【转】AX 2012 upload file to FTP with batch processing support

One of a very common requirements for any ERP systems is to have FTP file upload support to upload files from AX to FTP server. We do have many libraries, tools available to do that. However, it is best to have native X++ code without referencing any DLLs to upload your files to FTP from AX. Following code shows the example of uploading files to FTP.

The code written below can be easily used to upload files, However, if you have to process this as a batch you need to consider that batch runs on server/CIL and for this you need to set permissions and also if that still doesn't work, you can change the method to static server.

private server static void sendToFTP()
    System.Object ftpo;
    System.Object ftpResponse;
    System.Net.FtpWebRequest request;
    System.IO.StreamReader reader;
    System.IO.Stream requestStream;
    System.Byte[] bytes;
    System.Text.Encoding utf8;
    System.Net.FtpWebResponse response;
    System.Object credential;
    HOSInventParameters hosInventParameters;
    int             fileCount;
    System.Array    files;
    int             i;
    str             nextFile;
    Filename        filepath;
    Filename        fileType,fileNameString;
    FileNameType    pattern = '*.TXT';
    FileName        ftpFileName,fileName;
    select firstOnly custInventParameters;
    new InteropPermission(InteropKind::ClrInterop).assert();
    files           = System.IO.Directory::GetFiles(custInventParameters.PartsFileLocation, pattern);
    if (files)
        fileCount =    files.get_Length();
        for(i=0; i < fileCount; i++)
            nextFile    = files.GetValue(i);
            [filepath, filename, fileType] = fileNameSplit(nextFile);
            fileNameString= filename + fileType;
            ftpFileName = custInventParameters.PartsFTPAddress + '/'+ custInventParameters.PartsFTPLocation + '/' + fileNameString;
            reader = new System.IO.StreamReader(nextFile);
            utf8 = System.Text.Encoding::get_UTF8();
            bytes = utf8.GetBytes( reader.ReadToEnd() );
            // little workaround to get around the casting in .NET
            ftpo = System.Net.WebRequest::Create(ftpFileName);
            request = ftpo;
            credential = newSystem.Net.NetworkCredential(custInventParameters.PartsUserId,custInventParameters.PartsFTPPassword);
            // "Bypass" a HTTP Proxy (FTP transfer through a proxy causes an exception)
            // request.set_Proxy( System.Net.GlobalProxySelection::GetEmptyWebProxy() );
            requestStream = request.GetRequestStream();
            ftpResponse = request.GetResponse();
            response = ftpResponse;



posted @ 2017-07-23 22:07  乘奔御风  阅读(297)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报