EOJ:Revamping Trails

Revamping Trails

Time Limit: 4000MS Memory Limit: 65536K
Total Submits: 107 Accepted: 22


Farmer John dutifully checks on the cows every day. He traverses some of the M (1 <= M <= 50,000) trails conveniently numbered 1..M from pasture 1 all the way out to pasture N (a journey which is always possible for trail maps given in the test data). The N (1 <= N <= 10,000) pastures conveniently numbered 1..N on Farmer John's farm are currently connected by bidirectional dirt trails. Each trail i connects pastures P1_i and P2_i (1 <= P1_i <= N; 1 <= P2_i <= N) and requires T_i (1 <= T_i <= 1,000,000) units of time to traverse.

He wants to revamp some of the trails on his farm to save time on his long journey. Specifically, he will choose K (1 <= K <= 20) trails to turn into highways, which will effectively reduce the trail's traversal time to 0. Help FJ decide which trails to revamp to minimize the resulting time of getting from pasture 1 to N.


* Line 1: Three space-separated integers: N, M, and K
* Lines 2..M+1: Line i+1 describes trail i with three space-separated integers: P1_i, P2_i, and T_i


* Line 1: The length of the shortest path after revamping no more than K edges

Sample Input

4 4 11 2 102 4 101 3 13 4 100

Sample Output



K is 1; revamp trail 3->4 to take time 0 instead of 100. The new shortest path is 1->3->4, total traversal time now 1






















1 #include<stdio.h>
2  #define maxn 10005
3  #define maxm 50005
4  #define mmax 999999999
5  int head[maxn*2],node[maxm*3],weigh[maxm*3],next[maxm*3],loc[maxn*23];
6  long long dist[maxn*23];
7  int heap[maxn*23],flag[maxn*23];
8  int n,m,k,i,t,j,a,b,c,u,v,len,nown;
9  long long ans;
10  void cedge(int a,int b,int c ,int d)
11 {
12 node[d]=b;
13 weigh[d]=c;
14 next[d]=head[a];
15 head[a]=d;
16 }
17  void update(int r)
18 {
19 int q=loc[r],p=q>>1;
20 while (p&&dist[heap[p]]>dist[r])
21 {
22 loc[heap[p]]=q;
23 heap[q]=heap[p];
24 q=p;p=q>>1;
25 }
26 heap[q]=r;
27 loc[r]=q;
28 }
29  int getmin()
30 {
31 int ret=heap[1],p=1,q=2,r=heap[len--];
32 while (q<=len)
33 {
34 if (q<len&&dist[heap[q+1]]<dist[heap[q]]) q++;
35 if (dist[heap[q]]<dist[r])
36 {
37 loc[heap[q]]=p;
38 heap[p]=heap[q];
39 p=q;
40 q=p<<1;
41 }
42 else break;
43 }
44 heap[p]=r;
45 loc[r]=p;
46 return ret;
47 }
48  void dijkstra()
49 {
50 nown=n*(k+1);
51 for (i=1;i<=n*(k+1);i++)
52 {
53 dist[i]=mmax;
54 flag[i]=0;
55 loc[i]=0;
56 }
57 dist[1]=0;
58 heap[1]=1;
59 loc[1]=1;
60 len=1;
61 while (flag[nown]==0)
62 {
63 u=getmin();
64 flag[u]=1;
65 t=(u-1)/n;
66 j=head[u-t*n];
67 do
68 {
69 v=node[j]+n*t;
70 if (flag[v]==0&&dist[v]>dist[u]+weigh[j])
71 {
72 dist[v]=dist[u]+weigh[j];
73 if (loc[v]==0)
74 {
75 heap[++len]=v;
76 loc[v]=len;
77 }
78 update(v);
79 }
80 if (t+1<=k)
81 if (flag[v]==0&&dist[v+n]>dist[u])
82 {
83 dist[v+n]=dist[u];
84 if (loc[v+n]==0)
85 {
86 heap[++len]=v+n;
87 loc[v+n]=len;
88 }
89 update(v+n);
90 }
91 j=next[j];
92 }
93 while (j!=0);
94 }
95 }
96  int main()
97 {
98 scanf("%d%d%d",&n,&m,&k);
99 t=0;
100 for (i=1;i<=m;i++)
101 {
102 scanf("%d%d%d",&a,&b,&c);
103 t++;
104 cedge(a,b,c,t);
105 t++;
106 cedge(b,a,c,t);
107 }
108 dijkstra();
109 ans=mmax;
110 for (i=1;i<=k+1;i++)
111 if (ans>dist[n*i])
112 ans=dist[n*i];
113 printf("%lld\n",ans);
114 return 0;
115 }


posted on 2010-07-28 14:08  风也轻云也淡  阅读(302)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报