
用maven管理库依赖,有个好处就是连同库的依赖的全部jar文件一起下载,免去手工添加的麻烦,但同时也带来了同一个jar会被下载了不同版本的问题,好在pom的配置里面允许用<exclusion>来排除一些不需要同时下载的依赖jar 。


    <!-- Struts2 -->  
                    <exclusion> <!-- we prefer our explicit version, though it should be the same -->  
                    <exclusion> <!-- we prefer our explicit version, though it should be the same -->  
                    <exclusion> <!-- we prefer our explicit version, though it should be the same -->  
                    <exclusion> <!-- we prefer our explicit version, though it should be the same -->  


posted on 2017-11-06 10:38  神跳跳  阅读(15770)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报