Example Class Block

* This is the description for my class.
* @class MyClass
* @constructor


Example Method Block

* My method description.  Like other pieces of your comment blocks, 
* this can span multiple lines.
* @method methodName
* @param {String} foo Argument 1
* @param {Object} config A config object
* @param {String} config.name The name on the config object
* @param {Function} config.callback A callback function on the config object
* @param {Boolean} [extra=false] Do extra, optional work
* @return {Boolean} Returns true on success


Example Property Block

* My property description.  Like other pieces of your comment blocks, 
* this can span multiple lines.
* @property propertyName
* @type {Object}
* @default "foo"


posted on 2017-12-06 17:41  百里登风  阅读(2208)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报