Public Function Encrypt(strPWtoEncrypt As String) As String
Dim strPword As String
Dim bytCount As Byte
Dim intTemp As Integer

For bytCount = 1 To Len(strPWtoEncrypt)
intTemp = Asc(Mid(strPWtoEncrypt, bytCount, 1))
If bytCount Mod 2 = 0 Then
intTemp = intTemp - bytEncrypt
intTemp = intTemp + bytEncrypt
End If

intTemp = intTemp Xor (10 - bytEncrypt)
strPword = strPword & Chr$(intTemp)
Next bytCount
'Some words cannot be used as file name
Encrypt = strPword
Encrypt = Replace(strPword, "\", "{01}")
Encrypt = Replace(strPword, "/", "{02}")
Encrypt = Replace(strPword, ":", "{03}")
Encrypt = Replace(strPword, "*", "{04}")
Encrypt = Replace(strPword, "?", "{05}")
Encrypt = Replace(strPword, """", "{06}")
Encrypt = Replace(strPword, "<", "{07}")
Encrypt = Replace(strPword, ">", "{08}")
Encrypt = Replace(strPword, "|", "{09}")

End Function
Public Function Decrypt(strPWtoDecrypt As String) As String
Dim strPword As String
Dim bytCount As Byte
Private Const bytEncrypt = 5

Dim intTemp As Integer

strPWtoDecrypt = Replace(strPWtoDecrypt, "{01}", "\")
strPWtoDecrypt = Replace(strPWtoDecrypt, "{02}", "/")
strPWtoDecrypt = Replace(strPWtoDecrypt, "{03}", ":")
strPWtoDecrypt = Replace(strPWtoDecrypt, "{04}", "*")
strPWtoDecrypt = Replace(strPWtoDecrypt, "{05}", "?")
strPWtoDecrypt = Replace(strPWtoDecrypt, "{06}", """")
strPWtoDecrypt = Replace(strPWtoDecrypt, "{07}", "<")
strPWtoDecrypt = Replace(strPWtoDecrypt, "{08}", ">")
strPWtoDecrypt = Replace(strPWtoDecrypt, "{09}", "|")

For bytCount = 1 To Len(strPWtoDecrypt)
intTemp = Asc(Mid(strPWtoDecrypt, bytCount, 1)) Xor (10 - bytEncrypt)
If bytCount Mod 2 = 0 Then
intTemp = intTemp + bytEncrypt
intTemp = intTemp - bytEncrypt
End If

strPword = strPword & Chr$(intTemp)
Next bytCount

Decrypt = strPword
End Function

posted on 2011-07-16 14:46  Black Bean  阅读(232)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报