python之读取Excel 文件

 1 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
 2 """
 3 Created on Thu May 24 13:53:10 2018
 5 @author: Frank
 6 """
 8 import xlrd  #xlrd is a library for reading data and formatting information from Excel files, whether they are .xls or .xlsx files.
10 data = xlrd.open_workbook('通讯录.xlsx')#打开 Excel文件
11 print(type(data))
12 table = data.sheets()[0]
13 print(type(table))
14 nrows = table.nrows #行数
15 print("行数:{}".format(nrows))
16 ncols = table.ncols #列数
17 print("列数:{}".format(ncols))
18 for i in range(0,nrows):
19     rowValues = table.row_values(i) #某一行数据 
20     #print(type(rowValues))
21     #print(rowValues)
22     print("姓名:{}<-->电话:{}".format(rowValues[0], rowValues[1]))


xlrd.open_workbook(filename=Nonelogfile=<_io.TextIOWrapper name='<stdout>' mode='w' encoding='UTF-8'>verbosity=0use_mmap=1file_contents=Noneencoding_override=Noneformatting_info=Falseon_demand=Falseragged_rows=False)




  filename – The path to the spreadsheet file to be opened.


  logfile – An open file to which messages and diagnostics are written  


  An instance of the Book class.



Return:  A list of all sheets in the book. 返回Excel中所有的表,并保存在list中。

  All sheets not already loaded will be loaded.




Contains the data for one worksheet.

In the cell access functions, rowx is a row index, counting from zero, and colx is a column index, counting from zero. Negative values for row/column indexes and slice positions are supported in the expected fashion.

Note: You don’t instantiate this class yourself. You access Sheet objects via the Book object that was returned when you called xlrd.open_workbook().

nrows= 0

  Number of rows in sheet. A row index is in range(thesheet.nrows).

ncols= 0

  Nominal number of columns in sheet. It is one more than the maximum column index found, ignoring trailing empty cells. See also the ragged_rows parameter to open_workbook() and row_len().


  Returns a slice of the values of the cells in the given row.该函数返回一个list,默认包含这一行的cells的所有内容。

posted @ 2018-05-26 12:27  suonikeyinsu  Views(338)  Comments(0Edit  收藏  举报