. If it's a prototype, a new instance will be used for each method replacement.
428     Singleton usage is the norm.
429 -->
430 <!ATTLIST replaced-method replacer CDATA #IMPLIED>
432 <!--
433     Subelement of replaced-method identifying an argument for a replaced method
434     in the event of method overloading.
435 -->
436 <!ELEMENT arg-type (#PCDATA)>
438 <!--
439     Specification of the type of an overloaded method argument as a String.
440     For convenience, this may be a substring of the FQN. E.g. all the
441     following would match "java.lang.String":
442     - java.lang.String
443     - String
444     - Str
446     As the number of arguments will be checked also, this convenience can often
447     be used to save typing.
448 -->
449 <!ATTLIST arg-type match CDATA #IMPLIED>
452 <!--
453     Defines a reference to another bean in this factory or an external
454     factory (parent or included factory).
455 -->
456 <!ELEMENT ref EMPTY>
458 <!--
459     References must specify a name of the target bean.
460     The "bean" attribute can reference any name from any bean in the context,
461     to be checked at runtime.
462     Local references, using the "local" attribute, have to use bean ids;
463     they can be checked by this DTD, thus should be preferred for references
464     within the same bean factory XML file.
465 -->
466 <!ATTLIST ref bean CDATA #IMPLIED>
467 <!ATTLIST ref local IDREF #IMPLIED>
468 <!ATTLIST ref parent CDATA #IMPLIED>
471 <!--
472     Defines a string property value, which must also be the id of another
473     bean in this factory or an external factory (parent or included factory).
474     While a regular 'value' element could instead be used for the same effect,
475     using idref in this case allows validation of local bean ids by the xml
476     parser, and name completion by helper tools.
477 -->
478 <!ELEMENT idref EMPTY>
480 <!--
481     ID refs must specify a name of the target bean.
482     The "bean" attribute can reference any name from any bean in the context,
483     potentially to be checked at runtime by bean factory implementations.
484     Local references, using the "local" attribute, have to use bean ids;
485     they can be checked by this DTD, thus should be preferred for references
486     within the same bean factory XML file.
487 -->
488 <!ATTLIST idref bean CDATA #IMPLIED>
489 <!ATTLIST idref local IDREF #IMPLIED>
492 <!--
493     Contains a string representation of a property value.
494     The property may be a string, or may be converted to the
495     required type using the JavaBeans PropertyEditor
496     machinery. This makes it possible for application developers
497     to write custom PropertyEditor implementations that can
498     convert strings to objects.
500     Note that this is recommended for simple objects only.
501     Configure more complex objects by populating JavaBean
502     properties with references to other beans.
503 -->
504 <!ELEMENT value (#PCDATA)>
506 <!--
507     The value tag can have an optional type attribute, to specify the
508     exact type that the value should be converted to. Only needed
509     if the type of the target property or constructor argument is
510     too generic: for example, in case of a collection element.
511 -->
512 <!ATTLIST value type CDATA #IMPLIED>
514 <!--
515     Denotes a Java null value. Necessary because an empty "value" tag
516     will resolve to an empty String, which will not be resolved to a
517     null value unless a special PropertyEditor does so.
518 -->
519 <!ELEMENT null (#PCDATA)>
522 <!--
523     A list can contain multiple inner bean, ref, collection, or value elements.
524     Java lists are untyped, pending generics support in Java 1.5,
525     although references will be strongly typed.
526     A list can also map to an array type. The necessary conversion
527     is automatically performed by the BeanFactory.
528 -->
529 <!ELEMENT list (
530     (bean | ref | idref | value | null | list | set | map | props)*
531 )>
533 <!--
534     A set can contain multiple inner bean, ref, collection, or value elements.
535     Java sets are untyped, pending generics support in Java 1.5,
536     although references will be strongly typed.
537 -->
538 <!ELEMENT set (
539     (bean | ref | idref | value | null | list | set | map | props)*
540 )>
543 <!--
544     A Spring map is a mapping from a string key to object.
545     Maps may be empty.
546 -->
547 <!ELEMENT map (
548     (entry)*
549 )>
551 <!--
552     A map entry can be an inner bean, ref, value, or collection.
553     The key of the entry is given by the "key" attribute or child element.
554 -->
555 <!ELEMENT entry (
556   key?,
557     (bean | ref | idref | value | null | list | set | map | props)?
558 )>
560 <!--
561     Each map element must specify its key as attribute or as child element.
562     A key attribute is always a String value.
563 -->
564 <!ATTLIST entry key CDATA #IMPLIED>
566 <!--
567   A short-cut alternative to a "key" element with a "ref bean=" child element.
568 -->
569 <!ATTLIST entry key-ref CDATA #IMPLIED>
571 <!--
572   A short-cut alternative to a child element "value".
573 -->
574 <!ATTLIST entry value CDATA #IMPLIED>
576 <!--
577   A short-cut alternative to a child element "ref bean=".
578 -->
579 <!ATTLIST entry value-ref CDATA #IMPLIED>
581 <!--
582     A key element can contain an inner bean, ref, value, or collection.
583 -->
584 <!ELEMENT key (
585     (bean | ref | idref | value | null | list | set | map | props)
586 )>
589 <!--
590     Props elements differ from map elements in that values must be strings.
591     Props may be empty.
592 -->
593 <!ELEMENT props (
594     (prop)*
595 )>
597 <!--
598     Element content is the string value of the property.
599     Note that whitespace is trimmed off to avoid unwanted whitespace
600     caused by typical XML formatting.
601 -->
602 <!ELEMENT prop (#PCDATA)>
604 <!--
605     Each property element must specify its key.
606 -->



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>




    The document root. A document can contain bean definitions only,
    imports only, or a mixture of both (typically with imports first).
<!ELEMENT beans (
    (import | alias | bean)*


a.定义了根元素,根元素的名称是beans,下面可以有description元素, ?是正则表达式,表示这个元素可有,可无,按字面意思就是这个元素是整个配置文件的描述

b.后面的import ,alias, bean 也是和description同级的兄弟元素, 后面的 * 表示每一个元素可以没有,也可以有多个.



    Default values for all bean definitions. Can be overridden at
    the "bean" level. See those attribute definitions for details.
<!ATTLIST beans default-lazy-init (true | false) "false">
<!ATTLIST beans default-autowire (no | byName | byType | constructor | autodetect) "no">
<!ATTLIST beans default-dependency-check (none | objects | simple | all) "none">
<!ATTLIST beans default-init-method CDATA #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST beans default-destroy-method CDATA #IMPLIED>

ATTLIST 这一看就是 attribute list的缩写吧,嗯,就是定义属性列表, 前面的beans 指的是当前的属性属于哪个元素, 后面的default-lazy-init, default-autowire 就是属性名称,()里面的值是当前属性的可选值  | 是或者的意思,后面带“”表示如果没有配置,这个属性使用的默认值。

这里default-init-method这个属性的值是 CDATA 类型的,CDATA 是一个数据类型CharactorData的缩写,也即初始化方法的值是个字符串,后面的 #IMPLITED 表示当前这个属性可以忽略,可配置,也可不配置 是 implementation ignored的缩写


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