Build System 和Test Framework overview总结

良好的自动化系统可以帮助Dev/Tester快速发现product/test code issue.


自动化测试executed by WTT by kickoff WTT workflow to run WTT job, which will call scripts we want to run the test.

我们有三套自动化测试 run daily & some other types to run on demand.

Daily automation:

  INT automation – including INT upgrade, INT automation test & INT E2E automation test

  Onebox automation – onebox automation test

  CAT automation – Content Acceptance Test

On demand automation:

  TiP – Test in Production

  Perf test – INT performance test

Automation not related with test:

  SME Auto-publish – publish new content in Main to SME daily


Build System Overview:

Test Framework Overview:




Test cases structure

v  Test projects:




Test cases:




v  Test cases structure


Introduction of Kaf engine

v  How kaf engine work

Kaf engine knows the current html/silverlight page in browser, it can get all the information or property of the controls in the page through load the control name/id.

So the most important is that we must define the structure of the target page. The structure including the page framework, layout element, some container controls and un-container controls. All the controls in the page we need define in our test source.

Usually, we define all the controls with a tree of which the root is the silverlight page.


v  Page definition



v  How to kick off

  1. On CMD window, navigate to Kaf bin folder (cd “C:\Program Files\KAF\bin”).
  2. Type: Latch.exe TestCaseDll [/matches: TestCaseNameRegex].

Example: Latch.exe "D:\Atlanta\Main.binaries.Debug\Tests\Microsoft.AttachedServices.Test.Features.Alert.Frontend.AlertFrontendTests.dll" /matches:MainPageTest_PermanentlinksVerification

posted @ 2013-11-22 11:03  Binyao  阅读(322)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报