智能佳-Aloha 重力机器学习系列 -云计算 第1部分:Google CoLab

原文链接:Machine Learning Series - Cloud Computing Part 1: Google CoLab - YouTube


We’ve created a Google Colab Notebook designed to streamline the process of training robotic models using cloud-based GPUs. This notebook enables users to harness the power of top-tier hardware without the cost or complexity of maintaining it themselves. Whether you're working with our Aloha Kits or any other dataset, this notebook makes it incredibly easy to train models in the cloud, eliminating the need for expensive local resources.

我们创建了一个Google Colab笔记本,旨在简化使用基于云的GPU训练机器人模型的过程。这个笔记本使用户能够利用顶级硬件的力量,而无需自己承担维护成本或复杂性。无论您是在使用我们的Aloha套件还是其他任何数据集,这个笔记本都使在云中训练模型变得非常简单,从而消除了对昂贵本地资源的需求。






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