NX Open显示符号(UF_DISP_display_temporary_point)
1 Dim x As Double = 0, y As Double = 0, z As Double = 0 2 3 Dim theUfSession = UFSession.GetUFSession() 4 theUfSession.Disp.Refresh() 5 6 Dim view_tag As NXOpen.Tag = NXOpen.Tag.Null 7 theUfSession.View.AskWorkView(view_tag) 8 9 Dim which_views = NXOpen.UF.UFDisp.ViewType.UseWorkView 10 11 Dim layer_number As Integer = 0 12 theUfSession.Layer.AskWorkLayer(layer_number) 13 Dim color As NXOpen.UF.UFObj.DispProps 14 With color 15 .layer = layer_number 16 .color = 216 ' 114 17 .blank_status = UFConstants.UF_OBJ_NOT_BLANKED 18 .line_width = UFConstants.UF_OBJ_WIDTH_NORMAL 19 .highlight_status = True 20 End With 21 22 For Each marker_type In [Enum].GetValues(GetType(NXOpen.UF.UFDisp.PolyMarker)) 23 Try 24 Dim makerpos() As Double = {x, y, z} 25 theUfSession.Disp.DisplayTemporaryPoint(view_tag, which_views, makerpos, color, marker_type) 26 Catch ex As Exception 27 End Try 28 Dim ref_point As UFDisp.TextRef = NXOpen.UF.UFDisp.TextRef.Middleleft 29 Dim text as String = marker_type 30 Dim text_coord() As Double = {x + 2, y, z} 31 theUfSession.Disp.DisplayTemporaryText(view_tag, which_views, text, text_coord, ref_point, color, 3, 1) 32 text = [Enum].GetName(marker_type.GetType, marker_type) 33 text_coord = {x + 5, y, z} 34 theUfSession.Disp.DisplayTemporaryText(view_tag, which_views, text, text_coord, ref_point, color, 3, 1) 35 y -= 2 36 Next