原文链接:Multi-Robot Pickup and Delivery via Distributed Resource Allocation (youtube.com)
Supplemental video for the paper "Multi-Robot Pickup and Delivery via Distributed Resource Allocation".
Description: A heterogeneous team composed of seven Turtlebot 3 ground robots and two Crazyflie 2 aerial robots receive a total of 10 pickup with 10 associated delivery requests (only a subset of them is shown to avoid cluttering the image). The robots execute the proposed distributed algorithm to self-assign the tasks by communicating with neighboring robots and then move toward the designated locations.
描述:一个由七个Turtlebot 3地面机器人和两个Crazyflie 2空中机器人组成的异构团队共接收到10个取货任务及其对应的10个送货请求(为避免图像杂乱,仅展示了其中的一部分)。机器人通过与邻近机器人通信,执行提出的分布式算法,自行分配任务,然后向指定位置移动。
ROS开源智能机器人 TurtleBot3 Burger 汉堡机器人 RPi4开源平台 slam 无人车 树莓派4
400 099 1872