智能佳-Aloha 重力补偿
原文链接:Announcement - Gravity Compensation on Aloha - YouTube
We are thrilled to introduce a new feature for all our Aloha hardware—Gravity Compensation. With this feature, you can now maintain arm position after releasing the gripper. This feature is a game changer for more complex tasks involving moving the mobile base.
产品名称 |
京东店铺 |
智能佳Mobile ALOHA2 机械臂 完整套装 斯坦福ALOHA 深度学习 家政服务ROS开源实验平台 高端复合机器人 ALOHA 2机械臂 |
智能佳机械臂 Mobile ALOHA 斯坦福机械臂 完整复刻版 复合机器人 远程操控机械臂ROS开源学习实验平台 Mobile ALOHA 机械臂 |
https://item.jd.com/10100493559285.html |
400 099 1872
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