1. vocabulary

  once adv. 一次,曾经

    They cocktailed once every week.

    He once lived in shanghai.

  twice adv 两次

    she does for us twice a week

    I mop the kitchen floor twice a week.

  several pron 一些,几个

    The teacher lunched several students at his home.

    We export tractors from the East Coast to several African countries.

  hardly adv. 几乎不

    This sort of conduct hardly becomes a gentleman.

    She stepped back, hardly able to believe her ears.

  stay up n 熬夜


  I did it once.

  She practices twice  a week.

  Several biks are around.

  I can hardly hear you.

  I'm exhausted and can't stay up another minute.  



  Penny is very organized. She knows where everything is in her apartment.

  Penny is really ambitious.Someday, She wants to have her own company.

  Penny is very careful with her money.In fact, She's a little bit selfish---sometimes She doesn't like to share.

  Penny is somewhat reserved.She has two or three close friends and doesn't go out a lot.

  Pearl's apartment is kind of messy:there are dirty dishes in the sink and magazines on the floor.

  Pearl is very laid-back about life and work.

  Sometimes Pearl is careless with money---She forgets to pay her bills.

  But she is very generous.She will share anything with you.

  Pearl is talkative.She talks to everyone and is comfortable at parties.


  You're generous and you care about other people.You want to help them.But sometims, you are too picky!Remember, people aren't perfect.

  You are ambitious and a little bit reserved.But remember---it's important to smile. Don't be so serious all the time!

  You love to learn and try new things.You are also very bright.But sometimes,you are too competitive.Let others win once in a while!

  You're interesting and you love adventure.But be carefull! Sometimes you're very impulsive!Remember to think about your future,too!

posted @ 2018-05-20 08:25  suonikeyinsu  Views(184)  Comments(0Edit  收藏  举报