bazel notes

1.Concepts and Terminology-
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Workspace, Packages and Targets
1.2.1 Workspace
1.2.2 Packages
1.2.3 Targets
1.2.4 Labels
1.2.4 Lexical specification of a label

2.1 Formatting example
2.2 File structure
2.3 References to targets in the current package
2.4 Target naming
2.5 Visibility
2.6 Dependencies
2.7 Globs
2.8 Recursive
2.9 Non-recursive
2.10 Other conventions

3. C / C++ Rules-
3.1 cc_binary 生成可执行程序
3.1.1 name

posted @ 2018-07-03 23:04  suonikeyinsu  Views(106)  Comments(0Edit  收藏  举报